This is why we need Molten Salt Reactors.
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This is why we need Molten Salt Reactors.
Is this verifiable and proven to be true? As close as these reactors are to the coastline I wonder if the tendency of the melted cores is to "tunnel" towards the ocean following the path of least resistance? Will these go out to sea or is the ocean too shallow there and the cores will eventually go deep into the earth avoiding continuous contamination of the ocean for decades to come???In a post -
"The plume is here and marine life on the west coast is showing signs of collapse. TEPCO can't find the melted cores and is dumping 400 tons of water into the ground at the ocean daily. Lake Barrett proposed dumping all the tanks into the sea. That's 3 mile island expertise for you. They need to concrete the melted cores, but in doing so risk hydrogen build up that could cause a hydro-nuclear volcanic explosion. So pouring water on it for eternity is the current solution."
This is such a sad and disastrous outcome for the Japanese people and the Pacific ocean,
The attached photo is an overhead shot of the Cactus Dome and it shows a sibling crater beside it i believe which just adds to the beauty of the insanity of it all. The leakage, while present, is mostly invisible. What lovely graves we make for ourselves.What is the final attached photo in the above post showing? Leakage?
The attached photo is an overhead shot of the Cactus Dome and it shows a sibling crater beside it i believe which just adds to the beauty of the insanity of it all. The leakage, while present, is mostly invisible. What lovely graves we make for ourselves.
The Lacrosse crater was formed by a fission test and sits beside the cactus crater dome as a functioning water pool so we're both right okay?It looks like a water pool to me, but you say it's a crater? Okay.