Amazon has copies for 1 cent +shipping. Hardcover for 2.95. You seriously should read this book. Borrow a copy from the library for free. You've read plenty of UFO stories for me to be certain this book is not going to frighten you out of your wits, etc. I find it laughable for all the planted Ufology disinformation seeded throughout his life story, so it's very funny and amusing to me, but at the same time he seriously needed mental health treatment many many years before Communion. He's lucky he didn't kill anyone with his gun carrying paranoia compulsively searching his house for intruders for months on end.No I haven't. As I said earlier I've avoided reading Strieber and pursuing abduction research, though I'm aware, given my reading in ufology, of the forms taken by the abduction meme.
So what's he do instead? He gets a book from his brother about UFO's and contacts Bud Hopkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more??????????
Strieber was totally fabricating his story-line to fit the Ufology themes of that time. Anyone that's been reading this field for awhile and is not a gullible person by nature will see straight through with what Strieber was doing with this book. I certainly believe he was part of the disinformation campaigning and social engineering that was going on during that time period with Ufology.
The fact he apparently got a 1 million dollar advance shows some serious influential backing that rings true with Vallee's warning of The Messengers of Deception that is supporting him too. He's a con man. He also was clearly mentally ill by any standards, imo, though he could function with his mental illness making millions of dollars doing this too. He's now so buried in his mental illness of delusions that he will never get clear of it. He has his dysfunctional support community of believers at Unknown Country and still makes a good income. If he couldn't invest the millions he's made over the decades to support himself now, then I don't give a damn about it.
Ufology luminaries like these, and I can name several, reminds me exactly as if it's All Star Wrestling. It's all fake fights with bad guys and good guys, all pretenders, and their hero worship of someone like Strieber leading his cult of followers that are truly the fanatical fringe and certainly misguided. At least he's not Scientology.
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