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Favorite Videogame

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Civilization IV. Besides enjoying the theme, it's a game I can play in half hour or forty five minute sessions without feeling guilty. It's one glaring weak point is the cheating A.I. opponents, which is why I always nuke first and ask questions later.
Kill 'em all and let Jeebus sort 'em out, that's my foreign policy. She usually works pretty well.
Anyone remember Maniac Mansion and Zac McKracken? I loved those games and back in the day, the game developers were true masters of their art squeezing so much into a 5 1/4" or 3.5" disk.

Right now I'm into FPS on my Xbox 360. Tried Halo 3 and I was a little let down.

All time fave video games were...

Double Dragon (coin op)
Giana Sisters (Mario rip off on C64)
Bubble Bobble (coin op)
R-Type (coin op)

Am I showing my age?

I fired up Command and Conquer on my 360. I'm not addicted...but I did play it for 4 hours when I should have been doing freelance work! ;)
The pc game series Baldurs Gate.

I'm looking forward to Bioware's Star Wars mmorpg.

I'm playing games off gametap atm. 99 cent for the first month. Was playing Eq2 but taking a break.
- The Fallout series (Playing 3 at the moment, or trying.)
- The X-COM series from UFO Defense to Apocalypse
- The Front Mission series
- Starcraft
- Universe at War
- Call of Cthulhu
Im also playing Fallout 3 atm. It is my second home. (well first actually, real life being the second).

But there are others beckoning for my time. In no particular order, Fable 2, Gears 2, Dead Space, Banjo, Mirrors Edge, FarCry 2...
Halo (on the PC)

I loved the sneaky seriously creepy horror story aspect of it (aided by some very atmospheric music...by the time the Flood first appeared I was a nervous wreck), along with the humour in some of the chapter titles and the Grunt dialogue. And the killing of course. Mustn't forget the killing.

My inner adolescent (like my outer middle-aged geezer, only less moth-eaten) was impressed.

The only problem was that for about a week after finishing it for the first time I had to make a conscious effort not to dash between covered doorways when walking down the street.
Halo (on the PC)

I loved the sneaky seriously creepy horror story aspect of it (aided by some very atmospheric music...by the time the Flood first appeared I was a nervous wreck), along with the humour in some of the chapter titles and the Grunt dialogue. And the killing of course. Mustn't forget the killing.

My inner adolescent (like my outer middle-aged geezer, only less moth-eaten) was impressed.

The only problem was that for about a week after finishing it for the first time I had to make a conscious effort not to dash between covered doorways when walking down the street.

If Halo was the last game you played then youve missed a bunch of great stuff. PM me if youre interested in anything worth while to play. (If youre not a gamer, I got the impression you werent).
If Halo was the last game you played then youve missed a bunch of great stuff. PM me if youre interested in anything worth while to play. (If youre not a gamer, I got the impression you werent).

Halo isn't the last (that was Gears of War - I won it at a Microsoft event), but you're right, I'm not a gamer. Just a dilettante.
Halo is cool as hell. I used to play it all the time back in the day when I had more time. I was never a huge fan of FPS-type of games but Halo just gave me a whole new outlook on gaming. I also played GTA - Vice City on my XBox. It was fun but kind of got tired of it after a while. Never was able to finish it.

As far as PC games go, I was a huge fan of Combat Flight Simulator - type of games. It was a pain to learn but there was nothing more exhilirating than landing on an F/A - 18 on the aircraft carrier. Man, wish I had more time to revisit some of those. Get new CH or Saitek flight controlers, big Dell wide-screen monitor...
One of my all time faves has to be Thunderforce 3 for the Genesis/Megadrive. Great music, great graphics and intense gameplay.

I also loved Yar's Revenge when I was a kid, and it's still fun to play today.
I belong to a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Clan at ktclan.net. Its uses a souped up Quake 3 engine. LOVE this game.
Robotron is the only video game that matters to me. I practiced many hours to top JONNY ELECTRIX's all-time high score at the laundrymat up the road.
Oblivion looks interesting. Is it?

I hear it takes a super computer to run it. I played the last Morrowind, but never could get into it. Oblivion looks a lot better. You can instantly travel around instead of having to slowly walk around. Not sure if there is a demo for it or not.
Robotron is the only video game that matters to me. I practiced many hours to top JONNY ELECTRIX's all-time high score at the laundrymat up the road.

Robotron 2084 is one of the 1000 plus games at gametap. It might be one of the free to play games too. Check their site out maybe.
Resident Evil (PS) ...also Resident Evil (remake GC) was kickass.


I liked Resident Evil 2 pc. Think it was 2. Where you can play through as a cop and then some girl. Different scenerios.

I bought Silent Hill 2 awhile back thinking it would be like Res, but the controls are HORRIBLE. Didn't play it more than 15 minutes. This is on pc.

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