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*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors.

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*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors

Teresa, let's make this happen. How about we all contribute in developing a test that both parties agree upon.
*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors

Huh? As in the DaVinci Code crap? THAT Dan Brown?

Mark the day, people. David just had an emotional response which made me have an emotional response which triggered a PK event and I had to reboot my computer. A minor inconvenience, but it was worth it. :D

Yes, THAT Dan Brown. In his latest book, The Lost Symbol, he brings in Lynne McTaggart's The Intention Experiment early on, and the character of Katherine Solomon. Who's conducting experiments on the fringe of Noetic Science, including holographic and remote viewing, and whose thinking is so futuristic she isn't sure it can even be called science anymore.

And by the end of the book he brings in biofields. If you visit my website you can learn about some of the progress the National Institute of Health is looking at with bioelectromagnetics. From the human side. You can read about magnetocardiograms that are in FDA clinical trials with published peer-reviewed results in cardiology. Brown brings in what Eastern Medicine has said all along -- that our spines are conduits. And those woo-woo things called auras.... are bioelectromagnetic fields. Biofields. You can read about some PK events and things I've recorded about them and biofields in the Empirical Vignettes section.

Dan Brown just gave us one helluva lot of PR and I, for one, am quite grateful. :)

Speaking of remote viewing, in case you missed the announcement that I posted in that other remote viewing thread, Controlled Remote Viewing is being offered for (as far as we know), the first time at a University for credit. I, for one, am quite grateful about that too. Headed for a Psychology Department near you, I'm sure. ;)

And since we're talking remote viewing, the March 6 - 12 issue of New Scientist has a really good article about Multiverses. It seems Raphael Bousso is making the entire world of physics nervous as hell, as multiverse is >>>this close<<< to a "theory verging on respectability" which reportedly rattles everybody's current idea of physics. It will be interesting to see if the Multiple Universe remote viewing sessions logged in at Farsight will dovetail into that somehow. That would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.


---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

That is great that you were there. I burned the lecture to DVD, I'll have to go back and watch it again. I have all of Vallee's work on UFOs, in fact I have a first edition of "Forbidden Science" signed by Vallee, one of the most valued books in my library. I have not read "Strategem" but know of it. I think he has a couple other novels as well. A truly fascinating scientist. I'll have to take a look at your website. My own education and training is in physics, and as I said I am not really knowledgeable on RV, but I like to think I am open-minded. The implications of the quantum theory on the nature of reality and the role of the conscious observer in the theory seem to leave open numerous possibilities. Dr. Michio Kaku has made some intriguing statements on his thoughts on RV, psychic abilities, etc. Best of luck to you.

Thank you. It means a lot to know you say it and sincerely mean it.


---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

Teresa, let's make this happen. How about we all contribute in developing a test that both parties agree upon.

I'm willing to meet you halfway on this if it's a joint venture between Paracast and CRV but you are the customer and I'm the controlled remote viewer, project manager and analyst that you are coming to with a question. That means this is an operational target, not a test.

There are rules.

No discussion in the forum.

You, the customer, bring me your question. Like any customer approaching a business, I find out what you want and task the viewers. They send their sessions to me, I analyze them and sanitize them for anonymity and compile a report.

This is not the usual way it goes because you are trying to prove remote viewing to yourself. This means that I, the Project Manager will have to know the target. That means you, the customer in this case, will have to trust me that I am not going to tell the viewers.

I don't know if you are willing to do that.

Based on what I've already explained, you know that viewers work best in teams. If you wanted a single session that shows ability I already gave you one. If you want several sessions that show you results, go to Farsight. All of the sessions in the Climate Study were encrypted and the feedback not given until after the decryption key was issued by a random number generated on the closing of the Dow Jones. That's how the targets were randomly assigned and you can judge the sessions and the feedback for yourself.

Now, if you still want to set up a joint venture between Paracast and my methodology, CRV, I'll see what we can do. C2C has been giving a joint venture like this lip service for some time now, maybe we could go for it here but I will not be a party to what happened to Gulliver and Daz last year. This is more complicated than pulling a picture out of an envelope to see if it matches. If you respect this and set it up as a joint venture Project I'll have Lyn's help and I may get some viewers to participate. They won't waste their time on a dog and pony show but a worthwhile Project with a reason stands a chance.

Very few people heard me when I said this, but I gave Derren Brown credit for tapping into some people's intrinsic ability. They got Stonehenge. As far as I can tell, he thoroughly polluted everybody's subconscious in the UK with everything he could think of to do it. I don't live in the UK. I didn't read the papers, nor did I watch the show until after it aired. I got his target as having perceptions that would match a medicine wheel. Stonehenge is a medicine wheel.

