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David M. Rountree-December 15, 2013

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Let me take you back to my earlier point. Can you predict global weather patterns using just the very valid readings taken from just your garden? Something which current climate models cannot do with global readings....
There's a thread about climate change (which I try to stay out of to avoid the aggravation), but just to put it in brief, in case you misinterpret my silence as agreement:

We know the equations and we know that adding extra energy to a closed system changes its energy-balances. We change those balances when we continuosly add stored energy (fossil deposits buried underground) into the atmosphere.
On top of that, to support our expectations with solid data, we can measure CO2 content in ice core drillings, and correlate historical atmospheric CO2 levels and historical temperatures, so we are not just making measurements in the blind.
I liked Mr. Rountree. One of the valuable points he brought up was the real, physical danger that is possible when we encounter "paranormal" activity, which is just physics we don't yet understand. People have been harmed by close encounters with UFOs and, in some cases, the trace materials expelled from UFOs. Ted Phillips' Delphos, Kansas, case is a famous one. The wife of the property owner was harmed when she touched the ring of "white powder" and suffered numbness the rest of her life.
Quite the slam on the Pennsylvania Rain Boy...my recollection of that case from an old book is that there were several witnesses to the boy's phenonmenon at different points of the case. Witnessess included a warden, sheriff's deputies, and prison jailers...am I not remembering that correctly?
Other than that, I did enjoy the interview and thought Rountree's theory of wormhole passage was interesting (I don't pretend to be a physicist, however).
Roundtree's use of the word "energy" when he said, "What if the adjacent universe was "energy based" rather than "matter based" like our universe." totally lost me. The cheese slipped off the cracker and fell in the dog's water bowl at that point. Sounds like he is operating from a science fiction/pseudo-scientific notion of "energy."
It was a interesting show Gene and Chris. I do find animals do sense some other scope of perception compared to humans? what ever it is who knows. Furthermore, it is important to be able to show your academic achievement's if your going public with books in the non-fiction. However, lets remember science is political as other forms of enquiry of study. The topic of paranormal ? even that's a load word and gives off a ridicule element. Enjoyed his comments on human interaction with the unkown /force/ paranormal and as mentioned by great researchers like John Keel the effects on humans. Also wonder if Mr Roundtree had found any correlation of the so called interaction of electronic fields similar to the late Paul R Hill study of UFOs and his book ' Unconventional Flying Objects : a scientific analysis' (1995)
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I thought Rountree's assertions were a step up.

I can't speak to the higher physics involved or to Rountree's credentials. But he seemed technically pretty well grounded, at least in terms of controlling electromagnetic variables related to the phenomena he purports to study. He was specific about types of radiation being measured. He obviously knows energies along the electromagnetic spectrum are connected but behave differently. His point about the relative dangers of gamma vs microwave energy was a good one. Hey--At least he didn't unequivocally equate hypothetical spiritual energy with everything on the known spectrum ! At least I don't think so.

So is physical energy manipulated by sentience really coming through Einstein-Rosen bridges and into our living rooms? Who knows. Paint me skeptical about bursts of gamma stuff especially. But this is at least a measurable parameter. Such hard data, if he really has it, would be big news.
..Paint me skeptical about bursts of gamma stuff especially. But this is at least a measurable parameter. Such hard data, if he really has it, would be big news.

That's why one of my questions was whether these strange effects/incidents were known in scientific/engineering literature? Because if it's real, it must have been seen by others, incidentally, and then he could take things much further, in a scientific sense. Because then we would have data that science couldn't explain, and that's interesting. His only comment to my question was that my question was strange!?
When he didn't immediatly pick up on that question, I thought he was either a faker, or simply doesn't seem to know what he actually measures, theoretically.
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Because then we would have data that science couldn't explain, and that's interesting.

Good point. Of course, one could argue that the controlling sentience is playing hide and seek with the whole scenario. But then we are back to evidence that is strictly anecdotal.
I appreciate the questions and concerns. We brought on Rountree because Fusco said he worked with him, and we wanted the rest of the story. Again, we leave the forums open for you to ask questions ahead of a guest's appearance, to help us do further research. Where were you then?

And there's something to be said for someone sinking themselves if they say something that may not be true. I think you all know I wasn't convinced that unusual numbers of paranormal researchers are dying because of alleged background gamma radiation, and certainly not Lloyd Pye. Did he become infected by that Starchild skull?

I am just a schmuck who listens because I like the show. I find it interesting and engaging - however to me it is still a form of entertainment. Please, I honestly do not intend this as a slight to anyone. I appreciate the fact that you allow a guest to express their views – which I then take and form my own opinions. I have no need to proselytize anyone about anything.

It’s a matter of presentation. My opinion is that Mr.Rountree spoke fairly well and made a decent presentation and that Mr.Fusco did not, regardless of the science behind their positions. An effective communicator can spew gibberish and gain a loyal following, a poor one can speak the unadulterated Truth and be ignored. This is as true in this forum as any other.

