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Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 17.9%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • I've Seen Them

    Votes: 12 17.9%

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
We have covered the topic on several episodes of The Paracast. Now we'd like your opinion. Do you believe or disbelieve, or do you even care?
I personally do not believe in ghosts. But, I can be convinced otherwise of course if a ghost were to show up in my house tonight. They almost seem "too paranormal" to me. I think many of the bumps and noises people hear can be attributed to things we can understand. I think most ghosts people see are likely strange reflections and other phenomena related with light, refraction etc. I'm very skeptical of those whoe have seen full ghost apparitions. I'll have to listen to your paracasts on ghosts (I haven't heard those ones yet). Maybe I'll change my mind.... but probably not
I suppose this falls into the category of poltergeist, although there's no sound associated with what happened. I wouldn't say I believe in ghosts, yet I have no other explanation for what happened to me.

I moved to Salem, Oregon where I now live in the summer of 1984. My wife (from whom I am now divorced) had a younger brother, Robert, who had run away from home. No one knew where he was, and he made no effort to contact his family. I never actually met him, but I'd heard many tales of the kinds of things he would do to irritate his brothers and sisters. One particularly annoying stunt was to walk up behind someone and flick their ear with his crooked finger.

A few weeks after our arrival we received a phone call from a police detective in Eugene, Oregon. He had bad news. He asked if we could drive down from Salem (about an hour's drive) to identify a body which they believed was my wife's missing brother, Robert. It was. He had been living in his car and had been taking his meals at the Eugene mission. They found him with a knife wound through his head. Who murdered him or why is a mystery to this day.

A short time later (maybe a little more than a week) on a Sunday evening, I think, I was sitting in the front room of a very large house which we had rented. (It was a brand new, unused, state-of-the-art fire station, but I won't go into that here.) The TV was on, and I was sitting on a futon couch which was pushed flat against the wall. The only other living being in the house was my son (aged 2) upstairs asleep in his crib. My wife (an OB/GYN) was away on call at Salem hospital and wouldn't return until the next day.

Then all at once, I felt something press the temple of my glasses down over my ear. It pressed so hard that my ear folded over and the ear piece held the flap of my ear down. I turned instinctively to slap away the hand which had done the deed.

No one was there.

The couch was low enough to the ground so that no one could hide beneath it, but I checked anyway. No one could have moved in or out of the room without my seeing him or her. The doors were all locked (I double-checked). I checked upstairs and my son was still asleep in his bed. There was nothing in the large, open living room area where anyone could hide.

My head wasn't resting against anything. If anything I had been leaning away from the back of the couch with either arms folded or chin in hand. It wasn't a dream. I was wide awake the whole time. It wasn't that late either. About 8:00 PM.

There are no muscles in the ear/scalp area which could spasm to pull the ear down with that much force. And even if there were, it was the ear piece being pressed down which bent my ear. The ear piece very definitely held my folded ear down. Folding down the ear wouldn't allow my glasses to fall down over it. My glasses fit too snugly for that to happen.

I have no rational explanation for this, and I doubt anyone else will either. Does that make me believe in ghosts? If it wasn't a ghost, it was surely something at least as mysterious.
I ran an on going experiment when I was 14 with 2 friends. It involved a ouija board. I blind folded both my friends while they "played" it. I asked the entity if it could read my mind. It said yes. I started to pick words in my mind and the board would spell it out. I wasn't touching the board. This rules out the autonomic response. I told James Randi about it and he ended up asking me to call him once I told him I ruled out the autonomic response. This was several years ago. Unfortunately, I didn't make the call thinking there wouldn't be a point to it. The board has been long gone, one of my friends involved that it worked well for, died via suicide (side note: the board said he would die first between the three of us. We asked) the other friend moved away, and I haven't been able to duplicate that success since. I have had many other successes but the whole episode with that "entity" was something out of a movie. There's much more to this story, and many other experiments, experiences and investigations, but I'd have to write a whole book here. :o It's time for bed soon.

