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Debunk this orb!

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I took some time to read up on the Black Forest Haunting and I have to say it's a pretty disappointing story. For what is supposedly one of the best documented hauntings of all time there is certainly a limited amount of content to be had.

Reasons why i think that this event does not pass the smell test:

1. there is only one black and one video online to look at regarding this haunting and no other video at all despite claims of hundreds of videos.
2. the handful of photos that are posted regarding this event are all double exposure images and this is evident in the faded images that appear along side orbs and light, despite claims of thousands of photos.
3. most of the still orbs all look like dust specks - we all know how that goes.
4. the person supposedly currently selling the house on behalf of the Lee's is a professional video producer and editor. she is packaging the recent video pieces on the house and are geared towards selling the cabin.
5. the written material regarding investigations, commentary and discussion around the events adds up to about the same 500-1000 words in every entry - each describing it as the biggest haunting in America and yet there is little if any material, including limited discussion around the senator - no interviews, books etc. just the same few sentences.
6. the amount of money supposedly spent on video surveillance ranges from $30-70,000 - yet no output?
7. to buy the house you have to apply and pay $75 just to complete an application - it is a private sale that seems to be about bilking interested folk. why not just sell this log cabin palace and make real money right away instead of trying to Skinwalker it as a paranormal research facility?
8. the only video with material from the cabin looks IMHO like it was also a double exposure production and not a very complicated one as outlined previously above.
9. the distinct lack of comprehensive evidence and repetition of materials, not to mention the broken telephone internet material about it all smacks of internet mythology as opposed to anything significantly paranormal.
10. whenever someone starts saying that the gov't is out to get them and is purposely pretending to haunt them you have to question that person's well being and general intentions.

my conclusion is that it was some really interesting Ted Phillip's like reporting: lots of conviction but with little material to show for all the talk. there is no real concrete research completed at all - at least none that can be found online - so, basically, it's an internet myth supported by mid 90's hoaxed photos and a single video clip.

If anyone can site other material to support this story i would be interested in seeing it but there really is very limited repetition of content and nothing more.
7. to buy the house you have to apply and pay $75 just to complete an application - it is a private sale that seems to be about bilking interested folk. why not just sell this log cabin palace and make real money right away instead of trying to Skinwalker it as a paranormal research facility?
Ok, there we go. The money scheme..

Thanks so much for the rundown, info on the other hoaxes images, double exposed photos etc.

RL, I thought you knew this case well, no? All the stuff I hadn't seen etc which made you so sure? What's your comment on the above info? Do you still believe the family's woo-woo stories about flying dead dogs etc?
I can't wait to see if the faithful still think we need to look at 'the complete case', the complete bucketload of crap.

Just FYI, it's comments like this that make you come across as condescending and aggressive. Seeing as I was the one who mentioned taking a well-rounded approach, I assume I am among the "faithful". I felt that my responses were pretty well thought out and not purely "blind faith". I considered simply not engaging you in conversation after seeing how you treated others, but I value different opinions so I felt compelled to continue discussing the situation to see if another perspective might have helped further our collective understanding of what really happened in this case. The kind of information that BurntState provided is the same as what I was referring to (background info that DOES make a difference). You didn't have that information and neither did I, so lets keep the smack talk to a minimum shall we?
Ok, there we go. The money scheme..

Thanks so much for the rundown, info on the other hoaxes images, double exposed photos etc.

RL, I thought you knew this case well, no? All the stuff I hadn't seen etc which made you so sure? What's your comment on the above info? Do you still believe the family's woo-woo stories about flying dead dogs etc?

You really need to read and make major edits to your comments before you post them. This is not the first time I have seen you post really aggressive things then change them. I understand making edits, I do it too, but you might want to take a deep breath and read before you hit enter since some of us ARE seeing what you are posting before you change it. And it doesn't help the situation any.

