Angelo: Any other perceived negatives you'd like to pick at? Google is your friend, look him up. It seems it doesn't matter who we get to come on the show, they will never live up to your lofty, idealized standards of excellence and decorum.
OK, I'll do your work for you:
John Brandenburg Ph.D.
John E. Brandenburg is a plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin, working on space plasma technologies and space propulsion. He also performed research on the MET(Microwave Electro-Thermal) plasma thruster for space propulsion, Rocket Plume-Regolith Interactions on the Moon and Mars, Vortex theory of Rocket engine design, and Kaluza-Klein theory of Field Unification for purposes of space propulsion. He also performed an architecture study for a Human Mars Mission using solar electric propulsion. Before coming to ORBITEC he was performing research on air plasmas and plasma propulsion at Florida Space Institute. He is a pioneer in creating electrodeless atmospheric pressure plasmas in air using microwaves. Before this he was at The Aerospace Corporation, where one of his duties was as principle investigator of the MET propulsion project.
Before coming to Aerospace corporation Dr. Brandenburg was a researcher at Research Support Instruments (RSI) where he specialized in making controlled laboratory plasmas for uses ranging from air plasmas for surface sterilization , Fusion research and the MET thruster. He also worked as an independent consultant on Space Missile Defense, Directed Energy Weapons, and space rocket plume phenomenology, and also at Mission Research Corporation and Sandia National Laboratories on plasmas for controlled fusion and similar topics.
He obtained his MS in Applied Science at University of California at Davis and his PhD in Theoretical Plasma Physics at the UC Davis extension campus at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore California. The Title of his Thesis was “A Theoretical Model of a Reversed Field Ion Layer Made of Monoenergetic Ions” and dealt with the magnetic confinement of plasmas for controlled nuclear fusion. Inspired by the Apollo missions to choose a career in Physics he has always been an avid fan of space exploration and science fiction.
The Refereed Publications of Dr. Brandenburg include:
1. Brandenburg, J.E. (2007) “The Value of the Gravitation Constant and its Relation
to Cosmic Electrodynamics,” IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science, Plasma
Cosmology Issue Vol. 35, No. 4., p845.
2. Brandenburg, J.E. Kline , J.F. , and Sullivan D.F. (2005) “The Microwave Electro-
Thermal (MET) Thruster Using Water As Propellant “ IEEE Transactions On
Plasma Science Vol. 33, No. 2. p776.
3. J. E. Brandenburg and John F. Kline, (1998) “Experimental Investigation of Large-
Volume PIA Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure” IEEE Transactions on Plasma
Science, Vol. 26, 2. p145-149.
4. J.E. Brandenburg (1996) “Mars as the Parent Body of the CI Carbonaceous
Chondrites” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 23, 9, p961-964.
5. J.E. Brandenburg (1995) “ A Model Cosmology Based on Gravity Electro-
Magnetism Unification”, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol 277, p133-144. (
also in “Plasma Astrophysics and Cosmology” (1995) A. L. Peratt Editor , Kluwer
Academic Publishers)
6. J.E. Brandenburg (1995) “Constraints on the Martian Cratering Rate Based on the
SNC Meteorites and Implications for Mars Climatic History” earth Moon and
Planets 67: p35-45.
7. J. E. Brandenburg, (1994) “The MET ( Microwave Electro-Thermal )Thruster”,
Proceedings of the University of Utah Small Satellite Conference (1994)
10. J. E. Brandenburg (1992) “Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism in the
Plasma Universe” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , Plasma Cosmology
Issue Vol 20, 6, p944.
11. J.E. Brandenburg, Vincent DiPietro, and Gregory Molenaar,(1991) “The Cydonian
Hypothesis” Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol 5. , 1, p 1-25,
12. J.E. Brandenburg (1990) “ A Theory of the Relaxation of Tokamak Discharges”,
Journal of Plasma Physics.Vol 43, part 2, p283.
13. J.E. Brandenburg and Richard F. Post(1986)“ Analytical Field reversed Equilibria
Derived from Self-consistent Particle Orbits, Part II” Nuclear Fusion 26, 1073.
14. J.E. Brandenburg and E. P. Lee, (1986) “A Model of Hose Instabilities in Rotating
Electron Beams” Phys. of Fluids, 43, 1501.
15. Richard F. Post and J.E. Brandenburg , (1981)“ Analytical Field reversed
Equilibria Derived from Self-consistent Particle Orbits, Part I” Nuclear Fusion