Paranormal Maven
Have you ever asked this entity for information that you wouldn't know? Would we be able to give you a question or two to ask him/her next time you're doing your thing?
Thanks for having the cojones to post something that most would scoff at.
people can scoff all they want, physical science and what we now as occult and magik are two different things currently( as a research paranormal investigator I still got to be careful, even if i can prove or get evidence of other worldy entities I can still look insane, how do you prove you communicate with another being unles that being proves it to the skeptic anyways, I know someone who has a djinn friend, he gets cranky and really wont talk to me though Ive seen him manifest out of the corner of my eye several times, and as far as a succubus, I have one i picked up and follows me around, harmless, talks to me through dreams, hitting objects, and "flirting". Theres been guests talking about magik and otherworldly beings so it should be safe for here for anyone to discuss
- we have sort of a symbiotic relationship, she helps me when I do investigations or having bad luck some days, and ill give her some of my own energy when its hungry