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Fukushima's melted cores have moved into the earth

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Someone explain to me how my logic is faulty:
  • The Japanese government is not willing or able to deal with Fukushima. In fact it wants to restart it nuclear power plants again.
  • There is no government or government agency in the world who is saying that we should pressure the Japanese to put all its energy into cleaning up Fukushima or allow others to use their resources to help Japan.
  • All government agencies have stopped monitoring radiation levels. (i.e.) especially Canada and the U.S. who are being majorly affected.
  • There has been little success in reducing or stopping the nuclear industry's environmental damage, unsafe practices, or unsafe storage of waste by anyone.
Someone(s) or something(s) are trying to kill all life, as we know it, on the planet.
Bronwyn Delacruz of Grande Prairie Composite High School in Alberta made her discovery with the help of a $600 Geiger counter her father purchased and the need to complete a science project. She told Metro Canada that she decided to test the radioactivity of seafood—mostly seaweed—because she was shocked to learn that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) stopped testing imported foods in that manner the year after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

“Some of the kelp that I found was higher than what the International Atomic Energy Agency sets as radioactive contamination, which is 1,450 counts over a 10-minute period,” she said. “Some of my samples came up as 1,700 or 1,800.”
Canadian 10th Grader Discovers Radioactive Imported Seafood Long After Government Stopped Testing | EcoWatch
Nuclear | Powered by EcoWatch
EcoWatch | Environmental News, Green Living and Sustainable Business
The line between nuclear war and conventional war is being blurred with spent depleted uranium shells and mini nukes (if mini nukes exist.)
Mini-nukes on US agenda
The Bush administration appears determined to build a new generation of small nuclear weapons, especially "earth penetrators", designed to attack nuclear, chemical or biological materials buried deep underground. Mini nukes will kill everything safely.
Why deadly depleted uranium is the tank buster's weapon of choice
The use of depleted uranium weapons is again causing concern. The people of Kosovo have been alarmed to discover that the conflict there has left radioactive contamination, just as it did in Kuwait nine years ago.Why do the United States and Britain continue to use a waste product of the nuclear industry in their weapons?
The Strangelove Effect: How We are Hoodwinked into Accepting a New World War
This is not a Strangelove fantasy. Obama’s defence secretary, Charles “Chuck” Hagel, was in Beijing last week to deliver a menacing warning that China, like Russia, could face isolation and war if it did not bow to US demands. He compared the annexation of Crimea with China’s complex territorial dispute with Japan over uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. “You cannot go around the world,” said Hagel with a straight face, “and violate the sovereignty of nations by force, coercion or intimidation”. As for America’s massive movement of naval forces and nuclear weapons to Asia, that is “a sign of the humanitarian assistance the US military can provide”.
The Strangelove Effect: How We are Hoodwinked into Accepting a New World War | Global Research
Political Analysis – Meet The Beast : The Beast That Regulates The (Nuclear) Beast – Part Five – 04/17/14 - Sandy LeonVest is joined by Michael Mariotte, president of NIRS
(the Nuclear Information & Resource Service) for Part
Five of her images-2series, MEET THE BEAST.

Political Analysis – MEET THE BEAST — Part Two: The Myth of “Nuclear Security” – 03/27/14 - Tonight on Political Analysis, Sandy LeonVest features Part two of her series, MEET THE BEAST. This week’s show – “The Myth of Nuclear Security.” […]
Political Analysis – MEET THE BEAST: URS Corporation Devours Whistleblowers, Part I – 03/21/14 - Guests: Hanford Challenge’s Tom Carpenter and Meredith Crafton Tonight on Political Analysis, Sandy LeonVest hosts the first in her new […]
Political Analysis – Fukushima Special – 03/06/14 - March 11 marks the third anniversary of the beginning of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. As the ecological problems caused by […]
Political Analysis – UNHARMONIC CONVERGENCE — PART 7 – 02/28/14 - Nuclear Power’s Deadly Legacy: Leaks, Lies and Lethal Waste (UNHARMONIC CONVERGENCE — PART 7) On tonight’s Political Analysis, Sandy LeonVest […]
Political Analysis – UNARMONIC CONVERGENCE, PART 6 – 02/20/14 - California Hot Spots — Hiding in Plain Sight Tonight on Political Analysis, as anti-nuclear activists in the “Golden State” […]
Political Analysis – Unharmonic Convergence Part 5 – 02/13/14 - Fossil Fueled Disasters — Pipelines, Pollution and Propaganda In the wake of a disastrous week for the US fossil […]
Political Analysis - PRN.fm - PRN.fm
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Fukushima Didn’t Just Suffer Three Meltdowns … The Nuclear Core Has Finally Been Found … Scattered All Over Japan
It Also Suffered "Melt-Throughs" and "Melt-outs"
Fukushima Didn’t Just Suffer 3 Meltdowns … It Also Suffered Melt-THROUGHS and Melt-OUTS
Posted on April 25, 2014 by WashingtonsBlog
The Nuclear Core Has Finally Been Found … Scattered All Over Japan

We reported in May 2011 that authorities knew – within days or weeks – that all 3 active Fukushima nuclear reactors had melted down, but covered up that fact for months.

