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Dwight Schultz & UFOs

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The episode you are about to hear is a genuine treat in the annuals of DMR and UFOs Tonite. I met Dwight at a lecture I was giving at the Santa Monica Museum of Flying somewhere around Feb. of 1994 and we clicked and became buddies. I invited him to come on UFOs Tonite and he agreed. This show happened March 5, 1994 and is monumental in a number of ways. Here was a major television and film star who came out of the closet and admitted that he was fascinated by the topic of UFOs .. and had been for over 30 years!

The topics we hit were far ranging during that show ... from President Jimmy Carter and his UFO sighting to Paul Davids, Roswell, the Roswell event .. the government and UFOs .. well you will just have to listen. But I think you will find this show to be memorable. It sure was for me!

Show Opening


Hour 01


Hour 02

Thanks Don!
I can't tell you how much I enjoy these shows. I lead such a hectic life with very little spare time but every spare minute I do get, when i'm in the car driving to work etc, I cannot wait to stick on another one of these podcasts!

Such good Radio, and the guests are so interesting, i dont know where you found them all
Dwight is always a blast to listen to Don.

I heard several shows before I associated him with Star Trek, great playful character on that show as well.

Will he be part of your moon special?
Nice one.

So this was before Dwight came on board and co-hosted the show with you?

Yep, later I invited him to co-host with me and that is how it started on UFOs Tonite! Then years later we did started Dark Matters Radio on satellite.

There's a "money quote" in this show:

Why do we always assume that they're going back?

All sorts of space travel, even things like traveling to Mars, becomes orders of magnitude more practical when you ditch the concept of a return voyage. The most practical Mars colony proposals I've seen are those that call for us to send a bunch of care packages for years and years ahead of time and then send people on a one-way trip. When they get there they unpack these packages and build a settlement. We send more people and more care packages until the colony is self-sufficient.

Without warp drive of some sort, star travel of the sort depicted on TV is not really possible. But if you ditch the idea of coming home, it becomes quite plausible. It would be a one way trip... maybe you'd fly around in a generational ship playing "Johnny Appleseed" leaving colonies and automated science outposts here and there.
Looking very forward to this thankyou . Dwight seems like a great guy Don. Are you fellas still in contact..? Does he have a cameo role in the new A Team Movie starring Liam Neeson ?
Looking very forward to this thankyou . Dwight seems like a great guy Don. Are you fellas still in contact..? Does he have a cameo role in the new A Team Movie starring Liam Neeson ?

Owlman, Dwight has been extra busy of late, and yes we just communicated the other day. He has been doing some very current radio filling in for a national radio host. At this point I have heard nothing about any cameo appearance on the A Team film. Dwight and Dirk Benedict are very good friends and have been since the A Team. George Peppard died a few years ago and the only other member of the show is Mr. T. The last time Dwight mentioned T, he had told me that he and Dirk had not spoken with T for awhile.

Owlman, Dwight has been extra busy of late, and yes we just communicated the other day. He has been doing some very current radio filling in for a national radio host. At this point I have heard nothing about any cameo appearance on the A Team film. Dwight and Dirk Benedict are very good friends and have been since the A Team. George Peppard died a few years ago and the only other member of the show is Mr. T. The last time Dwight mentioned T, he had told me that he and Dirk had not spoken with T for awhile.

I think Dwight may well be starring as a cameo. Somebody I train with who is connected to the UFC was telling me about how Rampage Jackson was starring as Mr T and said he had heard that Dwight was the only original member starring in it
How cool would it be to see Dwight in the new movie :)

PS. What a wealth of info this man knows about the UFO subject. A thoroughly enjoyable interview Don.
You've been uploading some excellent stuff lately !
Hey Don - Add me to the others who enjoyed this show with Mr. Schultz. It would be great if you and Dwight could be on the Paracast.
Owlman, Dwight has been extra busy of late, and yes we just communicated the other day. He has been doing some very current radio filling in for a national radio host. At this point I have heard nothing about any cameo appearance on the A Team film. Dwight and Dirk Benedict are very good friends and have been since the A Team. George Peppard died a few years ago and the only other member of the show is Mr. T. The last time Dwight mentioned T, he had told me that he and Dirk had not spoken with T for awhile.


Absolutely !! Owlman, Dwight IS a great person ended !! He has an official fansite with many loving members (Including Don) and admins: http://www.dwightschultzfansite.nl/ On this site Dwight announced the premier that He was making a cameo for the A-Team movie. Few weeks later, Dirk Bennedict did the same on his fansite. So we Dwight Schultz addicts’ are looking forward to the movie on June 2010 …!!!!

You may like to read this:

Dwight Schultz plays cameo part in new A-team movie.
October 30th. 2009

We have received many questions if Dwight will have a cameo part in the A-team movie. We are pleased to inform you all that Dwight has actually already been working in Vancouver, where he has played a cameo role in The A-Team movie. Sharlto Copely, the South African actor who plays Murdock, is according to Dwight: 'brilliant beyond words'. Dwight has seen his screen test and he stated: that honestly, if Sharlto is given an opportunity to do what I saw in that test, "Murdock" will be better than ever!' Sharlto has been very kind to him on the set and Dwight must say that he has been treated very well. Please state Dwights fansite as source if you want to place this news on your site/blog/forum etc.

If you want to know some more ... Go to the Archive news and have a good time 8)

Love to all,

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