Paragilmorian guy
Who? I hear you cry. I'd never heard of him either until I read this couple of day old entry on the Chris Knowles Secret Sun blog.
See here:
Now who was Frank Frazetta ...
Ever seen those incredibly lurid covers on the front of ancient Edgar Rice Burroughs books? Ever seen the covers on those pre-flood Robert E Howard books?
You know the ones with big muscly men with enormous ... swords and big thighs. The ones with strangely proportioned women sitting astride sabre toothed tigers.
Yep ... Frazella was the artist ... and now I know you will want to look at the link above
Anyway, as you get from the subject of this post, he has died and the article is an obit of sorts and has some rather nice covers of Burroughs books and a number of comics that Frazetta also did the covers for. And yes, there is at least one Conan book in the article.
So what are you waiting for. Click on the link and enter a realm of long ago and pay tribute to a man who had far too much testosterone in his body for sense but the artistic skills of a strange possibly mad antidiluvian renaissance painter.
Frank Frazetta, you will be missed ... RIP.
[ps saw Conan the Destroyer for the first time last night. Came across this entry in Knowles' blog today ... which is mostly about synchronicity and stuff ... how ... synchronicitous of me
See here:
Now who was Frank Frazetta ...
Ever seen those incredibly lurid covers on the front of ancient Edgar Rice Burroughs books? Ever seen the covers on those pre-flood Robert E Howard books?
You know the ones with big muscly men with enormous ... swords and big thighs. The ones with strangely proportioned women sitting astride sabre toothed tigers.
Yep ... Frazella was the artist ... and now I know you will want to look at the link above

Anyway, as you get from the subject of this post, he has died and the article is an obit of sorts and has some rather nice covers of Burroughs books and a number of comics that Frazetta also did the covers for. And yes, there is at least one Conan book in the article.
So what are you waiting for. Click on the link and enter a realm of long ago and pay tribute to a man who had far too much testosterone in his body for sense but the artistic skills of a strange possibly mad antidiluvian renaissance painter.
Frank Frazetta, you will be missed ... RIP.
[ps saw Conan the Destroyer for the first time last night. Came across this entry in Knowles' blog today ... which is mostly about synchronicity and stuff ... how ... synchronicitous of me