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Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

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    Votes: 12 17.9%
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  • I've Seen Them

    Votes: 12 17.9%

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Ghost are interesting what are they who knows some suggest its not real but other suggest it depends on the experiencer. Maybe they are physic apparitions or electronic pulses which create movement of objects?
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I often watched a Canadian show called "Ghostley Encounter's" where they interview folks who've had an experience. One guy's story I never forgot. He was a college kid laying on the floor of an old house, when he heard a noise like shuffling in the next room which happened to be a small kitchen. He watched as a man wearing a hat and tattered clothes walk out of this kitchen into his room dragging something behind him- He heard the man say something like "I'm just going to come in here, and" That was all, the man vanished and never completed the sentence. He told his roommates who didn't believe him, until one night one of his roomies looked toward the kitchen and saw this man just standing there looking in. Now, year's after this encounter, the guy often wonders what this "ghost" was saying. "I'm just going to come in here and, Take a Nap" "I'm just going to come in here and, read a book" etc.. The description of this apparition was rather creepy, and the guy seemed very sincere.
On the early morning hours of October 28, 2009, I completed writing the following account after a very dear friend of mine had repeatedly urged me to do so. That one night I couldn't sleep because this was racing through my head and I felt I had to write it. It was initially published on Open Salon (also under the name RenaissanceLady, though that blog has been deleted except for my first ever story published on OS) and immediately copied it over to my own blog, where it still stands. This was written just a couple of months prior to my moving back to Colorado.

It should be understood, the night that I absolutely couldn't sleep and had to write this was the very night that my friend died unexpectedly in his sleep. I swear on everything that has ever held any value to me. (If any of you ever visited Wellington Lake outside of Bailey, he had been the caretaker there. Many people, especially those interested in the paranormal, knew him.) I have since wondered about the coincidences in all of this and much more:

I am amazed you stayed. I would have been out of there like greased lightening. :p
RenaissanceLady -
As I was learning from books and my own research, Nambé has this.... reputation. I would discover that Nambé was known for the number of witches who were known to have lived here. Evil witches. In one case, cannibal witches. I would read about two men from Nambé who were executed for eating small children in order to practice their craft. Another witch was burned alive in her house. Supposedly she had evil dolls hidden throughout the house which came to life and tried to escape.

This phenomenon cannot actually occur - just to assure you. ;)

There are many other alleged cases of witchcraft in the village. One book describes Nambé as "the Twilight Zone of the Southwest". Another book I had found shortly after I had moved is called "More Mysteries and Miracles of New Mexico", by Jack Kutz. In it, the very first story is about a divorced woman who moved into an old adobe house in Nambé, surrounded by old cottonwoods and a high adobe wall. Shortly after moving in, she begins to have strange and frightening occurrences. Though I don't believe the description of her house too closely matches my own, one thing which caught my attention what that she described being plagued by a horrible stench "like something from the depths of hell."

What do you make of the fact that the story parallels your own experience right down to describing very nearly you? I think - nay, I know - that would freak me out. :eek:
As for Playing with the ouija board NO NO NO dont do it... its like opening a portal. You let bad things in or simply unwanted things none the less....

Oh, the Ouija Board - everyone has a story! Here's mine. ;)

One Christmas when we were all teenagers - I - or my sister - received a Ouija board as a present and we proceeded to play with it in the afternoon.

The marker was particularly strong with my sister and me working it - and we both claimed the other was moving the marker. (Between you and me - my sister was moving the marker. :p )

Anyway, we were all unmarried - four siblings - and we asked the usual questions about marriage partners. The results for my eldest brother were very puzzling. The board indicated that my eldest brother would marry - but when we asked who he would marry, the marker spelled out 'Parent'. WTF?

So we asked again - stipulating the name of the person he would marry, and again, the answer spelled out was 'Parent'. No matter how we phrased the question the answer came out as 'Parent'. It became a joke, albeit a bit embarrassing as who marries their parent?

