Paraschtick, sorry I never got back to you until now. I just pop in when I think I have some time now. Busier, that's all.
Hope that helps and I'm sorry I didn't check back. I never remember where I posted anything anyway!
Blimey. I saw that this post had been posted in this thread at the top of the forum web page when I logged in just now, and thought I would have a look. And the post was for me!! How exciting

Well it sounds like really deep relaxation. The only problem I have with relaxation though is that I tend to fall asleep when I'm trying to relax. Which is good in a way because I need a hell of a lot of sleep but since I fall asleep I don't really gain anything from the relaxation phase. But nevertheless I shall have to try it ... when my cats are asleep so that they don't annoy me when I'm relaxing!
Anyway thanks for (finally ... :

) getting back to me and the thread. I thought this thread had died ages ago. And now I have posted in it again ... it probably will since I am the king of the thread killers

Again thanks alot for that.
Best wishes
ps I forget where I post too. And I'm forever coming across old posts that I don't remember writing. Very strange this memory business ...
---------- Post added at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------
Oh and I nearly forgot. I finally finished reading The Threat again ... after starting it last year and not getting through to the end because it was so far-fetched and depressing.
So this time I finally managed to get all the way to the end ... even though it took me a few months. And so what did I learn from it this time.
(1) That its extremely far-fetched and depressing.
(2) Dr Jacobs considers that he is pretty much the only decent hypnotherapist investigating the alien abduction hypothesis in the field. He has few good words for John Mack (considers him to be new agey and too naive and "positive"), and mentions Budd Hopkins very few times when talking about other researchers.
(3) He considers that we can do nothing about what the aliens are up to ... and we're basically doomed. The end being that hybrids will take over the world ... with abductees being their slaves, and non-abductees being gotten rid of in some fashion.
(4) He hardly ever mentions male abductees. I should work out the statistics but most (and I mean heading towards 99%) of the abductees he talks about are female (hmmm ...).
(5) Most abductees experience hybrids who never harm them but there are deeply psychotic ones who are incredibly nasty to their allotted abductees. They rape and humiliate them in various ways towards the end of the book ... sometimes infront of the abductees children (!)
(6) There is quite a lot of sexual material. And again some mention of the abductees being basically raped during adolescence (the words "child" or "children" are seldom used!).
(7) The whole hybrid reproduction/breeding scenario is all fairly low-tech in my opinion. There's no talk of gene manipulation, splicing or whatever. Just lots and lots of aliens and hybrids having their way with abductees ... in various ways ... and seeing what comes of it.
(8) David Jacobs loathes the New Agers, and calls them "The Positives". He believes that they are naive and live in a dream world. He puts John Mack in this category.
(9) He has absolutely no evidence for alien abduction up to this point (we now know he apparently has videos etc of alien hybrids ... apparently) apart from what he has gleaned from his hypnosis sessions ... hmmm.
So there we have some exciting thoughts from the deep recesses of my brain on The Threat. If I can think of anything else I shall add to this list. But for now that seems to be about it. Its in short a fairly easy read, very clinical and in the end a fairly horrible book. But sometimes you have to put up with the nonsense to get a clear idea of someone and what they are putting out there. And in this instance, this person is putting out some very horrible stuff indeed.