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Gene, can you (or anyone) help?

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Skilled Investigator
I live in the uk and have just imported this book from the us (Chicago). As i hope u can see from the supplied pics, the inside page has an address forstranger1.JPG stranger2.JPG

Flying Saucer news, New York!

Does this have any relevence to the late Jim Mosely? I would love to think that i have picked up something from this man and era!
Any help greatly appreciated guys , many thanks!
Jim Moseley knew Dr. Stranges for years. I met him a few times. But the story itself is easy to dismiss. Let's leave it at that.
I'm sure that the story is 100% bunkum, just trying to trace the possible course this particular book has taken, any help greatly appreciated!
Ok Gene. many thanks for the prompt response, much appreciated! Sorry if i was too forward in my request. Must learn to be less direct in the future, my apologizes.
I guess i will read it and then file it along with George Adamski, Cedric Alingham, and this fellow, because you will well appreciate, it is essential to read all of the material available, as unpalatable as it may seem, signal from noise i believe is the phrase, believe nothing, but also, dismiss nothing until proof otherwise is provided.


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Its a classic, was supposed to be a true story, found inside a secret drawer of a dresser after the authors death, but later proved to be a deception. I am of the opinion that it is important to acknowledge and accept these accounts for what they are so that we can, as always said, seperate signal from noise!

Just my two cents, which is probably worthless, but guys like Stranges and Gray Barker should have written sci-fi, because they have given the fiction writer in myself more ideas than anyone else, and because they sold their stuff as non-fiction, I can rip them off day and night, and no one can stop me. Just saying...
Me and Frank Stranges? Hmm, I don't think so but to tell the truth I did so many TV things I am not sure.

yeah, total hokum, but we should still be aware of the reasons WHY this hokum was produced, after all , all things are cyclical 'cough' streibler 'cough..... 'scuse me!!!
yeah, total hokum, but we should still be aware of the reasons WHY this hokum was produced, after all , all things are cyclical 'cough' streibler 'cough..... 'scuse me!!!

Whitley is more than likely 'full of it', but I will admit to enjoying his writing. Communion is a good read, as is much else that he has written. Fact? I doubt it. Fun to read? Yes.
When Communion came out, Whitley was "hooked up" with Budd Hopkins for awhile. Budd was then in frequent contact with us at UFO Magazine and some of those stories are ... well let's just say ... CHOICE. Whitley was getting the "rock star" treatment then and was making some waves in the abduction movement.

Some time went on and Whitley started to get criticized from various corners and went into somewhat of a snit. He had started some type of org. for abductee's and suddenly just bailed out. His followers were crushed and suddenly he became persona non grata with a lot of folks in the UFO crowd. He stayed out for a bit, if I recall a couple of years, then at some point decided to come back. He never again achieved the "rock star" thing ... and these days, at least from what I've seen ... kind of stays on the fringes.

My point exactly, read EVERYTHING , whether presented as truth or fiction and make up ones own mind, do not be guided by others no matter how well informed!! For the record, Communion scared the s£"t out of me back in the day, do i think it is true, i dont know, thats the point!!! Until you see, experience or otherwise have concrete proof of this phenomena, dont disregard anyting until sure, just my opinion!
When Communion came out, Whitley was "hooked up" with Budd Hopkins for awhile. Budd was then in frequent contact with us at UFO Magazine and some of those stories are ... well let's just say ... CHOICE. Whitley was getting the "rock star" treatment then and was making some waves in the abduction movement.

Some time went on and Whitley started to get criticized from various corners and went into somewhat of a snit. He had started some type of org. for abductee's and suddenly just bailed out. His followers were crushed and suddenly he became persona non grata with a lot of folks in the UFO crowd. He stayed out for a bit, if I recall a couple of years, then at some point decided to come back. He never again achieved the "rock star" thing ... and these days, at least from what I've seen ... kind of stays on the fringes.


Don is there anything you can remember off the top of your head that you can share with us? I've been a fan of Whitley's writing since I was a kid and I'm always interested in hearing more about his stories or his personality. I remember there was a point where he lost it a bit and sent out a letter saying the whole thing was all in his head, supposedly out of frustration with the whole abduction scene, and as you said he later returned but seemed to me to be a little more skeptical, at least in public, as to the origin of the phenomenon. Whether it's real or not, and I make no judgements when it comes to that (though if I had to guess I'd say something weird happened to the guy, whether it was all in his head or not is debatable I guess) the man is one hell of an effective writer and an interesting character.