Jose Collado said:
Whoa...touchy feely? As apposed to what exactly?
You found it funny. Great. Others didn't. Time to wake up to the fact you're part of a global population. It's a big world we live in...apparently.
Never thought I would ever be called "touchy feely". Blimey. I have a sense of humour as dark as pitch. I can see humour in death, famine, and disease, infirmity, pestilience ... the list goes on and on.
I see bucket fulls of irony where other people see zip, zilch, nil, nada, zero.
I'm so un-PC I'll say that Apple Macintoshes are a pile of crap (which they are my friends

), and that I prefer Windows over Linux any day of the week.
But ... I have over the last few years (well since 9/11 actually) been more aware of the way that people have been bashing arabs and getting away with it. Its apparently ok to take the pi55 (thats for ZX81 users) out of arabs, and make them out to be stupid, or extremist, or greasy or criminal in some way. Its becoming the new anti-semitism in my opinion ... and we're talking kosher (if I'm allowed to use that terminology) anti-semitism ... not anti-zionism or anti-israeli-ism ... I hear the groans from here all the way down here at the bottom of the world, from people with closed eyes and ears.
Do you remember all those terrible Chuck Norris films from the 80s?? Who were the baddies? ... Arabs (remember them trying to take over the world in the 70s and 80s by hijacking planes and thats about it really ...).
Now that the Soviet Union has collapsed we again need a new set of swarthy baddies to get scared of ... and if it ain't those pesky ay-rabs again. My god with their nuclear powered towels on their heads they could take over the world. Interesting though how that Iran has not invaded a country for over a thousand years.
The same can not be said of the US or Israel or the UK or Germany or ... any of those civilised countries of course.
Oh and remember who "invented" mathematics and astronomy??? Nooo ... Catholics??? Nooo ... Jews??? ... No guess again ... Americans???? Noooo ... the Brits ... Nope ... not the French or the Germans or the Protestants ... its was the ... my god ... peoples of the Arabic persuasion.
Mike ... I've got no argument with you about this, and I think that this has not turned out how you thought it would somehow

. Sometimes things snowball for no apparent reason. Humans are an odd bunch, and you can never predict things when you throw them in the mix. I do have though a bone to pick with those who think that un-PC also equals overt racism ... and thats what I think that guys act leans more towards.
Jose ... I think we may be of a similar mind ... although I was brought up in pretty Middle Class British circumstances. However, I've always tried to fight against hypocrisy, inconsistent thinking, platitudes and shabby thinking masking itself as "un-PC". I loathe PC thinking as it restricts thinking, and somehow seems a way of plastering over cracks without getting to the heart of a problem i.e whats causing the cracks in the first place.
Anyway, I'm going to go now and have a little lie down and rest my touchy feely self and then when I've rested start work again on my selective neutron bomb

... I think it may be needed more than ever at the moment
schtick ... who lightened up once ... and then decided that life was too short to be stupid all the time.