I actually have one target in mind if you're amenable to details. Email me at snowsewn1@aol.com and we'll at least begin to break some ground. It's going to take trust on both our sides to set this up right and not leak it. No hidden agendas. No masked targets. No multiple envelopes, pick one. No esoteric UFO targets. No outbounder exercises unless Lyn says that's the way to go. No working five viewers for five sessions getting only garbage just to hear the customer say "If you were really psychic you'd have known I was lying." I'll need their trust and we've been burned, either by skeptics with an agenda or uneducated "judges." Can you blame us?

Thanks for the offer, Jose. If David and Gene are okay with proposing a joint venture I'll talk to Lyn and we'll go from there.

Teresa aka The Compass Lady
*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors

Teresa, previous sessions don't interest me whether you consider them successful or not. I'm wanting a genuine session that I can consider successful but you'll need to understand that my interpretation of successful does not mean "close enough".

So, I need to disclose the location to you and trust that you won't tell the "team" the finer details of what I reveal to you?

Trust me when I say this, I'm very skeptical but I am fair. You'll need to submit a request as to what you need from me. You'll need to outline your rules and protocols. I'll read it, submit my rules and protocols and we can go from there. If all is fair and agreed upon, then we can move forward.
*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors

Teresa, previous sessions don't interest me whether you consider them successful or not. I'm wanting a genuine session that I can consider successful but you'll need to understand that my interpretation of successful does not mean "close enough".

So, I need to disclose the location to you and trust that you won't tell the "team" the finer details of what I reveal to you?

Trust me when I say this, I'm very skeptical but I am fair. You'll need to submit a request as to what you need from me. You'll need to outline your rules and protocols. I'll read it, submit my rules and protocols and we can go from there. If all is fair and agreed upon, then we can move forward.

Hi Jose,

Both Lyn's and my schedules are jammed and I'm trying to carve some time out to develop this. I was hoping to get Lyn on the phone tonight but it didn't work out. Bottom line, I'm still hoping to get a working Project out of it so the remote viewing community has a Project to point to. This one is crv, but maybe the next would be open to everybody once we got the ball rolling.

It still depends on whether or not the viewers will want to participate. Like the old adage, you have to spend money to make money, I think they may need to do some things like this to help with Public Relations. It would be helpful if you could / would tell me a bit about why you are wanting to do this and what you would do with the results.

So far it's just me negotiating this and if Lyn says it's a no-go, then nobody will participate. You say that I should trust that you are fair. If there is a breech of honor code or ethics I can guarantee you'll be off my Christmas Card list. I'm told there are trainers who task viewers with the death of the person sitting next to them. Above all else, there will be no hurting of people. No concentration camp or battlefield or mayhem targets. We may have total newbies who would like to participate and they aren't ready for that. No scenarios trying to help law enforcement solve the crime of the week, or the century. We assist law enforcement but only if they ask. We do not gather a bunch of information and go running up to them insisting we're the answer to their prayers. They throw the results into the circular file and the viewer who "knows" is stuck with carrying the frustration and heartbreak of knowing they had information to give that wasn't acted upon. Those are some things I would ask you to consider and avoid when you are chosing your target.

How to choose a target: I would recommend visiting Lyn's site and looking at some of his training targets as examples. They are designed for all levels of training, from the most basic to the Operational Certification Grads insofar as the type of information that could be obtained. They include maps and dowsing. Some scalar work is included in Intermediate, but if you want minute details as the answer to your question you probably will not get it. Often those are Operational level details achieved with retasking.

So we've outlined what to avoid and why. We've covered examples of good targets by going to Lyn's site and checking them out. Now for phrasing your question and tasking the viewers. Lyn and I are in the middle of a very big project with a deadline of this week, and my first hands-on opportunity to learn to work with and analyze sessions. I had an email tonight explaining that for this customer I'll be blind to the target, and I can apply the same to you. My chief concern is that I translate the information given to you accurately and in a language that works for you, thus my initial proposal of you telling me, the Project Manager what the target is. That and I wanted to make sure you don't go left of center and choose a mayhem type target. I have a couple of ideas I'll get to in a minute.


On Lyn's site you will see tasking and frontloading. Once you have decided on your target you will need to formulate your question(s) for me to give to the viewers. They cannot (and I don't think you want them to) impart any information about the target. For this exercise you will tell me to tell the viewers something like:

The target is a location. Describe the location. or The target is an event. Describe the event.

The viewers work the target and send me the sessions and summaries. I don't know what your target is, so I go through them, one line at a time and look to see what they offer up that seems to match your question. I write up a report which includes their summaries and sketches and inserts of my analysis of what I think matches. I'll post the report here.

