*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors
Huh? As in the DaVinci Code crap? THAT Dan Brown?
Mark the day, people. David just had an emotional response which made me have an emotional response which triggered a PK event and I had to reboot my computer. A minor inconvenience, but it was worth it.
Yes, THAT Dan Brown. In his latest book, The Lost Symbol, he brings in Lynne McTaggart's The Intention Experiment early on, and the character of Katherine Solomon. Who's conducting experiments on the fringe of Noetic Science, including holographic and remote viewing, and whose thinking is so futuristic she isn't sure it can even be called science anymore.
And by the end of the book he brings in biofields. If you visit my website you can learn about some of the progress the National Institute of Health is looking at with bioelectromagnetics. From the human side. You can read about magnetocardiograms that are in FDA clinical trials with published peer-reviewed results in cardiology. Brown brings in what Eastern Medicine has said all along -- that our spines are conduits. And those woo-woo things called auras.... are bioelectromagnetic fields. Biofields. You can read about some PK events and things I've recorded about them and biofields in the Empirical Vignettes section.
Dan Brown just gave us one helluva lot of PR and I, for one, am quite grateful.
Speaking of remote viewing, in case you missed the announcement that I posted in that other remote viewing thread, Controlled Remote Viewing is being offered for (as far as we know), the first time at a University for credit. I, for one, am quite grateful about that too. Headed for a Psychology Department near you, I'm sure.
And since we're talking remote viewing, the March 6 - 12 issue of New Scientist has a really good article about Multiverses. It seems Raphael Bousso is making the entire world of physics nervous as hell, as multiverse is >>>this close<<< to a "theory verging on respectability" which reportedly rattles everybody's current idea of physics. It will be interesting to see if the Multiple Universe remote viewing sessions logged in at Farsight will dovetail into that somehow. That would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.
---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------
That is great that you were there. I burned the lecture to DVD, I'll have to go back and watch it again. I have all of Vallee's work on UFOs, in fact I have a first edition of "Forbidden Science" signed by Vallee, one of the most valued books in my library. I have not read "Strategem" but know of it. I think he has a couple other novels as well. A truly fascinating scientist. I'll have to take a look at your website. My own education and training is in physics, and as I said I am not really knowledgeable on RV, but I like to think I am open-minded. The implications of the quantum theory on the nature of reality and the role of the conscious observer in the theory seem to leave open numerous possibilities. Dr. Michio Kaku has made some intriguing statements on his thoughts on RV, psychic abilities, etc. Best of luck to you.
Thank you. It means a lot to know you say it and sincerely mean it.
---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------
Teresa, let's make this happen. How about we all contribute in developing a test that both parties agree upon.
I'm willing to meet you halfway on this if it's a joint venture between Paracast and CRV but you are the customer and I'm the controlled remote viewer, project manager and analyst that
you are coming to with a question. That means this is an operational target, not a test.
There are rules.
No discussion in the forum.
You, the customer, bring me your question. Like any customer approaching a business, I find out what you want and task the viewers. They send their sessions to me, I analyze them and sanitize them for anonymity and compile a report.
This is not the usual way it goes because you are trying to prove remote viewing to yourself. This means that I, the Project Manager will have to know the target. That means you, the customer in this case, will have to trust me that I am not going to tell the viewers.
I don't know if you are willing to do that.
Based on what I've already explained, you know that viewers work best in teams. If you wanted a single session that shows ability I already gave you one. If you want several sessions that show you results, go to Farsight. All of the sessions in the Climate Study were encrypted and the feedback not given until after the decryption key was issued by a random number generated on the closing of the Dow Jones. That's how the targets were randomly assigned and you can judge the sessions and the feedback for yourself.
Now, if you still want to set up a joint venture between Paracast and my methodology, CRV, I'll see what we can do. C2C has been giving a joint venture like this lip service for some time now, maybe we could go for it here but I will not be a party to what happened to Gulliver and Daz last year. This is more complicated than pulling a picture out of an envelope to see if it matches. If you respect this and set it up as a joint venture Project I'll have Lyn's help and I may get some viewers to participate. They won't waste their time on a dog and pony show but a worthwhile Project with a reason stands a chance.
Very few people heard me when I said this, but I gave Derren Brown credit for tapping into some people's intrinsic ability. They got Stonehenge. As far as I can tell, he thoroughly polluted everybody's subconscious in the UK with everything he could think of to do it. I don't live in the UK. I didn't read the papers, nor did I watch the show until after it aired. I got his target as having perceptions that would match a medicine wheel. Stonehenge is a medicine wheel.
I actually have one target in mind if you're amenable to details. Email me at
snowsewn1@aol.com and we'll at least begin to break some ground. It's going to take trust on both our sides to set this up right and not leak it. No hidden agendas. No masked targets. No multiple envelopes, pick one. No esoteric UFO targets. No outbounder exercises unless Lyn says that's the way to go. No working five viewers for five sessions getting only garbage just to hear the customer say "If you were really psychic you'd have known I was lying." I'll need their trust and we've been burned, either by skeptics with an agenda or uneducated "judges." Can you blame us?
Thanks for the offer, Jose. If David and Gene are okay with proposing a joint venture I'll talk to Lyn and we'll go from there.
Teresa aka The Compass Lady