Anyone boost my memory , aren't the Asgrad in stargate sg-1 series also known as the Nordics
The are called the nordics(and are famous btw) because they resemble nordic lineage. They have been known far before stargate hit the scenes. Its probably copied from their reputation here. Its a very old tactic to include truths in movies and shows to discredit it. "OHH< IVE SEEN THAT MOVIE. YOUR FULL OF IT" Some directors unknowingly do it. Others I'm told do it on purpose with funds by the vatican and other disinformation propagating think tanks.
and why the hell would a alien race name themselves after a charactor of the harry potter franchise Draco(Draconian) Malfoy...
Its the other way around, again. YOu seem to be catering to your reality instead of looking at information for what it is. The dracos have been here for thousands of years. The word draconian is set after them, although there probably is a cover for its meaning. I'm curious to know that if anyone knows. The constellation they supposedly come from is named draco, too. Its a fitting name because they are reptilian. Likened to dragons at times.
Also on your point about Rockafeller/Rochchild/NWO , i doubt a inter galactic or inter universe race of beings would allow themselves to be pushed around by a small minority of this planet.
First of all the Rothschilds Rockefellers and NWO group is not a minority group in terms of power... And secondly they aren't pushed around by them at all. Again, its the other way around(seemingly a theme you have things backward slim). Those groups are the channels of the dracos agenda with us. Which is to warmonger, censor, divide, engreed, desensitize, twist, manipulate, and control us.
Also i doubt Aliens would every create a website on this planet because "THEY CAN TRAVEL THE UNIVERSE FAR AND WIDE AND HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO OTHER THAN PAY FOR WEB HOSTING"
They dont pay for web hosting. I do that... Their operations are far and wide. They can give an idea here or there,
and do other things at the same time. Is that really that far fetched? Ive heard this argument before too. "Ohhh THEY TRAVEL ALL THIS WAY TO MAKE WEBSITES. CAPS MAKES IT MORE TRUE LOLOLOLOL". Have some imagination, you are obviously lacking it. They have many types of operations and business here. They care about what we are thinking and what we are subjected to. This means they have a motive to create websites with humans here and channel them information.
Also I'm told NONE travel the whole universe. They are primarily stuck in a few galaxy region. I'm told few surpass their influence into more than 3 galaxies in the entire universe due to it being other ETs stomping grounds. All the early bloomers came at the same time in this universe. No one race controls the whole universe. Anyone telling you that is lying or was given bad information.