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I didn't say anything abut prosaic or simple explanations. I said that you were grasping at straws by trying to suggest that advanced nonhuman beings were orchestrating our interest in human groups manipulating our perceptions (including those of advanced nonhuman beings) as some sort of softening process. This seems like an empty circle of an argument to me. You can claim it is the Easter Bunny if you like, but if you want to talk about advanced nonhuman beings then the onus is on you to present the evidence for such, since the existence of these beings is very much in question, where the existence of human groups and individuals creating theories and models and memes about the same, over the centuries, is a matter of public record.Thats text book denialism
Denial is different. It is the automatic gainsaying of a claim regardless of the evidence for it – sometimes even in the teeth of evidence. Denialism is typically driven by ideology or religious belief, where the commitment to the belief takes precedence over the evidence. Belief comes first, reasons for belief follow, and those reasons are winnowed to ensure that the belief survives intact
In trying to paint the example of a nuts and bolts advanced non human factor as "magical" you are winnowing the data to fit your position.
Are some of the examples within this genre explainable in prosaic terrestrial terms ? absolutely. are they all able to be resolved this way ? Not so far.
There are countless cases that are beyond simple explanation
For the record, I am not denying the existence of nonhuman intelligences (faery, etc), & I personally think there is such a thing
I've listened to the entire Paracast library of guests, so I do speak from that experience knowing it is very repetitive after 10+ years of listening to all the same ol well known and/or controversial insiders within the UFO community.Obviously you haven't listened to many of the shows or bothered to look up the names you didn't recognize.
From Prisoner of Infinity chap 6, "Martian Dreams":Everything you ever wanted to know about alien anal probes
The interesting thing is that Barney Hill actually did claim to be anally probed, but because that claim was not included in The Interrupted Journey (1965), the account by John G. Fuller of the hypnotic regression he performed on the Hills, this claim was not generally known until a 1965 report by NICAP investigator Walter Webb was popularized much later. In that report, Webb stated that during the hypnotic regression, Barney Hill stated that “A cylindrical object was inserted up the rectum, and once again the witness believed something was extracted.” Fuller left this out of the book, along with a claim by Hill that a cup was used to extract sperm.
New human caused screen memories overlay the original memory that have nothing to do with ET doing it.
why beings able to enter into (and/or emerge out of) the depths of his psyche would need such archaic technology to bring him to orgasm.
Strieber's "mystical path" predates his recalled experiences with magical beings, in the official storyline at least: he had undisclosed involvement with The Process Church in 68 and joined the Gurdjieff foundation, I believe the following year, the year he met Anne. He also joined the Mars Anomalies Society, a shadowy group with an interest in supposed architecture on Mars and UFOs, in 1984, the year before it all began. All of this rather gives the lie to his self-presentation as a super-regular guy with no interest in UFOs dragged into gnosis without warning or preparation.
Strieber presents a familiar ufological tale: that of the contactee prophet (some might say profit) who has an exceptional narrative of personal contact, compelling enough to make movies and stir up action on the show threads after a lengthy dormant period. There's nothing new with his own narrative involving invented magical beings. In fact he's made his own Kripalian Scriptures, including how he was marked early on in childhood and now travels a mystical path. Enter the magician and watch him him pull a grey out of his hat.
Have you looked into Kripal's track record & affiliations? I have done my best to ascribe naivete and good intentions on his part, but the evidence is getting difficult to ignore. Ditto Peter Levenda, who interviewed them both for Dreamland and spent a good ten minutes gushing about the luminosity of the new book.Kripal isn't all that sketchy imho, just an interpreter of unique experiences and fairly wise when it comes to the historic sex stuff and the land of impossible coincidences. Those authors of the impossible may also be managing perceptions and if he continues to market the storyteller as opposed to signifiant & factual cultural events then that would be too bad.
On the contrary, Strieber being raped with an electro-ejaculater provides compelling proof that it is happening and that is had nothing to do with advanced nonhuman beings. To argue otherwise is sophistry, as is throwing out the old "we just don't know" line whenever losing an argument.And again we can only speculate the relevance if indeed any, that this observation represents. But it doesn't in and of itself provide any compelling proof its not happening.
Its always funny to watch denialists and debunkers insist any narratives or accounts of experiencers lack evidence/proof and are thus not true. Whilst at the same time making absolute statements of fact , hypothesis presented as truth with no evidence to support those fervent claims.
"we just don't know" is the honest reality.
provides compelling proof
I doubt I can lose an argument where I argue we don't know.
evidence that, whatever Strieber was interacting with at that time, it was human and earthly
BUT. And this is critical to understanding this issue, it is Humans that propagated the ET Abduction experience through the various media outlet communication methods that are so widespread over so many decades [even centuries with folklore symbology] that it is impossible to peg ET doing even one abduction. Humans are just too creative and magical and susceptible as tricksters, story tellers, actors, warriors, mind warps, imaginators, believers, secret hidden agendas, deceivers, money makers, power controllers, manipulative masters of the universe, hallucinators, brain abnormalities, etc. to name just a very few issues with Humans that drive ET down their silly rabbit hole. Too many other Human causes override that possibility considering there is too much Human entanglement and involvement from beginning to end.[...] but that doesn't in and of itself prove ET isn't doing it too, on the contrary its proof of concept it can be done to the target mind.