Oh, I see what you did there
This planet and the people on it are insignificant compared to everything else in our universe. Watch Carl Sagans "little blue dot". It will put a lot of stuff in perspective.
Studies have shown that the human mind cannot even begin to comprehend the size of the universe. It literally boggles the mind. So for people to sit there and talk about this epic battle of good and evil and Angels falling from heaven is just silly.
Why would a GOD be angry, Jealous, and petty? GOD seems pretty human to me.
Studies have shown that the human mind cannot even begin to comprehend the size of the universe. It literally boggles the mind. So for people to sit there and talk about this epic battle of good and evil and Angels falling from heaven is just silly.
Why would a GOD be angry, Jealous, and petty? GOD seems pretty human to me.