Skilled Investigator
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik
No I dont think that is bullshit,
I would imagine they would have some sort of symbolic language themselves.
And therefore would have some concept of what our languages are all about.
I dont mean by that, that they would necessarily understand any of it.
Just what the written forms represent.
Now getting back to music for a moment, aside from the aural appreciation bit.
The classical written form I would think, would be a relatively simple thing to get to grips with especially as much of it can be understood mathematically.
I have mentioned this on another thread, but I think an apt quote in relation to music, and the true apreciation of it's emotional power to humans at least would be.
"Talking about music is like fishing about architecture".
Frank Zappa.
By that I mean. It's one thing to have all the theory, but to really appreciate what music can do you just have to play.
No I dont think that is bullshit,
I would imagine they would have some sort of symbolic language themselves.
And therefore would have some concept of what our languages are all about.
I dont mean by that, that they would necessarily understand any of it.
Just what the written forms represent.
Now getting back to music for a moment, aside from the aural appreciation bit.
The classical written form I would think, would be a relatively simple thing to get to grips with especially as much of it can be understood mathematically.
I have mentioned this on another thread, but I think an apt quote in relation to music, and the true apreciation of it's emotional power to humans at least would be.
"Talking about music is like fishing about architecture".
Frank Zappa.
By that I mean. It's one thing to have all the theory, but to really appreciate what music can do you just have to play.