The next month, we reported that Fukushima’s reactors had actually suffered something much worse: nuclear melt-throughs, where the nuclear fuel melted through the containment vessels and into the ground. At the time, this was described as:

The worst possibility in a nuclear accident.

But now, it turns out that some of the Fukushima reactors have suffered even a more extreme type of damage: melt-OUTS.

By way of background, we’ve noted periodically that scientists have no idea where the cores of the nuclear reactors are.

And that highly radioactive black “dirt” has been found all over Japan.

It turns out that the highly radioactive black substances are likely remnants of the core.

The Journals Environmental Science & Technology and Journal of Environmental Radioactivity both found (hat tip EneNews) that the highly radioactive black substances match fuel from the core of the Fukushima reactors.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission agrees.

Indeed, “hot particles” with extremely high levels of radiation – 7 billion, 40 billion , and even 40 billion billion Bq/kg – have been found all over the Fukushima region, and hundreds of miles away … in Tokyo.

Let’s put this in perspective. The Atlantic notes:

Japanese regulations required nuclear waste with 100 or more bq/kg of Cesium to be monitored and disposed of in specialized containers.


The new government limit for material headed for landfills is 8000 bq/kg, 80 times the pre-Fukushima limit.

So the hottest hot particle found so far is 5 million billion times greater than the current government limits of what can be put in a landfill.

In other words, the core of at least one of the Fukushima reactors has finally been found … scattered all over Japan.

How did material from the cores get dispersed so far? Remember, there was a huge explosion at reactor number 1 , and an even bigger explosion at reactor number 3.
Fukushima Didn't Just Suffer 3 Meltdowns ... It Also Suffered Melt-THROUGHS and Melt-OUTS Washington's Blog
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I can't take it anymore! We're all going to Die! So I've decided that it's time to go into a state of denial on real reality and zone out on inane pop-culture reality like everyone else ;) ( pass me another beer eh ... and turn up the hockey game too eh ... ). Or maybe I'll sit glued to the edge of my seat while Shakira decides if the latest contestant on the Voice is worthy of her attention. Or maybe I'll surf on over to see how well I'm keeping up with the Kardashians. That's the important stuff.

So on day 120,000 of our radioactive reality are we still going to be counting the days? Until what exactly? We're already into the thousands of days and the world still hasn't melted into a ball of radioactive ooze, and besides; what's the problem with a little strontium 90 ( or whatever ) in your Pacific Salmon fillet? It's not like a tiny little invisible microscopic particle of it will give you cancer right? Well actually ... it will, and if it weren't for that pesky science student who discovered radioactive food in Canada's grocery stores we'd be none the wiser ( what's the matter with her anyway ) :eek:.

Why couldn't she have just done a cute little project on why muffins rise when you bake them, or where that other sock in the dryer goes :confused: ? Maybe that spinning action combined with the electrical coils creates some kind of vortex into another dimension, and if we knew how to harness it, we could all escape there before the big nuclear apocalypse ( or whatever ). Now that would be something useful. But waving a Geiger counter on over the seafood section at Safeway grocers is just going to start a panic and get her whisked off by guys in black suits and dark sunglasses.

Thanks to her we're now eating the farmed Atlantic salmon that they have to artificially color:


I feel so much more secure in my food choices now :D .
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I can't take it anymore! We're all going to Die! So I've decided that it's time to go into a state of denial on real reality and zone out on inane pop-culture reality like everyone else ;) ( pass me another beer eh ... and turn up the hockey game too eh ... ). Or maybe I'll sit glued to the edge of my seat while Shakira decides if the latest contestant on the Voice is worthy of her attention. Or maybe I'll surf on over to see how well I'm keeping up with the Kardashians. That's the important stuff.

So on day 120,000 of our radioactive reality are we still going to be counting the days? Until what exactly? We're already into the thousands of days and the world still hasn't melted into a ball of radioactive ooze, and besides; what's the problem with a little strontium 90 ( or whatever ) in your Pacific Salmon fillet? It's not like a tiny little invisible microscopic particle of it will give you cancer right? Well actually ... it will, and if it weren't for that pesky science student who discovered radioactive food in Canada's grocery stores we'd be none the wiser ( what's the matter with her anyway ) :eek:.