I have never seen a ghost (excluding the possibility of viewing them on photos, film and video, that is). I have seen manifestions with objects, heard noses that may have been associated with ghost, viewed possible possession and levitation. My friend, the one who commited suicide, levitated twice briefly. It was more like hesitating before a fall though, or hanging in mid air though. Other witnesses were involved. I've talked with many people through out life that have seen ghosts however.
I find this subject very interesting.
I admit to voting yes, due to only one experiance when I worked as a surveyor for the local hospital in Middlesbrough, UK.
To be brief.
I was working alone in a disused building, measuring rooms etc. All the ward rooms were empty, both of people and furniture.
After measuring all the rooms on one side of the ward, I was paying out the tape, walking backwards down the corridor.
As I was doing this, I watched a guy dressed in night attire, walk out of an empty room (which I had surveyed 2 mins earlier), and walk off down the corridor, turn right and disappear around the corner.
Now the really strange part.
I continued the survey, measured the remaing wards, washrooms etc. Made the notes on the plans and left the building.
It was not until I turned the key in the door to lock up the empty building behind me, that it registered what I had seen... a guy come out of an empty room, from the only door, dressed in hospital night attire, in a totally empty disused building.

Anyway, there`s my ghost story.

Probably some logical explanation, but I don`t have one.
Yes I believe in ghosts or spirits because I have seen several. Once at the Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee Az, several times in a rooming house where I lived in Toronto Ontario Canada, and few other times over the years as well.
Hello All,

I also adhere to the knowing that Gwops mentions.

Ghosts / Spirits as to their presence i take a more meta-physical view point. Ghosts are in my belief stuck by choice in a substrate of dimensions. Sorta between two worlds of that of the living and of the afterlife. Which I believe in the Buddhist precept that Heaven, Earth, and Hell are all one super imposed reality. All sandwiched together but experienced differently by dimensions of being either in a mortal guise or in a disembodied form.

So like the lovely saying that your loved ones after they have departed are still with you. Has more substance to it with at least for myself when it comes to this belief. Like a strata of dimensions in the same space we occupy. There are Ghosts that are closer to us in dimensional reality than others.

So whilst a ghosts reality may feel to them more like a dreamscape, which most times mortals like us get in the way of their ongoings.
I don't need to "believe" in ghosts. Almost every house I've ever lived in has been haunted by something or other. I've seen things, heard things, experienced cold, dead areas in otherwise warm, well ventilated houses. I don't doubt their reality for a second. As to WHAT they are... residual energy? earth-bound spirit? visitor from the other side? extradimensional entity? Your guess is as good as mine...
Hope you don't mind me dropping the word "belief" in exchange for the word "reason". I reason ghosts exist on the bases of many experiences I and many others have had.

I've never seen a ghost (except for maybe on video) in person, but have witness results of some via changes in the enviroment, sounds, physical manifestations on non-ghostly objects and through the Ouija board etc.
Sometime next year, we're going to have a talk with one of my oldest friends, who saw an apparition with me in southern Florida years ago. The incident was extremely intense, lasted for around 15 minutes, and ended with a dematerialization right in front of our eyes. So as far as "believing", I'm with those who think that these things are undeniably real, belief systems aside.
I wouldn’t say I believe in ghosts, however, I do believe in the possibility ghosts. I would say that I am a “believe it when I see it” type of guy. I have only had a couple of experiences that could be considered paranormal (see my post on the haunted road) but am still skeptical because maybe they can be explained. That said, since those experiences I have had an ongoing interest in all subjects paranormal relm and I try to look at things with an open mind.

*By the way Gene and David your show is awesome. I found it on itunes a couple of months ago but decided to listen to every back episode before I posted anything. Thank you both so much for helping shed the light on these subjects for me. Keep up the good work!*
I would have to say that I am really not sure - I have never had any contact or experience with a ghost or apparition.

That being said, that does not mean that I would not consider the possibility that these things do exist. There have been many people who have claimed to have experiences - some of my very close friends and family have claimed to have had some experiences. I think there is a very strong possibility that something exists - what that something is exactly I do not know. It is a very interesting subject, and I enjoy hearing about the different experiences and theories.
Yes, I do. Though i haven't seen any, I hear a lot of strange sounds and noises and of course I heard a lot of stories that prove the existence of ghosts from my friends and from people whom i can trust
Gwops said:
To be a "believe it when I see it" type, as you label yourself is pretty restrictive. You limited yourself to such a high degree although you give in and say that you believe in the possibility of ghosts.

I have had many experiences in my life and I have even come to the point of when I have to look at the "divider" in the office which is of blue color, that I don't necessarily see the color blue but the frequency itself. Life itself is an illusion but since we are the participants, everything in this illusion becomes real. But just this explanation itself would be way off too limited.

