Hmm, you went and quoted something I wrote a long time ago so I don't even remember specifically what I was commenting on.
I quoted you from page 4, how long ago is that.
Also the reason for avoiding urban over-flight is noise, and also the danger of mechanical failure, but mainly the noise pollution, but ofcourse that goes against your silent jet assertion.
But anyway, radar evidence of what? There isn't radar evidence for jets or alien spacecraft or anything else because nobody bothered filing requests until after that kind of evidence would have been routinely erased. Christopher O'Brien, however, recently said that he is in contact with someone that does have radar recordings for events that night. Interested to see what, if anything, happens with that.
No radar because no-one bothered to ask, another bare assertion to add to the many you have already spoken in this thread already.
Then in the same paragraph, someone actually does have radar data you say.
This was a big event right from the getgo, it is absurd f you to say no-one made foia requests for radar data, absolutely absurd.
As far as "failing with my thread title" goes it isn't my documentary or discovery in the first place. That documentary had this thing nailed a long time ago. Additionally, I've now located articles over a decade old that were saying the same things I am now.
But I had been totally unaware of those arguments because UFO proponents went and issued an unofficial blackout on the Terry Proctor video. They don't bother trying to argue against it (I looked and didn't find anything), they just ignore it completely, act as though it doesn't exist. The clip may not have destroyed this case as a mysterious event for you but it certainty did for me. And the way the video has been swept under the rug by the UFO community speaks volumes.
Your thread title is a fail, you nor anyone else as far as i can see has destroyed anything.
Who are "they" please, or are these just more of your grand baseless assertions.
Who was involved in the "unofficial blackout" please, or just more handwaving rhetoric from you, your posts are just one long personal opinion, dressed up as factual.
"The clip may not have destroyed this case as a mysterious event for you but it certainty did for me."
Please do not be so arrogant again as to assume what does or does not represent a mysterious event to me,
My interest is not in proving UFOs are alien space craft, my interest is in quality debunking, well researched no arguments left debunking, your pantomine debunking style of sweeping generalisation, and ad homien belittlement of the opposition in general is piss weak imo.
Hence my first post reminding you about the request for radar data.
Additionally, it didn't necessarily have to be a group of military jets flying in formation. It could just have easily been civilian aircraft (But even if it was military hearing them depends on the altitude).
One of the articles I linked to above (Which I'm guessing you didn't bother to read because -gasp- they were written by someone skeptical of the case. I was like that at one time. Had I read some skeptical articles in those days I would have known about Proctor's video long ago. Eventually I figured out the only way to get a good take on any UFO event is to look at both sides) speculated about the latter.
Again with the arrogant assumption, wrapped up in more baseless handwaving, nothing whatsoever of take-away value in the paragraph, just more of the same klass apprenticed bluster.
And here's an interesting video clip from one of those articles (Some aircraft in formation that was mistaken by some to be an ET mothership):
# SANTIAGO, Dec 10 .- The strange "formation of lights" that was seen a couple of days ago in the skies of Santiago, was finally Pillan 14 aircraft from the School of Aviation Fach practicing the graduation ceremony of officers, attended last night by President Michelle Bachelet. According to the Air Force said, over the weekend the group of aircraft flying over a route from the El Bosque air base to San Bernardo.
And though the flight is quite noisy, distance is not possible to capture it, which joined the lamps used in the opportunity for fixed and non-intermittent could have caused the confusion of the people.
In fact at the base say that every time you perform this kind of night flights, receiving more than a phone call warning of the presence of foreign objects in the sky or UFOs. The alignment observed by dozens of people and caught on video, was due to the maneuvers performed for the Pillan landing.
Again with the obfuscation, you started a thread about the pheonix lights, typical tim pinty style of debunk by loose connection, stick to pheonix please.
Aircraft don't often fly in formation above large urban areas at night. If they did we'd end up with a lot more erroneous Phoenix-like spaceship claims.
2 more bold bare statements, nothing of substance again to be gleaned from it.