With respect, I don't think you understand what socialism is. Healthcare 'free at the point of delivery', is a totally separate topic.
Socialism Definition | Definition of Socialism at Dictionary.com
Um... Do you really think I have no idea what Socialism, or Communism is?
Taking the wealth of those who are producers, and giving it to those who do not produce, is socialism. It's also Communism. So, which are you, a Socialist, or a Communist? Own up to your label, because if you endorse either or, you're the people who I rail against. Tyranny comes in many forms. Socialism is what the Nazis practiced. Are you Nazis?
More importantly, Democracy is Mob Rule. In America we're a representational Republic, NOT a fucking democracy. A Democracy is rule by the lowest common denominator. Meaning the least educated morons who want desperately to be coddled from cradle to grave. They walk through life with no ambition to take care of their own needs, and are a parasitic body that thrives on those who actually produce. Just because you're the majority, does NOT make you right. It certainly isn't justice to steal from those who work hard for what they earn so that it can be given to Goldman And Sachs, or Big Pharma.
Now, This nonsense of Free Health Care at the point of Delivery is an outright lie. It costs me, it costs everyone money whether it be taxes, insurance premiums, or in my case straight cash out of pocket. There IS NO FREE HEALTH CARE. It's Not A HUMAN RIGHT. If you have the right to steal money from my wallet, then I have the right to walk up to you, and knock the dogshit out of you, sending you to the hospital so I can feel like I am getting my money's worth.
The people who think that we are all entitled to Free this and Free that, are the people who more often than not are lazy, stupid, uneducated, or willing to be slaves on someone else's plantation. Sorry, but I wasn't born to be ANYONE'S slave. If you want to wear your chains, fine. Don't even think about putting chains around my neck. My ancestors fought a revolution against that sort of crap. We also fought in the Civil War so that people could be free, and yet we have people now wanting to be slaves. How funny is that?
Because that's what we're really talking about here. We're not talking about free health care, we're talking about forcing people like me and others who actually produce, to pay for those who are unwilling to pay their own way. That's called Slavery.
This other nonsense about how so many Americans go to Canada for health care is funny, because in comparison over a million Canadians come here every year for health care, not to mention all of those people from the various other countries come here for it as well.
Keep believing your Socialist Lies. May your chains weigh lightly on you and the clanking not keep you awake at night. Pathetic...