It seems that not many people have expressed this opinion but for me I have some problems with David andrew's story. When I first listened to his interview I'd notice here and there some incoherences or discrepancies. Actually, I even listened to the show one or two more times right after to pinpoint what sounded weird to me or incoherent on my first listening but couldn't come with something really clear at that time since the show lasts about two hours. So recently I decided to listen again to the show while taking some notes so I could compare or go back to what was said previously and figure out what were those problems I'd felt. So here are a few points which cause me some problems with his testimony :
- At the beginning, he starts saying that his memories are conscious memories as if they happened yesterday and very unlike dreams. Actually we can see that all his memories (the ones with interactions with some beings) in fact happened after he had awoken from a previous sleeping period and usually end up awakening again after some "gap" with no recollection in between. At the end of the show he'd also admit that his experiences could be dreams which contradicts what he has stated at the beginning.
- in his first memory at the age of 4, he wakes up te see a grey's face at the end of his bed. He says that he is "scared to death", but nonetheless he'd stay in his bed staring at the being until the tiredness would make him fall asleep again. I have much difficulty here to believe this scenario. How can a young boy of 4 years old could calmly stay staring at a perfect stranger moreover non human, a few from him in his room and, while being scared to death fall asleep again as being too tired? The most probable or natural reaction for a very young boy in such a situation I believe, would be to jump out of the bed as soon as the being has disapperead and go straight to his parents'room to wake them up and tell them what had just happened though they may say that it was only a bad dream. And actually, this is a reaction I had already heard from people who had this kind of experience on other talkshows. I can say for myself that after I had a strange experience one night, I was feeling quite uneasy right after and couldn't fall asleep again and I quit my flat as soon as I could that morning (which may have made my boss happy to me see me that early that day
) although I was much older and it wasn't as weird as having some kind of extraterrestrial being right next to me!
- At the beginning of the show he says that he may have talked to his parents about his experiences but may have got the typical answer "this is just a bad dream". However, he later says that his father and his brother acknowledged having being tested by these white beings on their hability to fly with the belt device the same way it happened to him. He even says that their experiences have lasted longer than his (15 min instead of 5 min), so we can imagine that they have quite good recollections of these experiences. The point is that it doesn't fit with the fact that he pretends not having talked much about these experiences with his family (how could he come with such details if so) and that his parents wouldn't believe his stories when he would have spoke to them about it.
- He says he doesn't believe the people who recount numerous detailed experiences and that he have only a few ones like this. However he later states that he had encounter the blue beings only two times and that they're different from the white beings that have plagued most of his life. Here again, it seems he have a lot of other memories not so vague since he's at least able to distinguish between these two types of beings (and even give an approximate height for each of them).
- He says he has not been interested to ask these beings who they are, where do they come from and why they bother with him. Due to the extraordinary aspects of these experiences, I found this disinterest astounding. Here again, maybe it's my assumption , but I believe that upon living such incredible experiences everyone would be willing to understand about their origin and meaning, no?
- One last thing is the nature of his experiences. I really can't see the point of being taught to fly with a belt device or seeing trough eyes closed. It seems to me so down-to-earth or like pure human sci-fi compared to the strangeness of the context, I mean being visited by some kind of strange beings. This kind of things reminds me of false claims of contactees being taught some spiritual awakening by supernatural beings though here I can't see any spiritual matter in these experiences.
Since he said his father and brother had similar experiences, it can't be dreams (what would be the chance that 3 persons of the same family having the same strange dream), so I assume that there is basically two possibilities. Or he's totally sincere, and I my impressions are wrong or what he says are just stories. Another possibility would also be that he had some real expriences but had somehow invented other ones.
Having said this, I don't want to sound like I want to detract everything he has said or like a personnal attack (I do feel people are quite paranoid in the field of ufology), actually I had listened to him on other talkshows before and at the time felt he was a sincere and serious person but I must say that his interview on the paracast left me with mixed feelings. Like many, I'm just interested in the subject of ufos but really sick of those frauds who pollute the field for any bad reason and prevent the subject to be seriously considered. So maybe my doudts are unfunded but I really felt some discrepancies or incoherences with his testimony and felt compelled to express them.