?4 October 2006
Vancouver, Canada
Star Friends and All,
Suffice it to say that the past ten months of my life have been
extremely intense and eye-opening. Suffice it to say that the Cabal
Empire has been stricken with paranoia by my simple intention.
Suffice it to say that the Star Nations Starcraft Mission,
aka "Symbol of Truth," has worn me down enough to pass the baton to a
more aptly-prepared individual, in the wings.
I won't bore you with the gory statistics, and I think I've spoken at
length before so I'll be brief before I slip away.
I have learned many lessons on this unusual journey. Many things I
have re-learned or remembered. Since my awakening I found myself
loaded with questions and few answers. This mission, to me, was a
genuine chance to answer some of those questions, particularly one
question, and they were so important that I would risk anything to
answer those questions.
The starcraft mission was designed to fail, from my point of view,
and I chose it for that reason. Star Nations asked me many times if I
was certain that I wanted to do it. Even after it was begun I was
asked and each time I confirmed my decision. I truly believed that I
could accomplish it, even requiring my own life to do so which had
mixed reactions from people. I'm not a martyr. I don't believe in
that sort of thing, but when something is as important as this and
the odds are stacked against you 1,000:1, if you are not willing to
bet your life then you had better sit back and watch someone else do
it. This is my thinking. Perhaps I have a warrior mindset.
It has always been in my nature to succeed at the impossible, at a
cost. Surely, this mission was in that league; it makes the Mission:
Impossible movies look like a slow ride to Grandma's House in a
limousine. But there has been something very wrong with this mission
on so many levels which is why I said that it was designed to fail.
One example I'll share, and there are many, is that in order for me
to fully embrace my star persona, Talessian, it required me to let go
of my ego, a reluctant ego at that; and the more I lost my ego the
less interest I had in flying a starcraft for the sake of "proving"
the existence of Star People, of which I am one, and I have been
interacting with many. It's like a human trying to prove to
butterflies that humans are real.
Plus, the more of my star persona that arose, the more connected I
became to Star People, and Star Nations, and Source, and the less
interest I had in proving things. Why? Because there is so much more
to this world, to this life, to this universe, so much that is so
blinding in truth that everything else becomes insignificant, that's
why. There is so much beauty in the world, in this existence, that I
have no word to express what I feel. And so that has been my biggest
battle of all, not the Cabal, they are distractions, not the
starcraft, it is a flying vessel: but the battle
between...enlightenment, perhaps, I don't rightly know the terms for
it. The battle between the spirit and material world. Your guess is a
good as mine at this point.
Over the course of this mission many things happened on many levels,
some of which I was aware of and some of which I was not. Just like
my mission, some things I was aware of and some things I was not. I
believe that all is in perfection and all things have a reason and
therefore what has happened was meant to happen. While we may think
we understand it, we might on one level, but there are many levels we
have yet to understand.
It has been my honor to serve in this manner. My gratitude and thanks
to Star Nations for offering so much and asking for so little. My
thanks also to all the Lightworkers and all good-willed people for
their kind thoughts and their energy. It was certainly put to good
use. And my thanks to the Psychic Teams for their hard work.
If I pushed you all too hard it was necessary and I meant no ill
will. My special thanks to Dr. Richard Boylan (Councillor of Earth)
for putting his career on the line with an unusual person and an
uncertain outcome. I'm very certain that your day is at hand.
Ultimately, Star Nations and my Star Family is very committed to
assisting Earth at this time, and has been doing so for a long time.
Trust in them to assist further and remember that the real work is
still encumbent upon you all. And there is much work that needs to be
done. The starcraft will not solve the world's problems and will
create new ones. Be ready for that outcome. Be brave.
May the next starcraft captain receive all the blessings to take him
to the skies and to mesmerize the world with the truth! May the
people finally wake as the Fifth World unfolds.
I will continue with my personal development as before. There are
more lessons for me to learn and I am an eager student.
In Love and Light,
Mario Sasso