Paranormal Adept
Paul your post made me think. You make a really good point. Still, I have to disagree with you. Evidence that supports the paranormal does not have to be anymore extraordinary than any other evidence. For instance Rupert Sheldrake and J.B. Rhine and others have amassed evidence that stands up. It's not a dog and pony show. It isn't a dead body rising from the ground or a space ship with space brothers. But it is a cause to look farther. In the end some of us will believe (as I do) that we are more than a glob of brain and an unintended consequence of it. On the other hand I'm no fundi and I always question because I don't have all the answers. I try to be honest with myself and others. There are times when the paranormal is very frustrating. To be honest if all I had was the "evidence" and no personal experience or inner life I'd more than likely be more than a mere skeptic. I'd be an atheist. But, I'm not and I don't hate people who are. I just have my reasons (an agnostic friend calls it my story) But it is my story and I"m sticking to it. Peace.