I have read in a great book about astral travel that:
<excerpt> The human eye is sensitive to only a narrow band of radiation. We see only the wavelength between .00007 cm and .00004 cm.; the rest of the wave electromagnetic wave spectrum remains invisible. In fact, only a few one-hundred-thousandths of a centimeter make the difference between visibility and invisibility </excerpt>

In general, when I go out and see people (in real life - LOL) I think if those contemplated on the above-mentioned, everyone should have a positive attitude towards the existence of what we call the paranormal. I am disappointed and sadness overwhelms me to see how the majority of whom I know lives in such an ignorance and does not even care to think.

i really cant agree with you that people are "ignorant" because they wont believe something until they see it or sense it etc.every one is entitled to what they think and should be left to have their freedom of choice.maybe you are being ignorant for not accepting another persons point of view but most people where i live would disown you if you told them you believed in this sort of thing.fortunately i have an open mind and let people live as its their choice what they believe in!
personally i am not sure if there are ghosts but i know that most people would like to think there is something more going on than just the humdrum of life or more further to the point that we dont just die but there is some thing more after we do.being a person who has lost a very good friend through a heart attack it is hard losing some one so suddenly.maybe the thought of them still "being around" helps us to get on with life and deal with the loss.saying all of that i would love to see an apparition or some proof of it and when i was about 7 years old i could swear i heard some one say "boo" in my ear but when i looked i could see nobody yet i could have just imagined it.it is very hard to say!
Atrayo said:
Hello All,

I also adhere to the knowing that Gwops mentions.

Ghosts / Spirits as to their presence i take a more meta-physical view point. Ghosts are in my belief stuck by choice in a substrate of dimensions. Sorta between two worlds of that of the living and of the afterlife. Which I believe in the Buddhist precept that Heaven, Earth, and Hell are all one super imposed reality. All sandwiched together but experienced differently by dimensions of being either in a mortal guise or in a disembodied form.

So like the lovely saying that your loved ones after they have departed are still with you. Has more substance to it with at least for myself when it comes to this belief. Like a strata of dimensions in the same space we occupy. There are Ghosts that are closer to us in dimensional reality than others.

So whilst a ghosts reality may feel to them more like a dreamscape, which most times mortals like us get in the way of their ongoings.

we get in the way of their ongoings,to be a ghost you have to be alive first yes? your unfounded quote has no sense of truth as we dont have any choice to be born and neither do we to die.if there is a state between life and being dead then they go hand in hand and get in nobodys way.
oh,so you have to resolve to "wit" to respond to me then? i dont need to post anything to have wisdom and if you are asking me how do i know we dont get a choice to be born then i certainly wasnt aware of being asked.would like to ask how you know so much?,mr expert! i notice you point out i have only just joined this forum,so what???
nowadays everybody wanna talk but nothin comes out when they move their lips,just a bunch of gibberish
Just want to put in my input for what its worth. Lived in England for about 18 years of my life and my house was most definitely haunted so I guess I have been lucky in knowing there is a life after death. There are a lot of experiences i could go on about but i'll say a few which happened because i dont want to write an essay. One incident involved the staircase of our house, I was lying on the sofa apparently unwell (just trying to get out of going to school really) and then from our stair case came a series of bangs like 4 big, consecutive footsteps then on what seemed to be the last stair came the loudest bang as if someone had leapt and landed in it full force. Now this house was fully detached, with the way the sofa was positioned i could see the bottom 2/3 steps of the staircase and i saw nothing (though i did try) and it was only me and my mum who was in the kitchen at the time. On different seperate occasions my family have heard someone coming down the stairs as well as people walking in the house when theres no one else but i have just shared my experience.

The most significant experience for me however was when i was about 10 years old. I had been awake for a few minutes and was sitting up in my bed then from out of the wardrobe area came a figure, it was the outline of a person though, like a sort of fuzzy line which outlined a person and the only distinguishable feature was the eyes which were also just outlines. Now as a kid i didn't get scared because i didn't have a clue what i was looking at I just thought it was weird. So i remember ditinctly i rubbed my eyes, still there, i turned my head away and back, still there. The figure which was followed by 2 others in a line formation came out of the cupboard and turned into and through the wall. All the whilst ime rubbing my eyes turning my head but they were still walking until the last of them went throught the wall. A few days later i told my mum about it quite innocently not knowing what it was. My mum knew what it was however and it was then that i was told about ghosts and so on. This is just one of many experiences but trust me, their real!