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Fukushima's melted cores have moved into the earth

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to put things in perspective Fukushima has three of these digging their way into the ground
Those poor sailors could have used the supplements.

It seems to me PI supplementation would be of little use if the main threat for the US west coast is Radioactive debris washing up am I wrong on this? Perhaps if one eats fish harvested from the same waters perhaps them tbe PI supplements would be useful.

The way one person explained why he was taking it (who lives in Japan) was that if you have six poisonous snakes trying to bite you and you can reduce it to five then you should take the P.I.
Nuclear Journal on ‘Fukushima Plutonium Effect’: Melting MOX fuel may lead to neutron flux blow-up — ‘Surprisingly’ there’s absolutely no reference data in any scientific literature

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Nuclear Journal on ‘Fukushima Plutonium Effect’: Melting MOX fuel may lead to neutron flux blow-up — ‘Surprisingly’ there’s absolutely no reference data in any scientific literature

Fukushima Plutonium Effect & Blow-Up Regimes in Neutron-Multiplying Media

It is shown that the capture and fission cross-sections of 238U and 239Pu increase with temperature within 1000 K – 3000 K range, in contrast to those of 235U, that under certain conditions may lead to the so-called blow-up modes, stimulating the anomalous neutron flux and nuclear fuel temperature growth. […]

It is known that after the loss of coolant at three nuclear reactors during Fukushima nuclear accident its nuclear fuel melted. It means that the temperature in the active zone at some moments reached the melting point of uranium-oxide fuel [the third block partially used MOX-fuel enriched with plutonium], i.e. ~3000˚C. Surprisingly enough, scientific literature today contains absolutely no either experimental or even theoretically calculated data on behavior of the 238U and 239Pu capture and fission cross-sections depending on temperature at least in 1000˚C – 3000˚C range. At the same time there are serious reasons to believe that the cross section values of the mentioned elements increase with temperature. […] it is very important to know the anomalous temperature behavior of 238U and 239Pu capture and fission cross-sections, and furthermore it becomes critically important to know their influence on the heat transfer kinetics, since it may become a reason of the positive feedback (PF) with neutron kinetics leading to undesirable solution stability loss (the nuclear burning wave) as well as to a trivial reactor runaway with a subsequent nontrivial catastrophe. A special case of PF is a non-linear PF, which leads to the system evolution in so-called blow-up mode, or in other words, in such a dynamic mode when one or several modeled values (e.g. temperature and neutron flux) grows to infinity at a finite time. In reality, a phase transition is observed instead of the infinite values in this case, and this can in its turn become a first stage or a precursor of the future technogenic disaster. […]

One of the causes of a possible fuel temperature growth may lie, for instance, in a deliberate or spontaneous coolant loss, analogous to what happened during the Fukushima nuclear accident. […] the coolant loss may become a cause of the nonlinear heat source formation in the nuclear fuel, and consequently emergence of the mode with the temperature and neutron flux blow-up. In our opinion, the preliminary investigation of the heat transfer equation with nonlinear heat source points to an extremely important phenomenon of the anomalous of the temperature and neutron flux blow-up modes behavior. […]

The Journal can be read as a PDF for free here:

L.A. Times: Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem — Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving, may suffer for years to come — Boats return without a single fish — Monterey Bay: Hard to resist idea that humpback whales are trying to tell us something
to put things in perspective Fukushima has three of these digging their way into the ground

"To approach it meant certain death." I wonder what he would have said about pouring water on it and letting it run into the water table or the ocean? Certain death? Think about what is going on with the Pacific ocean right now. I wonder what the death toll on marine life is now after a 1000 days of it?
Are cancer rates really up? I have lost two family members to cancer in the past year, one last week, and possibly a third. A forth is being treated for cancer right now. Two of my cousins who died of multiple cancers in the past year were my age, 50ish.
I did not cause the Gulf oil spill. I did not cause Fukushima. No one asked me if they should drill in the deep sea or even if they should build a nuclear plant here in Canada. If they had ask I would have said," No." If you ask anyone on the forum they could run the world more safely, and better for every living creature on earth. This thinking that we are all responsible for wars and disasters is guilt tripping and manipulation. Our hands are not on the levers of power and we should hold those responsible, at least in our mind, for their disasters that they inflict upon us.
I agree with everything you say here, but I would add another observation: that as a species, we're pretty gullible, and can quite quickly descend civilization into chaos in a heartbeat. We've allowed consumerism to defeat us. Lust for goods, and products, instead of harmony with nature, has left us brainwashed and braindamaged. Only zombies would surrender so much freedom, power and control about how it would all go down. We don't question. We buy stuff, feed the machine, feed other people to the machine, feed our children and ourselves to the machine. We don't even know who operates the levers, let alone where they live. We've wasted so much time as a species engaged in hatred and acquirng shiny crap, heedless of the consequences. It's always been this way. That's why Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead need closer study.
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Are cancer rates really up? I have lost two family members to cancer in the past year, one last week, and possibly a third. A forth is being treated for cancer right now. Two of my cousins who died of multiple cancers in the past year were my age, 50ish.

You have to start to consider the possibility that it is linked.

Frightening really.
I agree with everything you say here, but I would add another observation: that as a species, we're pretty gullible, and can quite quickly descend civilization into chaos in a heartbeat. We've allowed consumerism to defeat us. Lust for goods, and products, instead of harmony with nature, has left us brainwashed and braindamaged. Only zombies would surrender so much freedom, power and control about how it would all go down. We don't question. We buy stuff, feed the machine, feed other people to the machine, feed our children and ourselves to the machine. We don't even know who operates the levers, let alone where they live. We've wasted so much time as a species engaged in hatred and acquirng shiny crap, heedless of the consequences. It's always been this way. That's why Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead need closer study.

Change America for the World and Carlin hits it right on the head.

I agree with everything you say here, but I would add another observation: that as a species, we're pretty gullible, and can quite quickly descend civilization into chaos in a heartbeat. We've allowed consumerism to defeat us. Lust for goods, and products, instead of harmony with nature, has left us brainwashed and braindamaged. Only zombies would surrender so much freedom, power and control about how it would all go down. We don't question. We buy stuff, feed the machine, feed other people to the machine, feed our children and ourselves to the machine. We don't even know who operates the levers, let alone where they live. We've wasted so much time as a species engaged in hatred and acquirng shiny crap, heedless of the consequences. It's always been this way. That's why Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead need closer study.
Yes what you say Burnt State is true, and has proven to be true, to me, many times. I am continue to be astonished by it because I do not want to believe it is true. Zombies breaking into a mall the perfect analogy.
At an ocean research station known as Station M, located 145 miles out to sea between the Californian cities of Santa Barbara and Monterey, Huffard and her colleague Ken Smith observed a sharp uptick in the amount of dead sea life drifting to the ocean floor. The masses of dead sea plankton, jellyfish, feces and other oceanic matter that typically only cover about 1 percent of the ocean floor were found to now be covering about 98 percent of it -- and multiple other stations located throughout the Pacific have since reported similar figures.
Sometimes I wake up and think I'm in the predawn of a Soylent Green world.
Definitely Soylent, but I also feel that the original Rollerball & THX1138 are all playing themselves out in different ways right now. Life's a collision of mostly 70's influenced sci-fi dystopic cinema.


The only other flicks we're waiting for is Colossus: The Forbin Project and then post-digital godhead apocalypse the dust will settle over everything so Omega Man can start rolling out on the planetary nightmare screen. That's when things get mostly quiet before the rise of the vampire empire.


And good luck to them , I say. Let's see if they can squeeze a few more thousand years out of their civilization before they screw the whole thing up all over again.
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