I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and agree with quite a bit of Jerome's analysis of the nature of UFOs. However I would not be so bold as to assert the statement that some Rader/ Visual cases must be extrateristial in origin. Human perception and memory ,even within the best cases, would not allow me draw that conclusion. Like Robert Anton Wilson I would rather assign a probability that this would be the case. Certainly some cases do suggest a reasonably high probability, but surely not 100%.
I have some sympathy on his comment on Roswell, from being a 'believer' during the 80's I have come to the conclusion that there is little in this event. I especially thought Jerome's comment that a completely unrelated 'truth' that neither sides of the debate have thought of, lies have considered is at the heart of this 'mystery' . However I feel it is probably a much more mundane origin. I am reminded of a R.A.W book, I forgot which, were he suggests that that the inconsistency of the Kennedy assassination were caused by every governmental department trying to distance themselves from Oswald(be they KGB,CIA or Mafia), and that the lone 'nut' theory does actually make sense in that paranoid climate, something I had never even thought about, so convinced I was that there was a 'conspiracy'
As for the relative truthfulness of key witness to the Roswell event, then I have nothing better to go on than the assertion of the truthfulness by others, having had no contact with for instance Jesse Marcel Jr, although I would have to say that he sounds genuine in his belief.
However, we should not forgot experiment within psychology going back to the early seventies by the likes of Loftus and Palmer, to show how fallible the human memory system is. A cursory glance at any book on cognitive psychology will show a wealth of studies that point to memory far from being like a 'hard drive' is much more fluid and subject to revision, and can easily be changed by suggestion and expectation.
From a particularly crass example form my own history, I'm the youngest child of four. My elder sibling managed to convince me at a early age, that I saw Santa Claus passing in front of the moon one night. The strange thing is, I still have a clear memory of this obviously false memory, that I cant distinguish from other 'real' memories I have of the time.
I therefore would have to er on caution in making any absolute claims on the authenticity of this event (though I personally feel that nothing extraterristial is involved) ( That's Roswell not Santa Claus by the way)