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Digital Activism - Yes or No ?

Do you support Digital Activism?

  • Yes but only when it is for the good of society as a whole.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it isn't responsible and does more harm than good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Each case should be considered on its own merit.

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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J. Randall Murphy
Edward Snowden, Aaron Swartz, Julian Assange. Are these people revolutionaries for the people or agents of chaos who threaten to topple civilized society?

Let's start here:

"Increasing accessibility and the ability to communicate with thousands of citizens quickly has made the internet a tool of choice for individuals or organisations looking to spread a social message far and wide. Independent activists the world over are using the internet and digital tools to build their community, connect with other similar-minded people outside their physical surroundings as well as lobby, raise funds and organise events."

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Here's an example of the greater social good in action: Arron Swartz of Reddit devised a way of downloading and sharing academic papers from MIT for free instead of having to pay fees that would have hampered the ability of a 15 year old genius to discover an early test for pancreatic cancer ( That story here ):

Digital Activism is going to continue to occur simply because of the technology saturated cultures we now live in. It's going to have hits and misses much like anything else in this world. I think we will see even more intelligence gathering via technology and cyber warfare, too.