We even left the board for a while, came back and asked again - same answer. While to other questions - like who my second brother would marry - total standstill. Nothing. (And he never did marry). But ask about the eldest brother and the marker jubilantly spelled out 'Parent'. WTF?

We put the board away - the aggressiveness of the marker actually spooked my sister and I - and we never took it out again.

Fast forward about 8 to 10 years. My eldest brother was finally marrying in his early 30's to a woman he had known for about 2 years or so. Her name? Last name: Parent. Blew my mind when I realized it - when the memory came back to me.

I wonder what other answers lurked within that board had my sister and I been brave enough to continue - though honestly - we sensed we were contacting something but it was the unknown of a kind that felt 'dangerous' to toy with.

In fact subsequently, every teacher of the subtler realms I have come across has had a warning about the Ouija board precisely because the access is not conscious. One does not know the calibre of what or who one is consorting with.
I am amazed you stayed. I would have been out of there like greased lightening. :p

I'm unaware of anyone staying in any of the casitas as long as I - and I was there for 18 months. Even the landlady's family left after just a few months. I'd say, on average, those casitas are back on the market about every 3-4 months, sometimes sooner.

Keep in mind, I had made this move for a new job not long after a painful divorce, spending a large sum on all of the moving expenses along with a bunch of very high deposits, first and last month's rent, unforeseen job expenses, etc. I couldn't afford to break lease and move. There was a time when I'd laugh at all the people who would stay in (allegedly) haunted houses, but I entirely understand it, now. You stay when you have absolutely nowhere else to go or are simply unable to move. Those first months also saw me working 6-7 days a week for the new job. To be fair, I'd say things were at their most active during the first few months after the move. While odd experiences did keep occurring, it wasn't anywhere nearly as frequent as what happened that first summer.

Anyway, I'm back in the same town in Colorado from which I had initially moved. Strictly Platonic Male Friend Dennis is now Strictly Annoying Platonic Male Housemate Dennis, though I'll probably be out of here around the first of the year or slightly thereafter. Sean's ashes were scattered in Wellington Lake, where he had once been a caretaker, in August, 2012. I still miss him something fierce, especially as he had also just moved back to Colorado and was even trying to move back to this town at the time of his death. He thrived here. He was among the first people I met when I first came here and we immediately became very good friends. It saddens me when I look at all of the sites he had shown me in the area, trying to see things through that magical lens. With the aspens turning and the crispness in the air, I should probably go to Wellington Lake. I feel as though I never said "good-bye."

On a slightly different note, I should mention that odd things seem to occur to me even when I try to discuss this. Sean obviously died when I first wrote the account, but it didn't end there. Yesterday, Dennis and I (plus Dylan, the Great Pyrenees) had decided to do a road trip and didn't get back until after 10 in the evening. When I was bringing the dog into the house, he froze just before we came in and refused to budge, staring at something in the darkness. I had to use all of my strength and weight to drag him inside. After I got him settled, I started this response, yet as soon as my first sentence was typed, Dylan was at the windows growling, barking and bristling. This isn't his usual behavior, only doing so when there's a Big Bad Predator in the immediate vicinity. Even then, Dylan's usually the kind of dog I half-expect to see smoking a bong. He's a snoozer, not a barker. Dennis and I made certain all the doors and windows were shut and locked, then we turned on all of the outside lights. We never did see what had Dylan on full alert, but the hysterical barking and growling would continue as soon as I would sit back down to write this. This was so frequent that I gave up after the first couple of sentences, leaving this up during the remainder of the night and finishing it this morning. Dennis and I + dog + cat all crashed in Dennis' room last night.

