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David Biedny Has Passed On

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Good day all. This morning, May 9th, I received a text msg. from my Facebook friend, David Emerson Boyer, that David Biedny passed on earlier this year. That surprised me quite a bit. I knew Biedny, first meeting him around 2006 when he co-hosted along with Gene Steinberg the Paracast. They interviewed me when I left active research in 2007.

Biedny was a legend in the Mac World. He was the “go to” Guru for Photo Shop. Adapted from “This Week In Photo.” TheFIX 028: Frequency Separation in Photoshop with David Biedny – This Week in Photo

David Biedny is a legend in the Photoshop and Macintosh industries. He was the primary author of the very first book ever written on Photoshop, “The Official Adobe Photoshop Handbook” (Bantam), and his “Photoshop Channel Chops” (New Riders) is a cult classic, the most collectible computer trade book of all time. David was also right there at the beginning of Apple. He got his first Mac on January 24th, 1984 and instantly became the go-to Mac troubleshooter for the first generation of Mac users in New York City. Since then, David has taught and lectured at the School of the Visual Arts, NYU, Stanford University, San Francisco State University, the Seybold Seminars, and was most recently a Lecturer in design at the Yale School of Drama, where he taught core digital media courses for drama students.

There was also the “UFO” side to Biedny. Escaping the Nazi’s from WW II Europe, his father ended up in Venezuela, married Biedny’s mother, and in 1974 Biedny and his half-brother had an amazing UFO sighting above the city of Caracas, Venezuela. I interviewed Biedny a number of times on Dark Matters Radio where Biedny also detailed a number of other events in his life with supernatural overtones. He was a very interesting and complex man and many will miss him. Since his death was not widely known, (by me anyway) I felt the need to acknowledge his passing. Go in Peace David, go in peace.
Very sad news indeed 😞 David as a host of Paracast also had few classic episodes where he talked about cases he personally witnessed. As Don noted, the most prominent episode is unambiguous Caracas 1974 sighting and his brother Barry was also in that show. I initiated with journalist from Caracas to locate pressclippings on that case and he subsequently achieved it in 2013 which led to an interview with David on Don’s show Dark Matters. Here is my short report back then.

The case became shortly prominent back then due to pressclipping discovery, and David’s credibility was also automatically attacked by several parties (although those people didn’t know much about context and David’s background).

David also had a sighting with his family in 1973 in Somerset. He also had a prominent paranormal experience and one credible sighting of “apparition”.

I was impressed with David cases and even devoted one big article to his cases in Croatian magazine. Sad news indeed :(
The premiere episode of The Paracast is reposted, and is available as a Current episode from this forum, our site and our regular podcast feeds.

Sad to say, all of those who joined me on the February 28, 2006 are no longer with us. Jim Moseley was one of my closest friends, and Brad Steiger actually named the show. He advised that we use The Paracast, and we listened.
Good day all. This morning, May 9th, I received a text msg. from my Facebook friend, David Emerson
Boyer, that David Biedny passed on earlier this year. That surprised me quite a bit. I knew Biedny, first meeting him around 2006 when he co-hosted along with Gene Steinberg the Paracast. They interviewed me when I left active research in 2007.

Biedny was a legend in the Mac World. He was the “go to” Guru for Photo Shop. Taken from “This Week In Photo.” TheFIX 028: Frequency Separation in Photoshop with David Biedny – This Week in Photo

” David Biedny is a legend in the Photoshop and Macintosh industries. He was the primary author of the very first book ever written on Photoshop, “The Official Adobe Photoshop Handbook” (Bantam), and his “Photoshop Channel Chops” (New Riders) is a cult classic, the most collectible computer trade book of all time. David was also right there at the beginning of Apple. He got his first Mac on January 24th, 1984 and instantly became the go-to Mac troubleshooter for the first generation of Mac users in New York City. Since then, David has taught and lectured at the School of the Visual Arts, NYU, Stanford University, San Francisco State University, the Seybold Seminars, and was most recently a Lecturer in design at the Yale School of Drama, where he taught core digital media courses for drama students.

There was also the “UFO” side to Biedny. Escaping the Nazi’s from WW II Europe, his father ended up in Venezuela, married Biedny’s mother, and in 1974 Biedny and his half-brother had an amazing UFO sighting above the city of Caracas, Venezuela. I interviewed Biedny a number of times on Dark Matters Radio where Biedny also detailed a number of other events in his life with supernatural overtones. He was a very interesting and complex man and many will miss him. Since his death was not widely known, (by me anyway) I felt the need to acknowledge his passing. Go in Peace David, go in peace.
Thanks for letting us know Don
Good morning Paracasters. After my posting yesterday (May 9th) on Facebook about David Biedny's passing, a friend of mine who was also a friend of Biedny called Biedny's brother. From what this man told me, David's brother told him that David had been in ill health for some time. A friend of Davids who lived in Florida had died and David had taken it very hard. Biedny had withdrawn from social media and it sounds like he withdrew from most everything. According to Biedny's brother he passed in his sleep on January 29th, 2024. I found almost no mention of it anywhere. At anyrate, that is everything I know. I just thought I would update you all.

David Biedny worked with me to establish The Paracast in 2006. As with others who knew him well, our relationship was sometimes contentious. But he called me twice last year, and he was very much his old wacky self.

I miss him.

And The Paracast would not be what it is today without him.
So incredibly sad to hear David has passed on. Those early episodes were so fantastic and he contributed so much in the way of healthy scepticism, deeply intelligent discourse and his own eerie paranormal experiences. That full body apparition he witnessed with his friend in Florida and the Caracas sighting are phenomenal. I was so glad to see that he was finally vindicated for the latter upon discovery of the newspaper clippings. Easily one of the most compelling mass sightings that hardly anybody knows about.

You two certainly had your ups and downs but I’m glad to hear that you managed to speak to one another after all that time. How was he going? Do you feel that you managed to bury the hatchet, so to speak?
He seemed very manic on those two conversations and I barely recognized him. But he definitely seemed friendly, so, yes, I considered the hatchet buried.
I am so very sorry to hear this. I started listening to The Paracast when he was cohost and many of those early episodes and many of his perspectives/stories were very inspiring to me and were a big part of my foundation of comprehending this stuff as I was quite young at the time. Outside of all of his amazing perspectives on various phenomenon, I always enjoyed his stories about working in the digital art field and some of his connections with the filmmaking world. Truly a loss.
I am so very sorry to hear this. I started listening to The Paracast when he was cohost and many of those early episodes and many of his perspectives/stories were very inspiring to me and were a big part of my foundation of comprehending this stuff as I was quite young at the time. Outside of all of his amazing perspectives on various phenomenon, I always enjoyed his stories about working in the digital art field and some of his connections with the filmmaking world. Truly a loss.
A huge loss indeed. He called a spade a spade and was always trying to make sense of his experiences and the broader picture with the podcast. Sadly I don’t think he came any closer - if anything he was further dismayed by the whole circus. For what it’s worth, it was always enjoyable witnessing the charlatans come undone in those early episodes.
He seemed very manic on those two conversations and I barely recognized him. But he definitely seemed friendly, so, yes, I considered the hatchet buried.
Care to elaborate of those conversations Gene, if they weren’t too personal? Would be nice to get a window into how he was getting along at that time..
HIs voice was rough, barely recognizable. He went on randomly from subject to subject, and there was no way to focus on an extended conversation. But it was him and I was glad he reached out at least.