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Just saw your note. I am doing a guest spot on a UK radio program in a couple of minutes but the stories about Whitley from Budd I can not share in a public venue. Now, whether he was being honest or just pissed off about the abduction thing, I have no idea. The fact he is a good writer is spot on, but I would be cautious about accepting him or what he says at face value.

You said you make no judgements Muadib, but that is one of the problems with this UFO/Paranormal field. Most folks are afraid that they will piss off someone by taking a stance on a topic. That is why this field will probably never get anywhere. Few do real investigations ... and fewer will call a spade a "god damned shovel" so we continue to limp along. That is why I get so few invites these days ... many folks do not appreciate my brand of honesty. That means I can catch up on my reading ... and TV! LOL!!!

In my own personal experience, he's an uptight A.H. Seems to lose his temper at the drop of a hat and cannot tolerate criticism or his validity being called into question. One thing that's ultimately true is that Whitley was a fictional writer of Fantasy Horror before doing anything with his self purported abduction stories. He is a very good author without question. After "The Key" I pretty much figured in my own mind that he was just a pro attempting to scratch a living. Then after what I witnessed of his treatment of another online UFO curious individual last year it became very clear to me that he was bitter about his personal financial situation. To me, his motives presently are entirely financial. Possibly, they always have been. Incidentally, I found David Jacobs "The Threat" pretty scary. That's about the time I started questioning the abduction thing as being genuine. I mean for me, Boris Karloff couldn't have done a better job. I've found that within my own being, there's so much entertainment within the UFO consideration, that anymore, about the time that something starts being a "story" in which I can't wait in anticipation of reading the on goings within as much, I am already questioning the validity contained therein at a self discerning level. As if some subconscious warning is starting to sound or something.
Muadib, you're making a judgment by just being here, as far as I'm concerned.

Mmmkay, care to expound on that or are you just being sarcastic? I'm very interested to hear what you have to say, you won't be the first person on this forum to claim to know my position better than I do;)
Just saw your note. I am doing a guest spot on a UK radio program in a couple of minutes but the stories about Whitley from Budd I can not share in a public venue. Now, whether he was being honest or just pissed off about the abduction thing, I have no idea. The fact he is a good writer is spot on, but I would be cautious about accepting him or what he says at face value.

You said you make no judgements Muadib, but that is one of the problems with this UFO/Paranormal field. Most folks are afraid that they will piss off someone by taking a stance on a topic. That is why this field will probably never get anywhere. Few do real investigations ... and fewer will call a spade a "god damned shovel" so we continue to limp along. That is why I get so few invites these days ... many folks do not appreciate my brand of honesty. That means I can catch up on my reading ... and TV! LOL!!!


Thanks for responding Don, and I just wanted to say that I understand and respect the fact that you won't share things said to you in confidence, it just continues to show that you have a lot of integrity and I respect that as well. We may have different opinions on some things, but I do respect your straightforwardness and honesty.

When I said I make no judgement, I only meant this case and really I did make a judgement, I think something strange happened to Mr. Strieber at some point, whether or not it happened exactly as he says it did in the book is debatable, but not truly knowable to anyone but Whitley and maybe his immediate family who were around for the whole thing. Speaking of which, something I've always wanted to hear but never have is what Whitley's son has to say about the whole thing. Whitley did make some claims of his son possibly being involved in the activity, if memory serves me correct, and I've always wanted to hear his son's take on it, unfortunately he's never come forward to my knowledge.

As for the rest, I have no problem calling bullshit when I think it's warranted and it's earned me my fair share of contempt as well, but such is life. I agree with you that all the soft shoeing gets us nowhere, and I admire the fact that you speak your mind, whether people like it or not. It's a rare quality in this field that at times seems to thrive on people patting each other on the ass, not wanting to hurt each others feelings and tap dancing around the elephants in the room.
Thanks for responding Don, and I just wanted to say that I understand and respect the fact that you won't share things said to you in confidence, it just continues to show that you have a lot of integrity and I respect that as well. We may have different opinions on some things, but I do respect your straightforwardness and honesty.

When I said I make no judgement, I only meant this case and really I did make a judgement, I think something strange happened to Mr. Strieber at some point, whether or not it happened exactly as he says it did in the book is debatable, but not truly knowable to anyone but Whitley and maybe his immediate family who were around for the whole thing. Speaking of which, something I've always wanted to hear but never have is what Whitley's son has to say about the whole thing. Whitley did make some claims of his son possibly being involved in the activity, if memory serves me correct, and I've always wanted to hear his son's take on it, unfortunately he's never come forward to my knowledge.

As for the rest, I have no problem calling bullshit when I think it's warranted and it's earned me my fair share of contempt as well, but such is life. I agree with you that all the soft shoeing gets us nowhere, and I admire the fact that you speak your mind, whether people like it or not. It's a rare quality in this field that at times seems to survive on people patting each other on the ass, not wanting to hurt each others feelings and tap dancing around the elephants in the room.