We certainly have bears and mountain lions in the area, having seen both on the property at fairly regular intervals. The bears will usually take off if someone pounds on the window or shouts, usually steering clear of barking dogs. The mountain lions are more nervy, even killing some small livestock a block away just a few weeks ago. While my suspicion was that we had a mountain lion last night, something still doesn't quite make sense. We had nothing outside that would interest it and had a large dog on full alert inside the house. This isn't "normal" behavior, even for a mountain lion. I remind myself that the weather is turning, possibly to the point we'll be getting our first snow sometime tonight. This can cause more aggressive animal behavior, but still, there are plenty of houses in my neighborhood with livestock and/or pets that are outside. There's certainly easier prey. Whatever this was, it stalked the house for a looong time last night, only giving up once I decided to crash in Dennis' room and stop writing this. I'm finding it all just a bit creepy. I'll be extremely alert when I walk the dog in a bit.
Would you say you spook yourself, RenaissanceLady? By that I mean, is your initial reaction to anything unusual to figure it is 'ghostly'? I know some people whose first reaction would be that there was a person outside up-to-no-good. Others - on this forum, in fact - who might at once figure that an alien had just landed. Lots of possibilities.

That you all slept in one room suggests that you were scared - which means fear was operating - lots of emotion, apprehension. If you are a 'sensitive' of a particular kind you could be someone who manifests - but for that to operate you would also have to have a great deal of interest in the manifestation happening (cannot occur otherwise - distinct from materially based phenomena - which while malleable is far more 'rigid'). Would you say that is a fair possibility? Did you have lots of this kind of activity take place when you were an adolescent? Is it usually when you are in an emotionally heightened state? That it occurs when you focus on the subject suggests a few things to me.

There are also protections that one can invoke that would at once dispel these 'visitations'.
RenaissanceLady -

What do you make of the fact that the story parallels your own experience right down to describing very nearly you? I think - nay, I know - that would freak me out. :eek:

Jack Kutz has written several "Mysteries and Miracles" books about the paranormal events in the states of this region, including two about New Mexico and one about Colorado. As I've spent most of my adult life in Colorado and New Mexico, I've read those three books. His second book on New Mexico, entitled "More Mysteries & Miracles of New Mexico," discusses an old adobe home that is surrounded by cottonwoods and a high adobe wall. I can honestly say that the casitas do have cottonwoods surrounding the edge of the property and my particular casita did have a high adobe wall around the front porch. It also described it as being an adobe home that was more than 100 years old, as were these casitas. That's pretty much where the physical similarities end between the two properties. Even then, being on part of what was a Spanish land grant, virtually ALL of the homes in the area are going to be old adobes, with high adobe walls and lots of cottonwoods. I seem to remember part of the description saying the home had two bedrooms, whereas my casita was a one-bedroom with a small loft that would be very difficult to use as a second bedroom. I used it as a storage space, mostly due to some very low ceilings which prevented me from standing upright. Now, the neighbor's casita was a two-bedroom, but it didn't have the adobe wall and I never heard any neighbor there complaining about the horrible odor. I would personally love to meet Jack Kutz and ask him more about this story. Could he have changed a few of the physical details of the property in order to avoid any potential liability from the owner? To say that the casitas' landlady was of the Richter Scale Batsh*t Crazy is an insult to guano, everywhere.

But I digress.

I suspect it's also likely that the property he was describing was simply one in the immediate area. It seems as though that whole town, especially my little section, had it's share of problems. Some of the sounds both Dennis and the neighbor heard when they were outside may well have been coming from neighboring properties. The shadowy figures I saw were also exactly on the border between the properties. Still, when I first got that book in order to research events in the area, I felt like I was punched in the gut when the woman described the smell, especially as it being like something out of hell.

I believe it was Allan Pacheco's book, Ghosts-Mayhem-Murder, a Chronicle of Santa Fe that discusses the cannibal witches and the dolls which came to life. While I don't put any stock into living dolls, the cannibal witches of Nambé are well documented. A book I had ordered once I returned to Colorado was called "Witchcraft in the Southwest," by Marc Simmons. While I don't have the book beside my right now, there was one chapter which I believe was titled, "The Tragedy of Nambé." I had no idea that book would have such a chapter until after it arrived, so that was rather shocking. It describes how the pueblo of Nambé had almost completely annihilated its population due to witchcraft scares that lasted until the early 20th Century. If that lands in Nambé could talk, I'm sure its story would include unimaginable horrors. Even after New Mexico had become an American territory, the American authorities were loathe to become involved in local witchcraft trials, lest they appear to approve of witchcraft and give the natives a reason to revolt. I don't believe most Americans, let alone most people from other countries, have any concept of just what the Spanish were doing in the Southwest - and especially in New Mexico - long before the Mayflower ever set sail. There's a very good (and very academic) book entitled "The Witches of Abiquiu" that discusses what may well have been the last official witchcraft trial in what is now the U.S. The documents about this were only recently found in some archives in Mexico.

