Good grief! What a bizarre twist. I'm afraid you aren't making a lot of sense to me here.
LOL! And to think it was a simple request that I made for "Pair" to enlighten me to the place in this vast array of paranormal/theological knowledge just where its known..... this understanding of the afterlife to be the case.
Hypocrisy is as hypocrisy does. The clear point here, and sorry if it is so above your head, is that according to your standards of discussion, anyone who actually allows for abstract (aggrandized or perhaps not able to be proven with one hypertext link or single article) answering to any point, whether they be pro or con, should do so with only a factual basis as the predominance of thought. To actually look to corner my original writing with questions as to how I came up with thousands and thousands, but not to jump on the supposed fact given here about the dead or undead or never living, is something I pray you just overlooked...because if not, then bias is a bitch kitty and you my friend like to meow (no pun intended

First of all, you asked me nothing in this thread. You asked another poster, Pair of Cats, to provide the manual describing the shared realm of demons and the dead. Please see your posting number 53 above. I responded that I could for a small fee provide you with a document as valid as anyone else might produce on the subject. Although I was houmous, I wasn't kidding, but making a rather serious point. Your interpretation of it as a personal attack on your intelligence is unintended and unfortunate.
A. My direction with your reply in mind was done on purpose, basically to show the hypocrisy in it's truest form. To not have responded to "Pair" with the same deep seated and overtly aggressive manner, and this after his obviously unprovable comment, which anyone in the field knows is even more stretched than even my true, "thousands" response, was sadly misplaced.
B. To have responded in the fashion in which you did, and that in many respects could have easily been construed as making fun of my response to "Pair", is something even a brief observer could have taken as sarcastic and directly pointed as an insult to yours truly. Then again, it could have just as easily been a jest and agreeable to my point all along. After your background on this forum I took it as the former and thus my use of your words (as quoted) in my last reply.
Honestly now. Are you really trying to make this about me asking what research you were referring to? You made the following statement:
I am not "trying" to do anything. The fact remains that you were so all fired up to harangue and hold my statement to the coals, but ohhhh so politely looked to use some farcical retort when your friend "Pair" decided to make his latest FUBAR. This bodes badly for a someone with a fair sense about him wouldn't you say?
To which I asked a simple and direct question:
I honestly wanted to know where this "sincere ability to pick thousands upon thousands of cases involving middle to upper class Caucasians" was based on. Where did that information wind up coming from according to you? The Internet, isn't that correct? No one asked you to list all the thousands as you put it, just the study, just where you were getting your data from.
And my initial response to you wasn't to your liking, even though it showed a few hundred cases about three minutes after you posted your response. You know damn spankin' well that there have been
thousands upon thousands of abduction cases (of Caucasian middle and lower class human beings) on this planet, yet you had to have a list of every one so you could eventually lose the point anyway; and this setup held forth by of all things, "a Moderator"....Someone who shouldn't be so lax in his usage of the privilege in showing such a bias in the first place. But then again, what else is to be expected by today's generation of authority.
You are the one who felt a need to list several cases you apparently Googled in response to my request. At least one of those was a known hoax. I just wanted to understand what research if any that number came from. I am puzzled as to how you can misunderstand and blow out of proportion a simple request for your sources like that. That the study was your own research and that you believe that the thousands and thousands of cases can be found on the Internet would have been more truthful and straight forward answer wouldn't it? I thought you might cite a book or paper by someone like Jacobs or Mack and was surprised by your response.
1. I wouldn't use "GOOGLE" if my life depended on it. The only search engine worth a damn is IXQUICK and honestly, I didn't have to look long...three minutes remember. And you know what, case after case after case after case were all White, middle to lower class human beings just like I said they would be....and you know what????? Not one of them other than Barney the, "I can't get that 50's sci-fi movie out of my head while under hypnosis" Hill was of a minority background.
2. Why is it that I must repeat myself over and over again to you! How many times must I state that the "hoax" as you state, was actually PURPOSELY PLACED ON THE RESPONSE TO YOU because it was A CASE....The point if you remember, wasn't whether or not they were genuine....JUST THAT THEY WHERE! Please let that finally sink in.
3. Again you misrepresent the point in terms of my supposedly stating "my research"....Those sites which I quoted I must have known very well....probably because I was able to find them within the 3 minutes it took me to respond to your reply. If I was to spend the better half of a day reviewing the books I have read, the research papers I have done, the sites I have visited, the people I have spoken with, the documentaries I have watched, etc. etc. I probably could come up with 10s of thousands....SO WHAT! The point still remains there were thousands and there still remains thousands no matter how many times you wish to bring up the same crap to waste time.
4. Siting books? Are you kidding me? Do you really want to dance this jig with me? I have a library of books on the subject my friend, and I don't think you know just what you are getting into here when you commit that little jibe in the context of inferring how I might have been more educated in the area if I only quoted authors. Perhaps you should look at your knowledge on the subject and why it is that you had no idea there were thousands of cases in the past on abductions and why they seem to happen to White middle to lower class human beings. That's where you should place the time you seem to rather waste in critiquing others.
Now, you are going to have to get Pair of Cats to actually tell you whatever it is he is actually talking about. Honestly, I'd be interested in the source of that information as well.
You and everyone else on the planet because of the impossibility of the answer.