Paragilmorian guy
Sad day today. Frank Sidebottom has died.
Now most of you probably have never heard of Frank. He was, in a nutshell, an original ... and rather silly and strange comedian from the North of England. He wore a papier mache head and spoke like someone had put a clothespeg on his nose. He seemingly came from a time of innocence long gone and had a love of northern (North of England) culture, his home town of Timperley in Manchester, and football ("soccer"). His comedy I guess was something you loved or hated (my younger brother hates/hated him) but I loved to see his silly big head now and again, and his silly ditties about all sorts of silly day to day things ... and football.
So ... here are a couple of videos just to show you how odd and silly he was.
Firstly a wee ditty in which Frank sings a silly song about going on "Match of the Day" (the long running BBC TV football programme) ... in his big shorts:
(you may join in the sing song if you wish ... I did :
And another one in which Frank does a version of The Fall's "Hit the North" (The Fall being a band from Manchester) using Little Frank's head (Little Frank being his sidekick ... a small puppet version of himself) to play a synthesiser ...
Now I think I'll go back and sing a long again to the Match of the Day song again ... that'll cheer me up. "Guess whose gonna be on Match of the Daaaay ... yoooouuuu arrre ... in your biggg shorrrts".
You know I will ... I really will.
RIP Frank (aka Chris Sievey) you really will be missed ... you really will.
[oh and Frank's official website where you can see more videos and things is here: ... should you be intrigued by what you see here. Oh and wait for a few seconds after the page loads for a special wee Frank Sidebottom welcoming ditty ... you know you should ... you really should

So ... here are a couple of videos just to show you how odd and silly he was.
Firstly a wee ditty in which Frank sings a silly song about going on "Match of the Day" (the long running BBC TV football programme) ... in his big shorts:
(you may join in the sing song if you wish ... I did :

And another one in which Frank does a version of The Fall's "Hit the North" (The Fall being a band from Manchester) using Little Frank's head (Little Frank being his sidekick ... a small puppet version of himself) to play a synthesiser ...
Now I think I'll go back and sing a long again to the Match of the Day song again ... that'll cheer me up. "Guess whose gonna be on Match of the Daaaay ... yoooouuuu arrre ... in your biggg shorrrts".
You know I will ... I really will.

RIP Frank (aka Chris Sievey) you really will be missed ... you really will.
[oh and Frank's official website where you can see more videos and things is here: ... should you be intrigued by what you see here. Oh and wait for a few seconds after the page loads for a special wee Frank Sidebottom welcoming ditty ... you know you should ... you really should