In any case, it was my researching that part of New Mexico that led me to learn about odd events in the San Luis Valley, which led me to Christopher O'Brien's books, which led me to his Facebook page, which finally led me to this forum. I wouldn't be here if not for those events in Nambé.
I thought you said that the character was also a divorced woman - and there were other similarities to yourself - but when I look back I don't see those details in your post anymore - must have conflated something in my mind. Sorry.

P.S. I would never read such books. I'm too suggestible - and would manifest in a shot. :eek: :p. I have to exercise great caution and care in that area - have to be a bit of a bully, in fact. Can't let those sorts of things fancy they have the power. They don't. :D
Would you say you spook yourself, RenaissanceLady? By that I mean, is your initial reaction to anything unusual to figure it is 'ghostly'? I know some people whose first reaction would be that there was a person outside up-to-no-good. Others - on this forum, in fact - who might at once figure that an alien had just landed. Lots of possibilities.

That you all slept in one room suggests that you were scared - which means fear was operating - lots of emotion, apprehension. If you are a 'sensitive' of a particular kind you could be someone who manifests - but for that to operate you would also have to have a great deal of interest in the manifestation happening (cannot occur otherwise - distinct from materially based phenomena - which while malleable is far more 'rigid'). Would you say that is a fair possibility? Did you have lots of this kind of activity take place when you were an adolescent? Is it usually when you are in an emotionally heightened state? That it occurs when you focus on the subject suggests a few things to me.

There are also protections that one can invoke that would at once dispel these 'visitations'.

I wouldn't say I especially spook myself, as I usually find rational explanations for otherwise "odd" occurrences. Last night, we were all nervous (though I wouldn't say "spooked") by whatever was outside. I feel it was most likely an aggressive mountain lion, which can be nerve-wracking and unusual, but not exactly "spooky." As it didn't leave and wasn't put off by a large dog, it had us all on edge. Predatory animals have broken into homes in this area. A friend of mine had a bear break into his house a few years ago, so I know very well that it happens. The person who lost his livestock a few weeks ago had a mountain lion that broke into his barn - and it wasn't put off by an electric fence nor the cries of the llamas in a neighboring barn. That, along with our pets being extremely nervous, is why we stayed together and had turned on all of the outside lights. These actions helped settle all of us. No matter how well grounded you are, it's unnerving knowing there's something very real outside that wants to cause you serious harm. No one and no animal likes to feel as though they're prey. Were the actions of this animal unusual? Most assuredly, yes. Were these paranormal? Most assuredly, no - though the timing of it while I was writing about a paranormal occurrence seemed uncanny.

Remember, this has been a Very Odd Summer. We spent the first part of June getting snow, followed immediately by forest fires. By late June, the weather turned so that it was unusually cold and wet almost every single day. Then, last week, we had the record flooding which made all the news. We were losing power and were nervously watching the Platte River, which runs directly through town. If it had breached its banks, not only would we have been trapped, it would have been even more disastrous for those downstream who were already flooded. At 8800 feet, WE ARE THE HIGHER GROUND. We would have nowhere else to go. Then consider that a dam nearly broke about 10 miles from my house. Now, we may be getting our first snow, while some areas are still underwater. These have not been happy times up here.