Security issues. To avoid leaking or anyone being able to cast doubt, I had an idea that's fairly user friendly and doesn't involve encryption and key release and all of that. We set a deadline for my report. The day before the deadline you put copies of the target in the mail. One to me, one to Lyn, one to David and Gene if you like. The envelopes will be postmarked. Include feedback images and historical site information. Notarize them if you want to go that far. If they're in the mail the day before I release the report the postmarks will show and I'll include them as part of the final project report.

Addressing your "close enough" statement and my translation of information concern. Two examples of why judging and analysis are two different animals. This is where McMoneagle got burned. His bridge target was nixxed because he described something "artistic" (if I remember close to correctly) and he was standing in front of a plaque at a bridge. Thesaurical concepts have to be considered in descriptions. I worked a target that was a hot air balloon festival and I wondered why everybody else was obviously describing hot air balloons and I was getting stuff like parachute and gossamer. Hot air balloons are made of that type material. Not only is it silky and gossamer like, spiders float and travel by doing the same thing....gossamer. I evidently read that somewhere and my subconscious remembered it. When it had the opportunity to describe it, it did. (see Ingo's article about Hella Hamid and her descriptions of nuclear reactors Issue 3, www.eightmartinis.com.) Bottom line, if I were a Project Manager / Analyst and I knew any background information about hot air balloons they would realize that I, the viewer was on target. An inexperienced judge is going to say I blew it. Beyond all of that, the customer knows the target better than anyone. Don't censor the information the viewer gets. Give it to the customer.

So, if the deadline is a Friday and you put the copies of the target into the mail on Thursday we can give me a couple of days to get the session results / report posted and you can reveal the target. We'll see how everyone did and more importantly, how you think everyone did. If you think they blew it but I see / understand something that explains why I don't agree then I can explain it and teach from it.

Back to you, and sorry about the length. What do you think?

*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors

So, to put it simply, the bottom line is, I give you a location and trust you won't share this with your "team". I give you all the information about this location including it's coordinates and history. I give you absolutely all the information I can muster and still "trust" you won't disclose this information to the remote viewers.

I'm willing to trust you but disclosing all the information is kind of a detractor in regards to the whole remote viewing test. I think we need a third party. Someone who is unbias and trustworthy to channel the information between us. I don't think giving you all the information will serve as a valid experiment.
*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke, no mirrors

So, to put it simply, the bottom line is, I give you a location and trust you won't share this with your "team". I give you all the information about this location including it's coordinates and history. I give you absolutely all the information I can muster and still "trust" you won't disclose this information to the remote viewers.

I'm willing to trust you but disclosing all the information is kind of a detractor in regards to the whole remote viewing test. I think we need a third party. Someone who is unbias and trustworthy to channel the information between us. I don't think giving you all the information will serve as a valid experiment.

Hi Jose,

I gave you a lot of information in the last two posts and I think some of it was lost in the volume You won't be giving me all of the information. Let me outline a mock-up Project Plan so we can maximize this for everybody. If we do nothing but coordinates and view the unknown I have nothing to analyze.

1. Review Issue 3 of *eightmartinis, specifically the articles on the value of sketches (Lyn) and frontloading (me). Frontloading does not give target information, it only lets the viewer fast track. Ask GoogleEarth for a computational number of locations there are in the world. Telling a viewer you would like information about the location is not telling them anything about the target. It only keeps them focused on describing the location or event or manmade or whatever instead of wandering about describing something you don't find interesting at all. It's your moment. Optimize the experience. It also streamlines the time I'm asking them to do this instead of time they could be spending with their families, etc., etc.

2. The viewers do a totally blind target with nothing but coordinates then I have nothing to sort and analyze for you ahead of time and I'm studying analysis.

3. I'm the teacher, you're the student. Who do you think should write the lesson plan?

4. Think about the bigger picture and why this ability might be a good thing for all of us to learn about. What forum are we sitting in? What and who are the major topic of interest here? EBENS. There's a lot of talk but supposedly no official confirms. How much have you heard about them? How many species supposedly identified? What are their capabilities? Do they like us? Do they hate us? Do we make them nervous? Can we compete with them? Why would competing with them be of any interest to us? If they are around, what could we do to bring ourselves to their level?

5. If you have read / heard / learned anything about EBENS they supposedly have short-range abilities. I just gave you my Ohio to Vietnam session. Think about it.

Here is a sample:

04.01.10: Jose posts that he has chosen a target and gives Teresa the tasking. Example:
The target is a location. Describe the location.