You seem a little hostile lately. Is it the show, or someone disagreeing. ? See ya.
You seem a little hostile lately. Is it the show, or someone disagreeing. ? See ya.

I'm not following you at all, and I definitely don't see any hostility in the post you quoted. If you'd like to discuss my demeanor, maybe you should send me a PM or something, since it's definitely a bit off topic here, other than that I don't know what to tell you, I'm the same ass I've always been...:p
On the same page then. (I'm drunk, sue me. Just thought you were fucking rough on Chris. Reread it again, see ya).

Well, you're entitled to your opinion but I think given the way it went down that I was a lot less harsh than I could have been, kind of have to be considering it seems that certain people can insult whoever they want but when you respond in kind you get threatened with banishment. I stand behind what I said and I don't feel the need to apologize to anyone, what are these forums for if not to give our opinions on the show and its guests whether they are positive or negative?
I called someone a Fuckface and will do 'till the end of times, are you insinuating any kind of 'favoritism' here? Good on you, know that I value your opinions (i know that you don't give a shit, still), but wasn't that a bit much in the Rosemary thread ?

We should have a conversation in german, maybe another time.
In my own personal experience, he's an uptight A.H. Seems to lose his temper at the drop of a hat and cannot tolerate criticism or his validity being called into question. One thing that's ultimately true is that Whitley was a fictional writer of Fantasy Horror before doing anything with his self purported abduction stories. He is a very good author without question. After "The Key" I pretty much figured in my own mind that he was just a pro attempting to scratch a living.

You can see how conceptually, Communion was the right book to write at that time - it was a smart move by a thoughtful writer, as the believability and sensationalism factors were quite high with his plotline and literary status. I still remember my parents' friends making a big deal out of it. "He's a real writer dontchaknow?" A lot of books we're sold to a lot of people who normally would never have bought his horror work. I was riveted by the movie, film, and the entire abductee subgenre that exploded under his book. But then it started to get that 'culty' thing going on and then it's meditate with Whitley time with his secret knowledge from the time tavelling shaman who hangs out in hotels, or was it a motel, late at night. Lines need to be drawn somewhere - scratching out a living sounds about right.
I called someone a Fuckface and will do 'till the end of times, are you insinuating any kind of 'favoritism' here? Good on you, know that I value your opinions (i know that you don't give a shit, still), but wasn't that a bit much in the Rosemary thread ?

We should have a conversation in german, maybe another time.

I get that you think I was harsh and you're entitled to that opinion, though I don't agree with it. I see it like this, I made a comment about the show, didn't even mention Chris and he then insulted me, I responded in kind and was going to leave it at that, I was then threatened with being banned and repeatedly insulted, and I think to my credit I didn't rise to the taunts but kept it about the substance of the show, a lot of which I felt was extremely silly. Was I harsh on the guest? Maybe, but you expose yourself to that kind of criticism when you're a guest on a radio show, it's part of the deal, people are going to talk about you and your ideas and whether they have any merit or not and obviously in this case I don't feel that Rosemary's ideas about Djinn had any basis in reality. Was I harsh on Chris? I don't think so at all and obviously some other members of the forum agreed with my "geeky whining" as Chris so succinctly described it. As for the comment in my last post about certain people being allowed to insult others, that wasn't in reference to yourself but to another member of the forum, you can call me a fuckface all you want because I know it's all in good fun.
You can see how conceptually, Communion was the right book to write at that time - it was a smart move by a thoughtful writer, as the believability and sensationalism factors were quite high with his plotline and literary status. I still remember my parents' friends making a big deal out of it. "He's a real writer dontchaknow?" A lot of books we're sold to a lot of people who normally would never have bought his horror work. I was riveted by the movie, film, and the entire abductee subgenre that exploded under his book. But then it started to get that 'culty' thing going on and then it's meditate with Whitley time with his secret knowledge from the time tavelling shaman who hangs out in hotels, or was it a motel, late at night. Lines need to be drawn somewhere - scratching out a living sounds about right.

Yeah I'd agree with that, like I said I think something weird happened to the guy at some point, what it was I don't know but I would bet money that a lot of what has since transpired is manufactured. Like yourself, Communion was what got me into this subject in the first place, well it and the X-Files, so I probably have a bit of a nostalgic bias when I talk about Whitley's writing. These days what he's doing definitely has that cult vibe going on as I talked about in another thread, Whitley seems to be setting himself up as a modern day UFO prophet, in fact I think it was you who said "modern day UFO prophet, for profit" which I thought was great. In any case I do enjoy his writing, but I'm not the least bit impressed with a lot the stuff he's into these days.