I've lived in the wild areas long enough to know that animals react to changing weather, especially when extreme weather conditions are imminent. I was nearly attacked by a bat while out walking the dog a few weeks ago, which happened almost immediately after other serious wildlife attacks on the area - and immediately before some serious weather which finally led to the record flooding. I can honestly say, I've never in my life seen as many bear and mountain lion attacks as I have this past summer. My personal feelings are that these attacks are foreshadowing more serious weather conditions and changes in climate. While this is serious and certainly can be scary, I wouldn't link it to any kind of supernatural manifestation or anything else. Realistically, what has me the most concerned, is a feeling I cannot shake that these events are actually foreshadowing even more violently extreme weather. I actually think the record flooding will be preceded by record snowfalls and ice storms. at least up here in my Quiet Podunk Redneck Mountain Town. I think the wild animals know this, too, which is why I think they're behaving more erratically.
I thought you said that the character was also a divorced woman - and there were other similarities to yourself - but when I look back I don't see those details in your post anymore - must have conflated something in my mind. Sorry.

P.S. I would never read such books. I'm too suggestible - and would manifest in a shot. :eek: :p. I have to exercise great caution and care in that area - have to be a bit of a bully, in fact. Can't let those sorts of things fancy they have the power. They don't. :D

Yes, you're right, the woman who moved to the house in Nambé was also recently divorced, though I'm under the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that she was quite a bit older than I. I had forgotten about that. I should find that book and reread that chapter.

You bring up another interesting point: I wonder if some manifestations, including the problems people report about sudden phone problems or electrical mishaps, are specifically caused by the energy of people who are expecting or even thinking about paranormal occurrences? It seems as though phone and/or Skype problems routinely happen during discussions about these events. People report malfunctions of cameras when they're trying to photograph UFOs or ghosts. Maybe that fear, combined with already paranormal happenings, allows for further manifestations? Or, maybe it gives the necessary energy to create a thought-form? I remember when I was younger, a friend and I were discussing some odd events that had happened to us when a desk lamp inexplicably fell off the desk and shattered. It was nowhere near the edge of the desk and we could find no reason for it to have occurred, yet it happened exactly at a time both of us were frightened from rehashing these events, right when I was convinced that something "scary" was about to happen. There was also the slumber party I had when I was little, where we had stayed up late telling ghost stories. After I had fallen asleep, my friends and my mother reported seeing a man walk past the living room window. I remember how we said it was a neighbor walking past to go fishing in the nearby bayou, but I doubt anyone believed that story. It may not have been anything "paranormal" but the timing was certainly uncanny. I could go on and on about these kinds of coincidences.
Remember, this has been a Very Odd Summer. We spent the first part of June getting snow, followed immediately by forest fires. By late June, the weather turned so that it was unusually cold and wet almost every single day. Then, last week, we had the record flooding which made all the news. We were losing power and were nervously watching the Platte River, which runs directly through town. If it had breached its banks, not only would we have been trapped, it would have been even more disastrous for those downstream who were already flooded. At 8800 feet, WE ARE THE HIGHER GROUND. We would have nowhere else to go. Then consider that a dam nearly broke about 10 miles from my house. Now, we may be getting our first snow, while some areas are still underwater. These have not been happy times up here.

I've lived in the wild areas long enough to know that animals react to changing weather, especially when extreme weather conditions are imminent. I was nearly attacked by a bat while out walking the dog a few weeks ago, which happened almost immediately after other serious wildlife attacks on the area - and immediately before some serious weather which finally led to the record flooding. I can honestly say, I've never in my life seen as many bear and mountain lion attacks as I have this past summer. My personal feelings are that these attacks are foreshadowing more serious weather conditions and changes in climate. While this is serious and certainly can be scary, I wouldn't link it to any kind of supernatural manifestation or anything else. Realistically, what has me the most concerned, is a feeling I cannot shake that these events are actually foreshadowing even more violently extreme weather. I actually think the record flooding will be preceded by record snowfalls and ice storms. at least up here in my Quiet Podunk Redneck Mountain Town. I think the wild animals know this, too, which is why I think they're behaving more erratically.

You tell a harrowing tale. Always helps to hear about the experience 'from the ground'. News articles can't compare. Had no idea of the severity of the onslaughts one-after-the-other. One 'hears' but doesn't 'know' - ya know?