And again, can you please leave RL alone? Comments like...
RL, I thought you knew this case well, no?
...sound like you are calling her out and that's not conducive to good discussion. It is a good way to start a fight and I think you have provoked her enough. Put your thoughts out there and let her respond if she feels she wants to.
Grifynne, give me a break, why don't you direct some of that righteous indignation at RL? You seem pretty biased against me, did you see what RL wrote? The insinuations, putting words in my mouth etc? And you think that calling crap a 'bucketload of crap' is aggressive? I'm sorry I edited it out, realizing that I would be chastized, but for the record, yes, I honestly feel it's a 'bucketload of crap' which was already shown on p.2 in this thread. The remaining pages are just bickering.

Please realize I showed the evidence already on p. 2. Isn't that a factor when judging my subsequent comments? Maybe you should get more angry with the denial of the evidence?
Grifynne, give me a break, why don't you direct some of that righteous indignation at RL? You seem pretty biased against me, did you see what RL wrote? The insinuations, putting words in my mouth etc? And you think that calling crap a 'bucketload of crap' is aggressive? I'm sorry I edited it out, realizing that I would be chastized, but for the record, yes, I honestly feel it's a 'bucketload of crap' which was already shown on p.2 in this thread. The remaining pages are just bickering.

Please realize I showed the evidence already on p. 2. Isn't that a factor when judging my subsequent comments? Maybe you should get more angry with the denial of the evidence?

So are you just doing that on purpose now? You did it again. Here's the original message:

Grifynne, give me a flippin' break, why don't you direct some of that at RL?

Don't you understand I had the evidence already on p. 2 but that RL and Polter hates me for it?

You really need to wake up and smell the coffee here, I'm done responding to this bs., really, really done Grifynne.

I would call your original response more aggressive. At least you said please in the edit, I suppose. I'm not really sure how I am putting words in your mouth when I am directly quoting your words (literally copy and pasted them).

I wasn't bias against you, I just felt that you were being very aggressive towards people who don't agree. It's fine to disagree, but you don't need to hone in one one or two people and speak condescendingly.

I believe I have said my peace about the case at this point. My only concern now is how you are nurturing a hostile environment that is only going to discourage others from contributing (and possibly from participating in discussions you join in the future). Which is a shame because at times you were contributing to the original topic. Anyway, for the sake of everyone else on this thread, I will stop responding to this anger riddled mess so we can stay on track or move on to other more meaningful discussions.
It's because I post in a hurry, in an irritated mood. Then regret the wording, the degree of flame material. I knew you'd pick on it now, I posted very quickly, in a very irritated mood. I will do my best to avoid it in the future, but you really are getting on my case, aren't you?

Look, where did this start, and why did I get that annoyed? After I felt RL avoiding the importance of the evidence, I asked, and please note, there were no foul words till then, at all:
"I meant, are you not sure it's a brush? You have not stated if you think it's a brush, you have just stated you don't know what to think ;)
So, do you see a brush, or not? :)"

Pretty innocent, I think. She hadn't answered it directly till then, see? Mind you, I felt she was skirting the evidence, and not least the importance of it (the same with polter). I tried to ask her the nicest way I could, while still holding her to the evidence.

Here's how she replied:
"I normally don't bother with trolls, but I'll clarify and simplify my statement even more for the good of the thread.
1. I agree that I think it looks like a brush."


But ok, she thinks it looks like a brush. Why didn't she just say "I agree that it looks like a brush" to begin with? Mind you, from there it devolved.

Please understand Grifynne, I really don't think I was the biggest 'troll' involved, honestly.

-I added the bold to highlight the beef
I think that when there are flying dogs and paranoid gov't experiments taking place at the same time there is also the distinct possibility that delusions are at work. Sometimes, there is that history about places being portals, Keel's 'windows' or places where the walls between worlds are thin. I can see that in such places there might very well be magnetic/electrical fields at work that allow for multiple witness reporting of visual imagery because everyone in that location is hallucinating in their own way.

I haven't found a power cable for these old vhs cameras to experiment with - perhaps this weekend. I would like to try to replicate those videos.