04.01.10: Teresa posts on the crv list that she has a customer with a question and asks for viewers. This is an operational target. Viewers will respond via PEM. No discussion on the list. Teresa gives the viewers a one week deadline to turn in their sessions.

04.07.10: Deadline arrives. Teresa posts here she has _____ number of sessions and gives Jose a date when she will post results (we'll say 04.10.10). Working blind, Teresa analyzes the sessions sorting perceptions that would match descriptions of a location for the customer. Jose has not disclosed any information so Teresa will be of no help translating metaphoric or symbolic information. All she will have to work with are physical word descriptor perceptions. Jose prepares feedback images and target site history for comparison analysis of viewer sessions.

04.09.10: Teresa confirms that life hasn't gotten in the way and she will be ready to post results to the forum on 04.10.10 as planned. Jose mails feedback images to Teresa and third party of his choice (my suggestion was Lyn and David and Gene). The mailed information is known only to Jose. It will take ___ amount of days to reach Teresa et al. The mailed information eliminates speculation by anyone that if the viewers did well it was matched after the sessions were posted to cheat.

04.10.10: Teresa trusts that Jose has mailed the history and images and posts the session results and analysis in the forum. (I'll need help with sketches, please).

04.11.10: Jose reveals the target and his thoughts about the results even though the mail hasn't arrived yet. Teresa views feedback over the 'Net and agrees / explains metaphores, sketches, etc. If it looks like a viewer got something Jose's thoughts show he was interested in and would have been a good example for retasking I'll point that out.

04.14.10: Postmarked mail arrives with feedback and Teresa includes it as part of the report as confirmation that this was indeed the blind target and it was not chosen after the fact. A potential skeptical loophole closed in case the viewers nail the target and everybody thinks it's too good to be true.

The above is an operational teaching project designed to show you human interaction across time and space in a nonlocal environment. Blind coordinates with a Ta-Da!!! moment of a revealed target after is a dog and pony show. Ball's in your court.

*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke...

Please keep us in the loop on how this ends up. Maybe we'll consider an episode about this.
*eightmartinis Issue 3: Controlled Remote Viewing in 2010. No smoke...

Please keep us in the loop on how this ends up. Maybe we'll consider an episode about this.

Hi Gene,

Airtime aside, it's nice to hear that you think we might be trying to do something worthwhile. This project could be a catalyst and set several precedents as well. We would be 1) actively involving viewers, 2) the public, 3) creating a project that could be posted for display and 4) establishing the mailing-ahead-of-posting formulates a model that people could easily comprehend and do themselves as proof that "hey, I really did that...........?!?!?" I would really like to startdoing projects with viewers from all forums, methodolgies, trainers and self-taught.

If Jose is agreeable and we come to terms, would you and David like to be third-party participants on this one? If he and I don't come to terms, would you still be interested?

I touched base with Lyn tonight and he is agreeable that I continue to negotiate some project basics. After today he will be unavailable for about the next ten days. He is interested and supportive of my reasons for wanting to do it as a project but as previously stated has been burned. When we got to Jose's "close enough" he was not happy (an understatement). Rarely does the man use any kind of four letter word.

Several of us have given a lot of time here toward educating people about remote viewing. Hopefully enough that you can see it is complex, and to ignore any part of it is like hiring an IT specialist to install your gas furnace. Not the best plan.

Example of learning:

A group of us were supposed to view an indoor kite festival, located in a gymnasium in a small community. As per usual, everybody else was doing fairly well describing motion and colors and biologicals, etc. Me, as usual, appeared to be blowing it. The more energy you feed into blowing a target the more your subconscious likes the feedback and the attention, like a reward. You teach it that it will be rewarded even if it doesn't stay on target. I, however, was bound and determined to figure out why I was getting nine-eleven stuff instead of happily viewing kites so I kept digging and researching the target site.

Sure enough I found something. Just outside the school was a memorial to a soldier who was killed at the Pentagon in nine-eleven. He was from that community. This would be typical "me." I would be pausing to pay my respects in real-time to this soldier. This is also an example of temporal attractors on two levels: 1) personal, i.e. unless and until trained, the subconscious will view whatever it finds the most interesting. That's why I keep stressing target choice as critical. Interesting targets, like the ones on Lyn's website are better to view. 2) Nine-eleven pinged the datastream at the Global Coherence Initiative. Viewers are pulled to investigate huge events like this if they're "in the neighborhood."

So I jumped target, complete with the plane turning into the loop and circling back and coming in low, etc. Right down to people in a basement with maybe a tunnel...?

"When you're in training, the reason for working a target isn't to learn something about the target, it's to learn something about yourself." -Lyn Buchanan