My point is that you and Chris have your filters set at the right amount of granularity. It’s up to your guests to make their case. Also in my opinion – those looking for credibility in their chosen field ought to consider the weight that full disclosure can add to their statements.
...we need to show a little flex, you can't have a dynamite guest every time on a weekly podcast.

Well said. The name of this show is after all "The PARAcast". Meaning, it's a podcast that explores highly speculative and far-out ideas. Duh. It's up to the listener to use discernment. They present, you decide.

If people want Academy-approved scientific orthodoxy, there are literally thousands of those podcasts freely available, and they can quit wasting time here.
So lets look at a bit of what most people think of as hard core science, the big bang theory.


How dare you question current scientific orthodoxy!

I hereby sentence you to watch all seven seasons of The Big Bang Theory so you can learn how to ridicule unbelievers with the proper amounts of condescension and hatred.

You're the one who seems to be hateful in your post, dude. If you feel the Big Bang theory is wrong, why don't you explain why, instead?

PS: Another thing, and I've said it before - for your own sake, use another avatar. It's sickening to look at, and here's why: One can't avoid wondering if you actually admire him. Personally, I don't feel like using a mass-murderer as an avatar, but if I did, I'd not choose one which others might misinterpret as implied admiration.
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23 Madonna Drive St Albert Alberta..on a hot sunny Sept afternoon..I was alone in the house when I looked up to see a perfectly formed head and shoulders and torso of a blond haired man in a red shirt. The body stopped at the waist..and there were no legs
I stood up and followed the apparition as it moved down stairs as if it was walking on unseen legs..and then moved through the front doors. I had to open the two doors..storm and front door..and watched as this half body floated on unseen legs in the bright sunlight down the path to the garage in the back yard..It got to the garage door...and went through it and vanished.
I had no key for the garage...but I was tall enough to look in to the window..there was nothing there.
My friend John the homeowner was an over the road trucker..and by coincidence came home later that night..and I said hey John you'll never guess what happened...He listened, to what I described and then he said...that was my last roomate he hung himself in the garage a month ago.....Well....lets just say I did not stay with John for too long after that. I never felt any menace from what I saw..and there was no feeling of evil in the home...I just couldn't stay there knowing...that this thing could come back..
So if you get to St Albert Alberta someday...or have Google earth..I guarantee you..that house or the garage anyway is haunted
Great Show....guys..
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HxWTx :eek: So.... any signs of radiation poisoning? Uh no, let me rephrase that, I actually don't want to joke about this. I mean, besides the probable shock and awe you were in, were you able to notice any physical sensations like pressure on the eardrums, coldness, anything? If there was gamma radiation, I guess you might have had signs of sickness later on? Was this a once-in-a lifetime experience or does stuff like that happen to you more often? Were you able to look at a photograph of the former roommate and identify him?

Oh yes, and great show indeed. Very interesting. I don't think Gene was too soft on Mr Rountree. He actually represented the sceptical side very convincingly. Thanks for asking my question, Chris.
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I agree with Polterwurst. Great show, Gene and Chris. Thank you for all you do.

And thank you to the other posters here for a fantastic debate. I tend to "like" any argument that is well-stated and fairly played; it's less about taking sides on a viewpoint and more about appreciating the views themselves. I learn a lot here.

I do have a few thoughts to share on the subject of credentials, however. The world of academia is filled with pitfalls, egotism, a need to be at the top of a subject area, and is extremely intolerant of anyone who challenges the status quo -- for any reason, in any way. Because it is either regulated by student opinion and/or peer review, it is extremely easy for someone to be bullied out of their field, discredited, disregarded, and unemployed. It's amazingly easy to do.

I would imagine that if Mr. Rountree is pursuing a Ph.D. (and I also believe that he is, based on what I heard on the show and after google searching him), he would do his utmost not to create waves and to stay on the good side of the academic team mentoring and reviewing his work. The Ph.D. pursuit is one of the hardest parts (aside from the tenure battle) and often feels more like a ritualized hazing process than an educational one. I don't blame him for wanting to avoid trouble there.

I was also interested in his work with mediums. Nobody's mentioned much about that here yet. He said something specific (that now escapes me) about the way he is able to measure the "waves" that the medium is "translating"; when the medium is giving details about something, they can see that it's real to know whether or not they are faking it. I want to know more about what he's measuring and the work he's done in that area.

I agree with Gene and Chris about Amy Allen -- I am also convinced she's completely legit. She doesn't edit things or try to make them seem more 'likely' -- she just presents what she gets. I'd be interested to hear more about his theory about mediums and fibromyalgia diagnosis, too. Very interesting.
I can't speak to the higher physics involved or to Rountree's credentials. But he seemed technically pretty well grounded, at least in terms of controlling electromagnetic variables

That's the part I liked. I enjoyed his descriptions of the technical aspects of phenomena measurement. We need more of this. He seemed to do that really well. I learned a lot.

Then he began what I call "pulling a Haramein". This is where you start peppering your presentation with quantum physics lingo to give your work the veneer of trendy scientifical credibility. When you hear Saint Hawking get tossed in, ...full stop, red flags flying.