It is a terrible secret. If you learned the truth and knew it unequivocally to be so, immediately you’d wish yourself back to the dark ages. You’d wish to be as far from the truth as possible. You’d gladly take up a club and wear bear fur during the colder months, if only it meant that you could be free of the truth. But, spoiled and sated, you sit in seats of inscrutable comfort, your bellies filled, your minds numb and dull from disuse. You demand the truth, when those who know it want nothing more than the sweet liberty of ignorance.
Entrapped by the truth, that’s what I am. It binds me. I have known nary a moment of peace.
What if I told you that the old angels of renown are actually an intensely powerful society of divine emissaries who live not in some fantastical “other” world of heaven but right here in the cosmos with us? That we are well within their reach? That some unknown intellect (God? even they don’t know) created them untold billions of years ago and entrusted them with the will of the universe? Do you have any idea what that sort of a lifespan, combined with intelligence ten times that of the smartest human ever, can do to a psyche, from the human perspective? You do not know what paranoia is until the truth sets you free. They are watching us right now.
All of this is going to end. We’re all, save for a handful of us, chosen for reasons that seem completely arbitrary, going to die. It will not be a pleasant death. No mercy bullets will meet our skulls. We will be kept alive, to endure the pain and horror of powers unknown and unconceived by even the wildest imagination. It will be too horrible for fiction. Genetic monstrosities, programmed with infatigable hostility, to inflict every kind of pain imaginable. You will have a plague for every organ, a blister for every pore. And still you will not die.
They hate us, oh yes, they hate us. Why? Because we spurn every effort they take to save us from evil. We want evil, we love it. Who in their right minds could possibly deny that the history of the human race is filled entirely with humans engaged in completely evil acts against not simply each other but the planet as a whole? Satan is just a word. The reality of human civilization is much worse.
Their technology is beyond anything we could imagine. They have had billions of years to perfect it. They were like us once, a planetary civilization, but they were not evil. In direct communion with the great creator, love and goodwill towards one another, a touching story. The first civilization in the cosmos, it is their charge to bring it to life. But they despise evil, and it has cropped up nowhere so pure as here on earth. And they will not allow us to spread it hither and thither. There will come a day when they will stamp us out. Be Christian, be Muslim or Jew or Atheist, it will not help you. Those are fantasies, born of human yearnings. Their power is great, and they will soon bring it down upon us. And you will suffer, and so will I.
Entrapped by the truth, that’s what I am. It binds me. I have known nary a moment of peace.
What if I told you that the old angels of renown are actually an intensely powerful society of divine emissaries who live not in some fantastical “other” world of heaven but right here in the cosmos with us? That we are well within their reach? That some unknown intellect (God? even they don’t know) created them untold billions of years ago and entrusted them with the will of the universe? Do you have any idea what that sort of a lifespan, combined with intelligence ten times that of the smartest human ever, can do to a psyche, from the human perspective? You do not know what paranoia is until the truth sets you free. They are watching us right now.
All of this is going to end. We’re all, save for a handful of us, chosen for reasons that seem completely arbitrary, going to die. It will not be a pleasant death. No mercy bullets will meet our skulls. We will be kept alive, to endure the pain and horror of powers unknown and unconceived by even the wildest imagination. It will be too horrible for fiction. Genetic monstrosities, programmed with infatigable hostility, to inflict every kind of pain imaginable. You will have a plague for every organ, a blister for every pore. And still you will not die.
They hate us, oh yes, they hate us. Why? Because we spurn every effort they take to save us from evil. We want evil, we love it. Who in their right minds could possibly deny that the history of the human race is filled entirely with humans engaged in completely evil acts against not simply each other but the planet as a whole? Satan is just a word. The reality of human civilization is much worse.
Their technology is beyond anything we could imagine. They have had billions of years to perfect it. They were like us once, a planetary civilization, but they were not evil. In direct communion with the great creator, love and goodwill towards one another, a touching story. The first civilization in the cosmos, it is their charge to bring it to life. But they despise evil, and it has cropped up nowhere so pure as here on earth. And they will not allow us to spread it hither and thither. There will come a day when they will stamp us out. Be Christian, be Muslim or Jew or Atheist, it will not help you. Those are fantasies, born of human yearnings. Their power is great, and they will soon bring it down upon us. And you will suffer, and so will I.