Are you saying that demonic possession or infestation is not a different matter than ghosts? Because that was what i was inferring. Whether there are demons or not that is not what this thread is about. Demons ARE a different subject. "It is said by others", such as the ones mentioned and maybe not word for word, but still inferred by some of them. Whether i believe them or not is an entirely different matter. No where in those sentences do i show or purport to have any expertise in that area. No where in that post do i say i believe them. I was merely stating that others such as Zaffis, the Warrens Phil Imbrogno, Mary Ellen Guiley have said. But since you seem to delight in misrepresentation, twisting things to suit your argument whatever that is, i have highlighted the relevant bits.
What I believe in is irrelevant to what you
pretend to know. You were using the statement to confirm a "taught" exception to the point and you know it. The sad part is that even when you are caught in an obvious FUBAR you look to squirm out of it like a snake caught in a net. I could care less whether you believe in Demons or not. Then you throw out names like Mary (whose actual name is
Rosemary unless you know her personally which I doubt you do) Ellen Guiley, Phil Imbrogno and others, just so that you can
pretend your point holds merit to what they actually believe in, when most of them evolve and change their point of view over the years anyway. Not ONE of them would DARE be caught in a statement like you made, basically because they have the intelligence to know that if they were caught stating your stupid phrase as exacting, they would be panned in the paranormal community as Charlatans. They wouldn't want to
pretend to know the reasons for the afterlife like you do, and their "theories" are continuously adapting to their experiences....Something you can't get wasting your time trolling the net for new and exciting forums to spew forth your bullshit with.
As i said before i have never stated that i know anything about "space relations and dimensions". Show me what part of my statement shows that i do? You seem to be making that up all by yourself due to your inability to actually read or comprehend what i wrote.
As you have already admitted that you know nothing about the subject, how can you possibly say that Imbrognoo, Guiley, et al, are wrong?
LOL! Who's twisting whose words? I stated your statement was unproven, conjecture, and yet it was written as a reply to a post as though the words were etched in divine stone. I asked you to prove what it is you wrote and you instead decided to attack in response, asking me to prove aspects of the very point you exaggerated around. There isn't any room for wondering whether or not you believed in, cared about, or actually learned what it is you wrote, but there is no doubt that you reply was done to in fact act as though the statement was:
A. Exactly what all those famous names in the field you mentioned believed in.
B. A clarification of the design of the afterlife according to some fantastically (perhaps) drugged induced vision.
C. A need to fulfill the inadequacy you must suffer from whenever someone takes the time out to corner your bullshit and actually request where the proof of the words you spill derive from.
It was a simple that even TRAINED only requested and I quote,
"Now, you are going to have to get Pair of Cats to actually tell you whatever it is he is actually talking about. Honestly, I'd be interested in the source of that information as well."
See what i mean about twisting things to suit YOUR argument. It was not a cop out as you say. I don't know if demons exist or not. I have never met one before encountering you on these forums. The people i mentioned seem to believe it though.
If you have no knowledge or expertise in that area then shut the fuck up and leave it to the people who have actually studied the phenomena.
LOL! What a sad little kitty you are. I feel sorry for you when you write like this. it bodes of a little child throwing a tantrum because his mommy won't allow him to watch any more Marvin The Martian cartoons until he eats his spinach.
But, like all good little boys and girls, sometimes it's necessary to here it is:
Originally Posted by
The Pair of Cats
Yes. Demonic infestation or possession is an entirely different matter. Although it is said that spirits of the dead and Demons (if you truly believe that they exist) occupy the same space or dimension, for want of a better description.
"Demonic Infestation"....used in this sentence as a dominant part of your point, instead of starting with, "
IF" which would show your doubt in confirmation that they do, or do not. So when you look to change your mind and state in later parts of the thread that, "I don't know if demons exist or not", you shouldn't initialize like an expert little kitty....bad kitty!
" I have never met one (as in a demon) before encountering you on these forums."
Now should never use "Zaffis" and the "Warrens" in your teachings if you don't know the type of wherewithal they in fact utilized when confronting the demonic forces out there. They would either look for a blessing or use a cross, or in the past I have seen them use a consultant or minister. I could swear I have stated on this forum many times in the past that I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Guess what was one of the going practices of both John Zaffis years ago and the Warrens when they confronted one of the dark side? The Warrens would "bind" the demon either within the person possessed or the zone in which they were haunting. Well, taking this into consideration, and the fact that you put so much weight in using their names for your stupid point, wouldn't my acknowledgment of Christ as my savoir to the obvious exclusion of the demonic forces, make your little put down as nonsensical as your usual banter? Yep it would.
You twist my words. You have a comprehension problem. You know nothing about demons. Yet there's this...
The only problem I have is in the waste of time I continue to allow in answering someone as perpetually infantile and sadly misinformed as you are. The end result of all of this is whether or not some day you will be given the chance to say hello to all those very demons you speak so knowledgeably about. I pray not and that you will be saved, but who knows, I have admitted I am not always right in the way I do things, just ask Trained.
What in the hell are you doing? You have already stated you know nothing about demons yet here you are telling us that a demon had gained his confidence. You moron. How the fuck do you know? And why the hell were you meddling in areas you know nothing about? Naive, irresponsible, reckless, incompetent are just some of the words that spring to mind there.
You need to stop whatever your doing and have a good hard look at yourself before some poor unsuspecting person gets another dose of your amateur diagnosis.
You see, this demented form of replying isn't gaining you any new friends kitty. Your words actually bespeak of an angry young man who needs desperately to win an argument because he just isn't getting anywhere in his life. It's very funny how you conclude that by my saying I don't know what goes on in the afterlife, that somehow I don't know anything about demons or demonic activity. To know that demons exist is one part of it. To know what they truly are is based on faith and something in which I am not ready to state I know beyond the shadow of a doubt about. I am taught that they are the manifestation of fallen angels according to my "primitive" Bible. Whatever the case may be, the fact still remains that I can actually hold fast to my faith when dealing with them, and you on the other hand, well....who knows....and quite honestly, Lord forgive me....Who cares. Move on now little kitty and drink some milk or something and grow up to one day be a big cat. When you have done so come back and perhaps then I will waste my time with you a little more. Until then, and I am sure to the happy regards of most of the people who have to suffer in reading ALL of this bullshit, I am done and will not respond to your jabber in this thread any longer....MEOWSEEYA.