Why couldn't she have just done a cute little project on why muffins rise when you bake them, or where that other sock in the dryer goes :confused: ? Maybe that spinning action combined with the electrical coils creates some kind of vortex into another dimension, and if we knew how to harness it, we could all escape there before the big nuclear apocalypse ( or whatever ). Now that would be something useful. But waving a Geiger counter on over the seafood section at Safeway grocers is just going to start a panic and get her whisked off by guys in black suits and dark sunglasses.

Thanks to her we're now eating the farmed Atlantic salmon that they have to artificially color:


I feel so much more secure in my food choices now :D .
I hope this will help that some people doing their best to make a better world. By the way ufology you were very positively impressive to listen to on the paracast.
Marshall Islands v. Nuclear States
April 27, 2014
Even as the U.S. government threatens to attack Iran if it moves toward building one nuclear bomb, U.S. leaders – and those of other nuclear states — have ignored their treaty obligation to work toward nuclear disarmament, a point made in lawsuits by the Marshall Islands, notes Robert Dodge.

By Robert Dodge

On April 24, historic lawsuits were filed by the tiny Republic of the Marshall Islands against the U.S. and the eight other Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) to meet their treaty obligations to disarm. Since 1970, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has obligated nations to negotiate in good faith for complete disarmament – a world without nuclear weapons.
Marshall Islands v. Nuclear States | Consortiumnews
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
PopularResistance.OrgUranium Contamination Across America: Holding the Silent Killers Of Environmental Destruction Accountable
We celebrated Earth Day by launching a new national campaign to clean up the thousands of abandoned uranium mines (AUMs) scattered throughout the Great Plains and West Coast.
Uranium: The Invisible Killer

In the days leading up to the launch of Clean Up the Mines campaign, our team of eleven organizers toured Southwest South Dakota to learn more about the AUMs. Our tour was led by Charmaine White Face, a scientist and coordinator of Defenders of the Black Hills, who took us to various sites and brought her Geiger counters. There are 272 AUMs in South Dakota that continue to emit radiation, radon and toxic elements into the air, water and land. The mines were abandoned by corporations like Kerr McGee and Atlantic Richfield who walked away from them when the Uranium Rush that started in the early 1950s was over. We described this in more detail in our previous article about how uranium mines are poisoning the breadbasket of America.
Uranium Contamination Across America: Holding the Silent Killers Of Environmental Destruction Accountable | Global Research
The United States and Russia are nuclear horror shows when it comes to the waste, haste, shortcuts, and accidents inseparable from the birth of nuclear science in the crisis atmosphere of the Cold War. Events after the 2011 Fukushima disaster demonstrate Japan's atomic energy strategy under Prime Minister Abe to be just as gruesome. Add to the burgeoning storage tank farm the problems of radiation-averse contract workers hastily constructing and piping tanks and the inevitable problems of leaks, mis-routing, and overflows. Add the difficulty in getting the balky liquid processing system up and running. Add the challenges of trying out the new science of freezing a gigantic underground wall of ice to keep water from the ocean. Add the fact that 400 tons of groundwater flow through the site every day.
Some 39 months after the multiple explosions at Fukushima, thyroid cancer rates among nearby children have skyrocketed to more than forty times (40x) normal.

More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people—nearly 200,000 kids—tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors nowsuffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts. The rate is accelerating.

More than 120 childhood cancers have been indicated where just three would be expected, says Joseph Mangano, executive director of the Radiation and Public Health Project.

The nuclear industry and its apologists continue to deny this public health tragedy. Some have actually asserted that “not one person” has been affected by Fukushima’s massive radiation releases, which for some isotopes exceed Hiroshima by a factor of nearly 30.
There is a more to this article.

Fukushima’s Children are Dying | Global Research
Breaking Nuke News | NukeFree.org
Im guessing the PTB have decided a controlled demolition beats the alternative
The death rate spread out over time can be managed, the anarchy that might ensue should they fess up and tell us the truth likely couldnt be.

Sometimes we have to choose the lessor of two evils
Without turning this into an overpopulation debate, this is what happens when you cram 130 million people onto an island chain that couldnt possibly support those numbers without generating the energy they need using nuclear reactors.

The more people the more of these devices you need, the more of these you have ,the greater the risk one or more will go boom..........

Its like juggling running chainsaws

You might be able to handle 3 or four, but try juggling ten or 12.

The more you have the greater is your exposure to risk

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