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Dec 28th Episode:- Who is the Victim?

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When Jamie's expert called MUFON he said the pics were real and only appeared fake because the Aliens have to ability to change time stamps and will make a picture appear to be pasted into another shot.

So who has the real pics? Who has the fake ones? And expert dude can confirm that Aliens alter time? :confused:

i dunno... :cool:
So who has the real pics? Who has the fake ones? And expert dude can confirm that Aliens alter time? :confused:

i dunno... :cool:

There are no real ones.

This is the guy in Mexico and his pictures. The Discovery Channel followed MUFON around in Mexico and this was one of the cases. MUFON debunked them, Jaime's image expert said all the crazy Alien stuff after Jaime said he wanted a second opinion.

Sorry I looked everywhere and this was all I could find. But this is the kid talking with Jaime. Sorry for the confusion.
Ya Jaime seems to have good intentions, but the guy will buy ANYTHING! I often sit back on my cheap little sofa, read many many threads on the internet, watch ufo video after ufo video, and wonder how people buy into the shit they do. Now i've seen convincing videos, but i consider myself a skeptical believer, which is the only angle you can take the ufo subject seriously on i reckon! But Jaime will believe a anything and call it a spaceship. Tim Good on the other hand, i think he is a good researchers, him and lord hill norton debunked good old Bob 'The Fraud' O' Dean (thank god) in an official manner, I just think Tim draws some pretty radical conclusions with circumstantial evidence, much the the same way as Stanton Friedman, but to a much further extreme.
Jaime Maussan appears all too ready and willing to support (and amplify if necessary) any sensational story (he's effectively become a purveyor of Signs and Wonders), whereas I have never heard anything from Timothy Good that caused me to doubt his integrity or interest in getting to the truth - I do think however that he tends to confuse "likable and charming" with "credible", which seems to give him a blind spot where some of the contactee types are concerned (a few times while reading "Alien Base" I found myself thinking "What????", and I don't mean in a good way).