Hi, Mike. I see even when I was traveling and not posting to the forum you brought up my son's "beyond safe" phrase, though as is usual with many of your posts, out of context, which tendency to contextual destruction I have pointed out in other threads. And I see in your post above that it appears again.
I have never discounted the tragedy of what has happened in Japan, in fact have stressed its tragic proportions, but have remained a distinct counterweight to the hyperbole expressed on this and other threads about it, hyperbole and stridency lacking in fact and purporting to express the horrific proportions of radioactivity, deaths, injury, long term effects, evacuations (of Japanese populations and American soldiers), and many other egregious errors. The amount of radioactivity released has been consistently downsized and still is. Things do change, and I addressed the hyperbolic and anachronistic nature of many of the posts on this subject where unreliable, unattributed, and spurious "sources" are summoned pell mell, helter skelter, and willy nilly to the defense of this hyperbolic and strident tone. Those contrary views and evidence can be read on my other posts.
This video you post paints a quite different picture than your conjecturing that the Australian Navy would be sinking ships transporting millions of Japanese refugees, and another poster's view that the guns would come out. I quoted you and him exactly and addressed those comments in another post.
The people in the video are protesting the reopening of another plant, as is their right in a democracy, as Japan is. The fact that Japan is resuming nuclear power production paints a bit different picture than what you intend. Where are the "poor people" exactly in this video? Where is footage of people really dying, suffering, etc., that you maintain? Again, the Japanese people did suffer indeed, and I don't discount that.
And again, as I have asked you and Rick before, what, exactly and specifically, are your solutions to energy production in the world and in the U.S.?
And I need to get over to that thread about the Indiana/Michigan radiation "incident" you and Rick commented on. Needless to say, ahem, that was a big mountain out of a molehill that seems to have not been covered by mainstream media and quickly became an incident involving black helicopters and massive explosions. It would seem that passage of time and actual facts would cause you to go over there and offer some remediation.
Your use (again and again) of my son's phrase points to more of a raw feeling at being presented with contrary evidence and views than it does with presenting any facts, as evidenced by your repeating it over and over. My son, who is a nuclear engineer, and has worked in natural gas and nuclear plants, was talking to the unbelievable redundancy of the safety features inherent in American nuclear plants.
And it amazes me in this forum how the United States is the object of such scorn at times and of such adulation. Its culture, movies, technology, education, politics, and I could go on and on and on, permeate the world, for good and bad. But let's look at Australia's energy production, Mike.
Coal burning plants produce over 80% of Australia's energy, and natural gas, which is far, far cleaner, a comparatively tiny amount. Australia exports uranium. I wonder where that goes, and I'm not saying it should cease exporting uranium, not at all, but from your posts it would seem you would be in the streets protesting that daily down under. In the United States nuclear power generates over 20% of its electricity, natural gas nearly one fourth, and coal less than half. With all the talk of global warming, perhaps your own country has some introspection to indulge in.
My only purpose when I post in this forum is to address facts, and I do the research. It doesn't mean that I am always exactly right, but I do think my history on the many subjects I have posted on is one of reason, research, reading, rationality, and 'rithmetic.' I serve here as a counterweight to claims made as fact and "buttressed" by mountains of scissor work and glue that is often unattributed and unsourced, or often (very often) just meandering, bewildering, puzzling, head shaking spilling out of opinion on everything under the sun, and when it becomes too much I think I have a right to address it, because often (very often) this opinion is clearly labeled as fact. Kim