Either yesterday or Friday, there was earthquake after earthquake after earthquake, but in Wyoming, Idaho (I believe) and parts of Canada. I subscribed to the USGS reports, so I know of any earthquake stronger than a 4.0 that happens in North America and stronger than 5.0 in the rest of the world. While these were the weaker earthquakes, I was still genuinely surprised to see how many earthquakes happened in this area, in places that don't normally see earthquakes.
Interesting. Any fracking going on in the area covered? Or maybe a volcano brewing - for some reason I keep thinking of a volcano.
One of the things I like about living in the wild areas is that I can see, first-hand, how the wildlife is acting each day. I agree, I think we've reached the "tipping point in more ways than one." I fear these extreme events are part of the new normal, with records being broken every few years. I think this is setting all of nature on edge, so to speak. One extreme begets new extremes, like an equation that is desperately trying to be balanced.
I agree - and anecdotally we all seem to be sensing it, feeling the onset of a 'new normal'.
So, if the energy is changing, could we also assume that the manifestations of that energy are also changing? What if ghosts and other paranormal occurrences are simply another kind of energy? Maybe these are things that are part of our physical world, that are affected by our physical world, even if these aren't (yet) part of the common accepted definition of "reality"? Or, maybe these manifestations are things we simply lack the ability to explain? Observations can me made years, decades, or even centuries before we understand or have solid evidence supporting these observations.
When people keep reporting the same thing over and over again, the evidence suggests that something is occurring, even if that something is nothing like what people believe is happening. Are ghosts truly ghosts, thought-forms, or something else entirely? Whatever the case, we know that something keeps happening time and time again, all over the world. Something certainly happened to me in Nambé. While I feel as though this was truly a ghostly occurrence, I appreciate that I lack the solid evidence supporting this claim. What I would find fascinating is if extreme changes in our natural world begets extreme changes in the supernatural world. Other than the anecdotal, I'm still not sure how this could be objectively measured.
So much in your post. Interesting ideas.
There is a view that all things physical originate from out of the spiritual world. The physical tree is the furthest extension into the physical world of spiritual 'tree' forces. [Plato] Same for our physical bodies - they would be the final expressions of subtler energies - in this paradigm and as you are suggesting. [This is the basis for homeopathic medicine, for example, and is recognized in allopathic medicine with 'mind over matter' avenues of cure - how we think/feel determines our health, the condition of our bodies - this is the arena where the correlation between mind (non-material) and physical (material) is most clearly observed.] In this view - the physical universe is actually 'dead' - or inert, without 'intent' of its own - and material science is concerning itself with the furthest push-out of the spirit - part of the reason why there are so many contradictions and problems with 'merely' a materially-based scientific approach - the results are always inadequate, incomplete, tenuous, because the causal source of the physical is ignored. [It's like science studying the carcass of a decaying dog believing that in so doing the life of the dog will be understood. Only traces of that life can be gleaned - so is the problem compounded in all materially-based research.]
In the above view, everything living and creative and vital takes place in the non-material realms - and those realms are complex and many-layered. It is said [an idea to consider not believe imo] that there are 'wars' in the spiritual realms that eventually percolate down into the physical universe where we then experience something like WWI and WWII. Causation is not as linear as we often suppose, it is posited. Impulses are coming from the spiritual realms - from 'actions' in the realm of spirit. So this is my reflection back on your idea that the animals - the very web of livingness - is perceiving a shift - sensing an energy dynamic in flux. I agree with what you are suggesting.
All that preamble is meant to give context to what I want to say regarding your thoughts: the first distinction to make is to determine whether influences/experiences are emerging from the past or are the result of a current spiritual stream of forces flowing into the material universe creating new forms. Some of what you describe sounds like influences from the past [and your own filters - that is for you to say] - but what they are exactly can only be determined by you.
You are the only authority when it comes to interpreting your own experiences - though when accessed lawfully, according to spiritual laws, the results are universal. This is where material-based science differs from spiritual-based research. This is why the spirit is a threat to physical power in all ways.
There are laws in the physical universe - there are also laws in the spiritual universe. One can tinker in material science with only a concern for the intellect. One must have a good mind to execute good science. But with spiritual research, one must undertake a far more rigorous discipline - for the answers are not to be found in any authority [as in material-based science] but in oneself [that is too 'uncertain' for many for whom the authority is outside oneself.]. If the inner path is meticulously and rigorously engaged - a 'scientific method of the spirit', in a sense - the experiences are clear, the sign-posts unmistakeable, and the resulting knowledge secure. Instead of speculation there will be the ability to recognize what one is 'seeing' and what one is experiencing in subtle ways.
stonehart story is an illustration of the difficulty of categorizing a psychic (for lack of a better word in the moment) phenomenon - which is subjective (though no less real) - with material-based phenomenon. 'Evidence' is not to be found in the same way as 'found' in material-based science. [The materially-based researcher will attempt to 'capture' the remnants of the psychic trail - an interesting attempt - but bound to err because the origin of what is 'captured' is not understood. The fact that
to understand and
to know requires inner work is not accepted - so the materially-based researcher 'swings the cat by the tail' and suffers the consequences - often (tragically) with derangement as the consequence.
Never doubt the intensity of courage as well as strength - both moral and mental - it takes to negotiate the inner path. Aspirants on the path of knowledge crash-and-burn with harrowing regularity. For every successful seer or Occultist, there are many more fighting off the phantasms of their own weak minds and unrefined emotional bodies, deluded by paranoia and other less mundane mental afflictions, trapped in the darkness and delusions of the lower astral plane.]
[However, it has been suggested that a time will come when material-based science research will indeed 'punch-through' into the spiritual domain - it will be/is now a complex moment.]
There has to be a distinction between material and non-material based phenomena, understanding that it is the spiritual that is the primary impact on the physical and everything physical has its origin in the spiritual realms. 'Action' in the purely physical realm is the residue movement from spiritual impact.
Another way to see it is that the spiritual and physical are extremes on a continuum - but not from side-to-side as in the 'separate but equal' sense, but in a top-down continuum - in which the impulses are coming from the spiritual into the physical. The physical is the furthest 'push-out' of the spiritual - it's where the spiritual world 'ends', full-stop [yes, like a 'wall']. In this sense the physical is also spiritual, albeit the most concretized aspect of the more ethereal spiritual impulses coursing down from more rarified strata.
Hence, my reflection back to you is: thresholds are being crossed by people in this time. It was prophesied that it would be so by those who understood these things in the 19th century, and they indicated that the shift would be starting at the end of the 20th century. People are seeing things, experiencing things, that require a discerning mind and a real knowledge of the subtler realms. Past influences - or future capacities? The materially-based researcher will wrestle with the experiences in different ways than those who recognize the existence of the spiritual worlds - but there is complexity in all explorations.
Having spoken so forthrightly above I have to end by saying - must end by saying, because this arena is so fraught,
and I end thus more for my own sake - the saving grace to all of this is Love. The Initiator above all is the Being of Love - and that is all that matters, in the end.