I get what you're saying about the animals - like how the birds and insects disappear just before an earthquake - or how the winds pick up or shift or change temperature. It's all connected but we 'know' so little objectively really, though we know plenty 'on the ground'. Just hope there's no massive volcano looking to blow, as well.

Saw this week - though it was only a quick glance - that there were three 5.3 to 5.6 earthquakes in respectively - Japan, Papua New Guinea and the Marianas.

Honestly, I think we have reached a tipping point in more ways than one. Too many 'insults' to the 'system'. It can't sustain status quo anymore - and the great ship is righting itself. Question is - who slides off the deck in the righting?
You tell a harrowing tale. Always helps to hear about the experience 'from the ground'. News articles can't compare. Had no idea of the severity of the onslaughts one-after-the-other. One 'hears' but doesn't 'know' - ya know?

I get what you're saying about the animals - like how the birds and insects disappear just before an earthquake - or how the winds pick up or shift or change temperature. It's all connected but we 'know' so little objectively really, though we know plenty 'on the ground'. Just hope there's no massive volcano looking to blow, as well.

Saw this week - though it was only a quick glance - that there were three 5.3 to 5.6 earthquakes in respectively - Japan, Papua New Guinea and the Marianas.

Honestly, I think we have reached a tipping point in more ways than one. Too many 'insults' to the 'system'. It can't sustain status quo anymore - and the great ship is righting itself. Question is - who slides off the deck in the righting?

Either yesterday or Friday, there was earthquake after earthquake after earthquake, but in Wyoming, Idaho (I believe) and parts of Canada. I subscribed to the USGS reports, so I know of any earthquake stronger than a 4.0 that happens in North America and stronger than 5.0 in the rest of the world. While these were the weaker earthquakes, I was still genuinely surprised to see how many earthquakes happened in this area, in places that don't normally see earthquakes. I should add, a smaller earthquake hit Nambé just after I moved back to Colorado, doing some damage there. A friend of mine who knows my story joked that it was the "hell-mouth" opening. I could almost believe it.

One of the things I like about living in the wild areas is that I can see, first-hand, how the wildlife is acting each day. I agree, I think we've reached the "tipping point in more ways than one." I fear these extreme events are part of the new normal, with records being broken every few years. I think this is setting all of nature on edge, so to speak. One extreme begets new extremes, like an equation that is desperately trying to be balanced.

So, if the energy is changing, could we also assume that the manifestations of that energy are also changing? What if ghosts and other paranormal occurrences are simply another kind of energy? Maybe these are things that are part of our physical world, that are affected by our physical world, even if these aren't (yet) part of the common accepted definition of "reality"? Or, maybe these manifestations are things we simply lack the ability to explain? Observations can me made years, decades, or even centuries before we understand or have solid evidence supporting these observations. When people keep reporting the same thing over and over again, the evidence suggests that something is occurring, even if that something is nothing like what people believe is happening. Are ghosts truly ghosts, thought-forms, or something else entirely? Whatever the case, we know that something keeps happening time and time again, all over the world. Something certainly happened to me in Nambé. While I feel as though this was truly a ghostly occurrence, I appreciate that I lack the solid evidence supporting this claim. What I would find fascinating is if extreme changes in our natural world begets extreme changes in the supernatural world. Other than the anecdotal, I'm still not sure how this could be objectively measured.
For an atheist I have in fact had a number of ghostly experiences,this has not changed my non belief in main stream religion but having said that I have always kept an open mind when it comes to matters of a spiritual nature. Religion and spirituality being two different things in my own opinion.

One of the best stories I have happened when we were closing up a local theater in the early hours of the morning (off the top of my head I think it was some time between 1am and 2am or maybe a bit latter).
There were three of us and we were leaving via the back corridor past the green rooms at the back when the air temp dropped and we could all distinctly hear children running and laughing.
Have had other experiences in that place but that was by far the most explicit.

