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Deconstructing the LAX False Flag

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I thought this story provided a good example of overreach when it comes to prosecution. The point being that despite the fact the government may be getting more pragmatic and relaxed about some things it may still go a little over the top in other instances.

Absolutely, but I can't see that being good evidence of some kind of over arching conspiracy, the government can and often does go over the top, that's why we have checks and balances to sort these things out. Kind of like the suspension of Habeas Corpus that Charlie alluded to earlier that was actually challenged and overturned in 2004. In 2006 we tried to apply the suspension of Habeas Corpus to any alien that was determined to be an "unlawful enemy combantant engaged in hostilities or having supported hostilities against the United States" However, that was also overturned in 2009, so it's not as sinister as the conspiracy theorists make it out to be, as usual. In fact, as of May 16, 2012 a United States District Judge issued an injunction which prevents the US government from enforcing the indefinite detention clause of the NDAA. I guess she didn't get the memo from the elites?
In an age of terrorism alive in the west in an unprecedented manner it may not be agreeable, but it is a necessary evil that the state becomes more police like. And America sure does love incarcerating people, but that seems to be more about its history of punishing those who do not uphold narrow morals, and it has a lot to do with race and a history of racism.

I agree that there have always been kings controlling us serfs and smurfs, but it does look a little scary when you throw technology into the mix. Soon we will live in an age where privacy will be mostly non-existent and of course the state will take advantage of those new knowledge powers as they always have. The middle class is starting to dwindle and that's not progress - it's regression. Unless we decide to tax more and redistribute wealth to minimize crime, increase education and promote health then Charlie's fears have a little more weight to them when we start talking about how global elites do encourage people to give up their freedoms to love capitalist, consumer, cancerous slavery instead.

So that's not really the conspiracy, as the rich have always treated the planet like a game of Risk. For me, the real conspiracy is the new propagada, how the elites have convinced average citizens to reject things that are good for them like voting and health care, and to embrace their servitude and anger. That's called keeping the fools busy while dancing on the stage of god. You may feel important while spouting rage and gibberish, pretending like Rome isn't burning at all, but that's your expected role.

What - all that smoke, oh that's normal; the glaciers do this all the time - it's like childhood cancers increasing. These things come in cycles dontchaknow?!
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For me, the real conspiracy is the new propagada, how the elites have convinced average citizens to reject things that are good for them like voting and health care, and to embrace their servitude and anger. That's called keeping the fools busy while dancing on the stage of god. You may feel important while spouting rage and gibberish, pretending like Rome isn't burning at all, but that's your expected role.

Voting is a joke when there's no real choice and the credibility of the vote is dubious at best. If anything the powers that be seem to encourage voting and participation in the system that has served them so well. And rejecting healthcare - are you referring to Obamacare? Do you somehow still think he's not a bad guy? (More like his sponsors are bad guys really). Other than Jamie Foxx, Russell Simmons, and Kanye not many people are still under this guy's spell.

Politicians casting spells works mainly in countries with slack communication media and weak journalist independence. In the west you basically have two choices and neither will be a savior, ever - that's just mythological propaganda. So if I was in America voting for the lesser of two evils I'm going with the more reasonable option who at least is offering a health care plan that is putting footsteps in the direction if raising the standard if living for classes not in the 1% bracket. All propaganda against this rational concept just goes to proving my previous points. Politicians count on the usual less than 50% voter turnout and factor this into their campaign strategies. Getting the masses out to vote would actually alter the political landscape and could even cause the possibility of a third option to manifest.
The NEW thing is that any citizen can now be denied trial and detained indefinitely at the government's whim merely by declaring the case "a matter of national security".

The Civil War and WWII are examples of how these aren't new issues.

You didn't address how wealth is growing ever more concentrated in the hands of a few.
More people in the world than ever. The ratio of the uber-wealthy to the destitute will always favor the latter in numbers. This is raw math.
You didn't address how governments now extract trillions of dollars every year from working people and handing it banksters.
It extracts disproportionately more from the successful, not the Joe Average blue-collar cat, despite your insinuations. Modern big government tends to punish success.
You didn't address the massive government surveillance and data collection program that did not used to exist.
That's because the cellular and web-based information never existed either. Most digital traffic is throwaway garbage anyway.
You didn't address the recent militarization of police and the record-breaking U.S. prison population.
Illegal immigration and the left's fomenting of disaffectation causing violence to occur helps. That's not new either, just increased.
You didn't address how independent businesses in your community were replaced with corporate franchises.
E-commerce. Larger businesses use it as a branch of operation, whereas small businesses that rely on the interpersonal aspect that e-commerce cannot provide is deemed increasingly irrelevant -- right or wrong.

Listen, I'm the last guy that supports big government. Let's just make sure we're looking in the right direction, such as focusing on appellate courts dominated by radicals and the Supreme Court ultimately deciding our Constitution.