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DR. Richard Sauder PhD. ( Paranoid hyper delusional)

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...I just wasted 2 hours listning [sic] to this episode with this crazy idiot! I just wanted to give this guy a good beating...Oh sorry, Didn't know I was not intitled [sic] to my own opinion on a show.
Sure, you're entitled to your own opinion, but we have a rules here at the forums that disallows ad hominem attacks and name calling. Calling Dr. Sauder "this crazy idiot" constitutes a violation of our rules. Instead of simply banning you, I gave you the courtesy of a friendly "unofficial" warning. *hint* if you said he came across like a crazy person, that would have been borderline OK.

Get more creative w/ your flaming, stay within our rules, and you'll do just fine! And I'm NOT Chris Jong Il--I'm actually a fairly tolerant, nice guy that doesn't appreciate your innuendo... We all play by the same rules here.
I listened to this show last night again for the first time since it first aired. I remembered really being annoyed at Sauder, but this time considering it was the middle of the night he came off sounding more sincere. The cell phone noise toward the end of the show got really annoying but Sauder insisting it was the Ayahuasca causing the phone to do that, well made me think this thread is aptly named. I don't doubt his sincerity, but i think there really might be a real problem there.
I remember reading some of his blogs after the show, i think i posted links at the time.

Sorry Chris he came across as batshit insane.
Orly? You're going to tell me I never heard a show where he discussed underground bases and reptilians? Let's see...
NEW Dr Richard Sauder interviewed on reptilians/near future/agendas at play
Richard Sauder Conference - Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnels , page 1
If this is so, he's made a belly-flop into the pool of kool-aid. Say it ain't so, I would be greatly disappointed. He's scoffed at the "alien" involvement in underground bases and tunnels when I spoke with him. Maybe they finally got to him, those go-w/-the-crowd sell alot of book types. and the jello-slurpers. Throw in six months in prison, moving to Ecuador, liberal doses of ayahuasca and a growing sense of paranoia and anyone could potentially lose it. I can only go with my own conversations w/ him, his books and articles and occasional visits to his blog. Happens to the best of us, I suppose. Who woulda thuink it? Rich Dolan took him in, put up a web-site, etc., several years ago -- maybe that also helped push him over the edge (sorry, bad joke). He did sound a bit weird and alarmingly delusional toward the end of his Paracast appearance, but as a longtime at a distance friend I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

OK, I know you want a mea culpa. Put me in my place.

OK my bad, I was wrong. It appears that he's turned to the dark side of jello-land. :( Maximizing his potential w/ the C2C kool-aid brigade. Sad. You're right, I should keep up with my friends--even when they move to SA and keep up w/ MY OWN RESEARCH.
6 months in prison? Trespassing or something similar I assume? Thank you btw.
Yeah, he's a really interesting, passionate guy. GO HERE: He wore an Indian headdress to remind everyone that the base was placed on Indian Land. It took over an hour for him to be taken into custody. He refused to bail himself out and served his sentence as a form of protest. Then, he moved to Ecuador and started slurpin the ayayuasca. Go figure...
Yeah, he's a really interesting, passionate guy. GO HERE: He wore an Indian headdress to remind everyone that the base was placed on Indian Land. It took over an hour for him to be taken into custody. He refused to bail himself out and served his sentence as a form of protest. Then, he moved to Ecuador and started slurpin the ayayuasca. Go figure...

Y'know not to sound like a conspiracy theorist myself but you have to wonder why the hell that wasn't national news. The man penetrated a nuclear site and it took them over an hour to find and arrest him? WTF? We should all be glad he wasn't there with a more nefarious purpose in mind. It hits home for me especially because I live about 5 or 6 miles from a nuclear power plant, hopefully security is a little tighter there...
Y'know not to sound like a conspiracy theorist myself but you have to wonder why the hell that wasn't national news...
I guess he made his points i.e., terrorism/security & Native rights but then went the extra nine yards by serving his entire sentence--even though (based on my understanding) he could have had it reduced. It is amazing that the story was never picked up by the wires, Letterman, Leno, etc

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