I have had an animal experiences as well and I am sure it is my old ginger moggy who is still hanging around. I catch glimpses out of the corner of my eye, or at night you get the distinct feeling of a cat walking up the bed to sleep next to you.. cat owners know what I am saying. The old black and white moggy I have posted on here I have seen running as if playing with another cat that is not there among other things....

No concrete evidence .. just a feeling that the old guy is still popping in from time to time.
Either yesterday or Friday, there was earthquake after earthquake after earthquake, but in Wyoming, Idaho (I believe) and parts of Canada. I subscribed to the USGS reports, so I know of any earthquake stronger than a 4.0 that happens in North America and stronger than 5.0 in the rest of the world. While these were the weaker earthquakes, I was still genuinely surprised to see how many earthquakes happened in this area, in places that don't normally see earthquakes.

Interesting. Any fracking going on in the area covered? Or maybe a volcano brewing - for some reason I keep thinking of a volcano.

One of the things I like about living in the wild areas is that I can see, first-hand, how the wildlife is acting each day. I agree, I think we've reached the "tipping point in more ways than one." I fear these extreme events are part of the new normal, with records being broken every few years. I think this is setting all of nature on edge, so to speak. One extreme begets new extremes, like an equation that is desperately trying to be balanced.

I agree - and anecdotally we all seem to be sensing it, feeling the onset of a 'new normal'.

So, if the energy is changing, could we also assume that the manifestations of that energy are also changing? What if ghosts and other paranormal occurrences are simply another kind of energy? Maybe these are things that are part of our physical world, that are affected by our physical world, even if these aren't (yet) part of the common accepted definition of "reality"? Or, maybe these manifestations are things we simply lack the ability to explain? Observations can me made years, decades, or even centuries before we understand or have solid evidence supporting these observations.

When people keep reporting the same thing over and over again, the evidence suggests that something is occurring, even if that something is nothing like what people believe is happening. Are ghosts truly ghosts, thought-forms, or something else entirely? Whatever the case, we know that something keeps happening time and time again, all over the world. Something certainly happened to me in Nambé. While I feel as though this was truly a ghostly occurrence, I appreciate that I lack the solid evidence supporting this claim. What I would find fascinating is if extreme changes in our natural world begets extreme changes in the supernatural world. Other than the anecdotal, I'm still not sure how this could be objectively measured.

So much in your post. Interesting ideas.

There is a view that all things physical originate from out of the spiritual world. The physical tree is the furthest extension into the physical world of spiritual 'tree' forces. [Plato] Same for our physical bodies - they would be the final expressions of subtler energies - in this paradigm and as you are suggesting. [This is the basis for homeopathic medicine, for example, and is recognized in allopathic medicine with 'mind over matter' avenues of cure - how we think/feel determines our health, the condition of our bodies - this is the arena where the correlation between mind (non-material) and physical (material) is most clearly observed.] In this view - the physical universe is actually 'dead' - or inert, without 'intent' of its own - and material science is concerning itself with the furthest push-out of the spirit - part of the reason why there are so many contradictions and problems with 'merely' a materially-based scientific approach - the results are always inadequate, incomplete, tenuous, because the causal source of the physical is ignored. [It's like science studying the carcass of a decaying dog believing that in so doing the life of the dog will be understood. Only traces of that life can be gleaned - so is the problem compounded in all materially-based research.]

In the above view, everything living and creative and vital takes place in the non-material realms - and those realms are complex and many-layered. It is said [an idea to consider not believe imo] that there are 'wars' in the spiritual realms that eventually percolate down into the physical universe where we then experience something like WWI and WWII. Causation is not as linear as we often suppose, it is posited. Impulses are coming from the spiritual realms - from 'actions' in the realm of spirit. So this is my reflection back on your idea that the animals - the very web of livingness - is perceiving a shift - sensing an energy dynamic in flux. I agree with what you are suggesting.

All that preamble is meant to give context to what I want to say regarding your thoughts: the first distinction to make is to determine whether influences/experiences are emerging from the past or are the result of a current spiritual stream of forces flowing into the material universe creating new forms. Some of what you describe sounds like influences from the past [and your own filters - that is for you to say] - but what they are exactly can only be determined by you. You are the only authority when it comes to interpreting your own experiences - though when accessed lawfully, according to spiritual laws, the results are universal. This is where material-based science differs from spiritual-based research. This is why the spirit is a threat to physical power in all ways.

