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Which is more likely, aliens from another planet? or a mixture of myth, folklore, aging witnesses, confabulation, and the heavy hand of military intelligence all coalescing in the creation of a Roswell myth.
There's the rub. Why tell the tale in the first place? Those who honestly tells their story of the impossible thing they witnessed confound the listener; because, the witness themselves is confounded. And as an audience we are more convinced by those people in positions of authority when they tell the tale because they have everything to lose. History has borne out that these witnesses are perhaps the most vulnerable in a society that prefers to enforce the norm as opposed to embrace the surreal. So we run them out of town, burn their houses to the ground, call them "mad hatter" and hang effigies in their yard. This story is not one to pass on - yet still they are compelled to tell their story.But my larger point: Even taken as a purely sociological or psychological anomaly (although I personally think it is much more) we should ask ourselves why so many hundreds if not thousands of people, with nothing to gain and often much to lose, risk discrediting themselves by reporting experiences traditionally associated with pathological thinking. Security guards at nuclear bases, ICBM launch officers, and air transport pilots, just to name a few, do not fit the profile of the confabulating prankster or hallucinating psychotic.
I could be content with any realistic answer to this question--ET, terrestrial black ops, sociological or whatever.
The witnesses were so afraid to talk that they remained silent...before finally talking with great detail. It doesn't sound very persuasive to me that the witnesses were sacred into secrecy only to spill their guts to Moore and Berlitz,
So again, we have established several of the Roswell witnesses, including high ranking men like Corso lied.
So now we are left with some choices...Roswell was either a crashed UFO event complete with aliens and witnesses were sworn to silence, but not real silence, because they eventually talked.
Or, like most the characters in the narrative, embellishment, confabulation and the heavy hand of military intelligence played a role in taking a very earthly encounter and turning into something other worldly...
Which is more likely, aliens from another planet? or a mixture of myth, folklore, aging witnesses, confabulation, and the heavy hand of military intelligence all coalescing in the creation of a Roswell myth.
Some good criticisms here. So you think that the narrative has since grown into a mythology many believe in based on a combination of fabricated and then disconnected narratives - the whole thing getting assembled into a storyline of crashed aliens? Stories of the dead nurse in the hotel room that just could not be suicide are the things said just to construct an elaborate story?
Why do you think the report is first published in the news- we have a crashed saucer? Was that just a James Carrion cold war tactic? This part of the story continues to confuse.
So someone probably stumbled upon some earthly hardware, probably not a balloon though,
These people were not exactly MIT scientists, granted they followed military protocols as it pertained to nukes, but coming across an "unknown" debris field and or metal disk probably sent those kids into a frenzy. What exactly compelled Marcel, a seeming intelligent honest guy to say the things he said is unknown, BUT not uncommon, i.e., see Corso.
Let's get this straight, according to the Roswell narrative, the "aliens" spoke telepathically to the officers,
And this person is whom?
And this person is whom?
Tranjanus, you've clearly read the research and know the history, and you always make sense.![]()