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The book has NOT taken over my soul—only my time has been taken over and maybe some of my patience. OF COURSE I will appear on DM again. Plus C2C, Rense, Binnall, Pippin, etc etc I've been on DM numerous times and plan to be on many more times if Don'll have me. I was hoping to make my next appearance as the book was being released. Makes more sense from a marketing POV to push a book that is out and available, but I should be able to free a late evening up in the next couple of weeks to pay a return visit to DM for all those mute fanz that can't wait any longer.As for not appearing on DMR because the book has taken over your soul. From a business point of view it would make sense to take the time to appear on DMR. You put all the effort in writing of book but have not done the PR get your book buyers hungry. plus as a keen listener it's what I want to hear
No. Kagan & Summers wrote Mute Evidence in 1983 that was a stinging dismissal of the mystery. They got an $80 THOUSAND $ advance and the pocket-sized paperback may have sold 4 or 5,000 copies. The rest were pulped. It is a hard book to find today. In STH I point out the obvious errors in their logic saying that ALL mutilations were and are mundane.Is it the first one to deal exclusively with the mute phenomenon? That's a big deal, right there.
What is the most interesting to me about Dark Matters is the political tetherball between Don and Richard Serradet. Don is sort of a kill-em-all Reagan guy while Don is a liberal who points out we are living in a fascist regime. Slowly but surely, Don is being put in a position to see that Richard is right about that.
Don lives too much in the past. We know that crop circles are fake - they are not the result of microwave weapons.
Also, he makes many of the Tim Good mistakes accepting 'hearsay' when he should not. For example, he will quote Ingo Swan on objects on the moon. That doesn't prove shit for heaven's sake! He will accept what pilots say - like the X15 pilot from the last show - who see 'UFO' objects around them. That is also a bad mistake - to simply take the word of someone as fact! These second-hand stories are often elaborated, exaggerated or just plain wrong.
Ecker also tends to side with right-wing militants. But if you start to question the direction of the SS (Surveilence State), it is a little inconsistent to wave a flag and pack your rifle every time that same State wants to rub someone out. You have to question these things. You have to WISE UP.
Finally, I'm wondering if Don is hard of hearing or has voice modulation problems like Will Ferrell. He should get a VU meter for his podcast and watch for all the blinking red lights. That will tell him his listeners are in pain. Every time a red light flashes, that is one more person who feels like they've been stabbed in the ear.
Once bitten, twice shy. But at Gene's request I'm posting this:
Speaking in a strong voice doesn't guarantee that the message is accurate. Don´s claim regarding the position of US-friendly governments on the issue of weapons of mass destruction prior to the (2nd) Iraq War is inaccurate.
I think you must realize that Powell now regrets making that Iraq presentation. Haven't you seen his recent interviews?
But don't take my word for it:
Colin Powell regrets U.N. speech justifying the Iraq invasion | The Raw Story
The fact is that the intelligence was shaky at best. Yes, Saddam had WMD back during the first Gulf war. But it's also true that Bush/Cheney would have used any excuse to attack Iraq. Yeah, mission accomplished! That country is a mess, and if the U.S. stayed there 100 years nothing would have happened except for the deaths of more brave soldiers. It was all a huge waste of resources, not to mention the casualties on all sides.
BS. The warning signs were there. We just didn't pay attention. Do your research.
You know ... Pal, I was simply relating what I was told at that time. I was there Sport and I didn't see your ass there. The X-15 thing is famous and it has been around for many many years. If you perhaps did a little reading and less time playing with your ears you may have picked that up.
DON, when American forces 'speculate' something, that does not make it a fact. You seem very anxious and eager to accept propaganda from the Bush regime. All the European inspection people found NO evidence of any sort of a WMD program in Iraq and this is well documented. Still, you do not believe. Did you not vote for Reagan? I am simply saying that you identify YOURSELF as conservative (conned-servant-ive). Raygun is sort of known as a gun-toting cowboy type, so the 'kill-em-all' is a little tongue-in-cheek among us more left-leaning (you might say 'Commie') types.
You don't like my objections to your thinking so you seek to ban me. You threaten me for having the nerve to question you. Very right-wing of you. We liberals like debate. We have thinker skin. We are adults who can deal with opposition. It is fascists who want to end all debate and ban and dispel 'misfits.'
You may not like my use of the word 'militant' when I speak of the right wing, but that is what they are to me AND your friend Richard Serradet, I would bet. I like Richard. We are a lot alike.
First of all, if I am you PAL, why do you threaten me? And what do you mean "I was there SPORT?" You were where? On the moon? At Ingo's house? On the X-15? I don't get it.
"The X-15 thing is FAMOUS and it has been around for many many years."
How does the story being FAMOUS make it true? How does one man's statement of what he thought he saw make it TRUE? Again, why is the fact that it is FAMOUS make it more true? I don't get it.
No, I'm not a troll. I just says it likes I sees it. If I let people just say whatever nonsense they wanted to say I would be Art Bell. This is not the Art Bell show.
edit: Good lord, I just read your signature. I didn't see that before.