There are laws in the physical universe - there are also laws in the spiritual universe. One can tinker in material science with only a concern for the intellect. One must have a good mind to execute good science. But with spiritual research, one must undertake a far more rigorous discipline - for the answers are not to be found in any authority [as in material-based science] but in oneself [that is too 'uncertain' for many for whom the authority is outside oneself.]. If the inner path is meticulously and rigorously engaged - a 'scientific method of the spirit', in a sense - the experiences are clear, the sign-posts unmistakeable, and the resulting knowledge secure. Instead of speculation there will be the ability to recognize what one is 'seeing' and what one is experiencing in subtle ways.

@stonehart story is an illustration of the difficulty of categorizing a psychic (for lack of a better word in the moment) phenomenon - which is subjective (though no less real) - with material-based phenomenon. 'Evidence' is not to be found in the same way as 'found' in material-based science. [The materially-based researcher will attempt to 'capture' the remnants of the psychic trail - an interesting attempt - but bound to err because the origin of what is 'captured' is not understood. The fact that to understand and to know requires inner work is not accepted - so the materially-based researcher 'swings the cat by the tail' and suffers the consequences - often (tragically) with derangement as the consequence.

[Never doubt the intensity of courage as well as strength - both moral and mental - it takes to negotiate the inner path. Aspirants on the path of knowledge crash-and-burn with harrowing regularity. For every successful seer or Occultist, there are many more fighting off the phantasms of their own weak minds and unrefined emotional bodies, deluded by paranoia and other less mundane mental afflictions, trapped in the darkness and delusions of the lower astral plane.]

[However, it has been suggested that a time will come when material-based science research will indeed 'punch-through' into the spiritual domain - it will be/is now a complex moment.]

There has to be a distinction between material and non-material based phenomena, understanding that it is the spiritual that is the primary impact on the physical and everything physical has its origin in the spiritual realms. 'Action' in the purely physical realm is the residue movement from spiritual impact.

Another way to see it is that the spiritual and physical are extremes on a continuum - but not from side-to-side as in the 'separate but equal' sense, but in a top-down continuum - in which the impulses are coming from the spiritual into the physical. The physical is the furthest 'push-out' of the spiritual - it's where the spiritual world 'ends', full-stop [yes, like a 'wall']. In this sense the physical is also spiritual, albeit the most concretized aspect of the more ethereal spiritual impulses coursing down from more rarified strata.

Hence, my reflection back to you is: thresholds are being crossed by people in this time. It was prophesied that it would be so by those who understood these things in the 19th century, and they indicated that the shift would be starting at the end of the 20th century. People are seeing things, experiencing things, that require a discerning mind and a real knowledge of the subtler realms. Past influences - or future capacities? The materially-based researcher will wrestle with the experiences in different ways than those who recognize the existence of the spiritual worlds - but there is complexity in all explorations.

Having spoken so forthrightly above I have to end by saying - must end by saying, because this arena is so fraught, and I end thus more for my own sake - the saving grace to all of this is Love. The Initiator above all is the Being of Love - and that is all that matters, in the end. :)
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I strongly do.. ghosts for me is a general subject that covers a whole range of topics, I work with many "ghostly" entities much of the time, my last encounter not only a deceased "shadow" cat, but a recently deceased infant , and then now I'm on to a report of apparition in the form of a skeleton yet with a fleshy mans head that only remains in a dark room, and was there before the infant passed...
Ghost stories is an part of human life.There is any reality behind the stories, it can describe only who faced that type situations.ghost mostly create negative power it also can be positive.
Ghost stories is an part of human life.There is any reality behind the stories, it can describe only who faced that type situations.ghost mostly create negative power it also can be positive.
Was this taken out of Wikipedia, or did you come to these conclusions after exhausting research?