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February 25, 2018 — Red Pill Junkie with J. Randall Murphy

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Instead of taking an argument on for its merits, you merely ascert your victim hood and proceed to name call and label your opponent. Once you notice the formula you begin to see how endemic it is
Indeed. It's frustrating to deal with. However in Chris' case I don't get the sense that it's intentional, so much as there's been a lot of little ( and not so little ) things that have built-up over the years with him to the point where he's just tired of dealing with anything outside his comfort zone. I can relate to that myself. Some days it's sort of like this:

Indeed. It's frustrating to deal with. However in Chris' case I don't get the sense that it's intentional, so much as there's been a lot of little ( and not so little ) things that have built-up over the years with him to the point where he's just tired of dealing with anything outside his comfort zone. I can relate to that myself. Some days it's sort of like this:
Only partially true. I deal w/ all sorts of things outside of my comfort zone all the time. I really don't have a problem w/ this. That said, what I DO have is a problem with anonymous poster's sniping. I stand up and am counted. I think anyone that hides behind anonymity and snipes is a punk-ass wimp. Sometimes I feel as if a few (just a few) posters around here are just lusting for any and all chances to dog me about what I think, say, how I language my opinions. It's obvious that they are on constant high-alert vigilance to zing me whenever possible. Victim? No, just observant...Fuck 'em all if they can't read my humor and take a joke or understand my views. At least I have the balls to assert my opinion publicly, not behind a lame-ass avatar.
Only partially true. I deal w/ all sorts of things outside of my comfort zone all the time ...
Yes. You are resilient and adaptable on one level. No question about that. That's not what I'm concerned about, and at the moment I'm at a loss as to what to say because it's like your Trickster friend has put some sort of filter between what I say and how you take it that turns it from an attempt at having a friendly discussion into a personal attack on you, and I don't know how t get around it.