Paranormal Maven
What's your website?
Sorry - I like being anonymous. It has nothing at all to do with the paranormal. Maybe some day, but not today. Forum part of the site has a little over 1m posts at the moment FWIW.
NEW! LOWEST RATES EVER -- SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE VERY BEST PREMIUM PARACAST EXPERIENCE! Welcome to The Paracast+, eight years young! For a low subscription fee, you can download the ad-free version of The Paracast and the exclusive, member-only, After The Paracast bonus podcast, featuring color commentary, exclusive interviews, the continuation of interviews that began on the main episode of The Paracast. We also offer lifetime memberships! Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! You can sign up right here!
What's your website?
What's your website?
It's kinda like when people complain about violent or sexual images on TV. Jeez, everyone and his dog has umpteen (great underused word) channels, so bloody change the channel instead of trying to dictate what everyone should be able to watch.
Those of us from the UK who are old enough will remember a woman named Mary Whitehouse, who took it upon herself to 'clean up' TV. She constantly complained and campaigned against this and that on TV, trying to force her morality on the UK. She really genuinely believed that her idea of what is acceptable is what our idea should be. The thing is, with people like her, she isn't even interested in the fact that no-one forces anyone to watch anything. She was just a frigid bossy, nosey woman who could not keep herself out of other people's business. Funny thing is, I often suspect such people - the ones who campaign vociferously against nudity etc - are probably 'quite interesting' behind closed doors, a bit like men who are rabidly anti-homosexual in public because in private they actually were homosexual, or wished to be able to be.
We don't have a say in what ads the network inserts. But usually the first minute of an ad break belongs to us (nine minutes out of the total episode). We'd love to talk about products that you listeners would want to buy -- it helps us pay the rent and such. So if anyone can suggest an advertiser who might sign up, let me know. We can also use a little sales help.
could you not do it yourself gene with their blessing? Anyone who criticises the ads , well hit up gene and for a small fee he can send you an edited mp3?That decision is really up to GCN. So far they've vetoed a paid ad-free version. We'll keep pressing for it.
Spot on.It's like using Facebook , Google,Gmail etc.: i use them for free , so why complaining about ads ?The paracast is free so the ads don't bother me.
I wish this was my biggest worry in life must be nice.
Maybe I am out of place on my second post. But this one gets my goat. Why?
Because I have run a few websites. I have never run a podcast nor would I.
Let's begin with the statement that podcasts rarely make real money! A few people eke out a living on them. Please don't begrudge them for it. If you don't believe me, believe the patent trolls, who gave up suing Adam Carolla (and his top rated podcast). Why? You can only sue for profits, and the patent trolls realized that there was no money in podcasting then gave up.
Patent troll drops suit against Adam Carolla after discovering podcasts don't make any money | The Verge
Do you hear pepsi, toyota, or geico ads on any podcasts? No, because the big money ads are not in ads people fast forward.
Web content is sorted out by three main categories when it comes to advertising, in my experience.
1. Main Stream - pablum : Kim Kardasian (celeb sites), gamer reviews, fantasy football, Facebook, Youtube. You know what the morons look at.
2. Porn/Naughty : No description needed
3. Other - not mainstream (includes anything thought provoking) : Everything else
If you are in category 1, you can pick your advertiser. Good luck standing out in the pack and getting volume.
If you are in category 2, you don't get as much selection, but the commissions are GREAT (25% to 100%). Your advertisers do the work for you in targeting you audience.
If you are in category 3, your screwed. It's tough to get the advertisers you want because they avoid controversy. This site has that curse.
Just the policing of a forum takes a lot of time, OMG and a podcast! An unbelievable amount of effort can be caused by one nutcase, when you run an online operation. All I asked, in my personal experience was for people to take a second or two to review an ad that may have interested you. You don't have to buy anything. Only buy something you feel good about buying. The simple effort of clicking an ad or looking up a podcast advertiser makes a difference too.