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George Knapp - March 15

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EDIT: Now that I see Jeff's response above (which must have appeared while I maniacally typed my own magical words herein) I must say that the description is REMARKABLY like a balloon.

If you know of a balloon that punches a hole in clouds due to extreme speed in departure, and has a skin like moving static, that can just show up in restricted airspace with no warning, stay in one place for 20 minutes, and can give off a static charge that several witnesses feel when it leaves...do let me know.

Until such time, I'm afraid you're talking out of your ass. In 20+ years I've found the vast majority of UFO sightings I've been involved in working on to be mundane explanations, or hoaxes.

This may not be one to hang my hat on definitively, but I'm sure this was no balloon, nor any mundane answer. I don't know what it was. Military, perhaps, but who knows. We probably never will.
Just over half way thru the show, and it's interesting!

Re: The Black trucks: I saw a video recently on youtube that showed these exact black vehicles. But I can't remember where I found it, does anyone have this vid?

Great show and guest. Knapp is one of the bright spots in this field. The Paracast is doing a good job of "separating the wheat "from the chaff", in terms of personalities in Ufology. Unfortunately, there appears to be more chaff than wheat.

Has any thought been given to a survey or poll of the researchers/pundits in the paranormal field? It would be interesting to see who the members of this forum feel are the most/least credible, top to bottom.
Jesus christ Lance. Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Everyday for the past month?

And as far as the Bigelow trying to find out how the propulsion systems work, I agree for the most part that it sounded kinda stupid on the face of it. We dont even have any hardware, let alone photographic or video evidence clear enough to study something.

But what has me excited about the whole project is the fact that Bigelow is a BILLIONAIRE. Thats a B. Whether or not he ever reaches his goal or even gets anywhere near it, the fact that a billionaire is prepared to take on a project like this is an extremely exciting thing.

As they say, its the journey not the destination. If a billionaire attempting to make some headway in the UFO field doesnt float your boat, then I dare say youre not really interested in the phenomenon at all.

I guarantee this is what is exciting Knapp about the idea too. Hes no fool. It was pretty obvious from that interview that hes a smart guy, so of course he knows the idea of reverse engineering something that you dont have; have never seen; and not sure even exists is a pipe dream.
Jesus christ Lance. Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Everyday for the past month?

You don't believe everything you read on the Internet, do you? Lance does not actually exist. Have you ever seen him? Of course not. Have you ever heard of this 'case' he says he's an 'expert' on? Of course not; it's as esoteric as they come. Have you seen a picture of him? Well, if you did, then you were 'mistaken' or it was a hoax. Digital photography these days can make anything happen. Do you think those posts here that purport to be from lancemoody are actually from a real person with that name?

I will say this: The real lancemoody, assuming he exists at all, and your experience of lancemoody are not the same thing. (Hint, that actually means anyone who says he has seen lancemoody is fucking delusional. I just didn't want to call anyone a liar outright.)

It's just as probable that a thousand monkeys typing on the keyboards for a thousand years randomly typed lancemoody-type posts. There is no objective evidence anywhere that lancemoody exists. None! If you believe in lancemoody, I'll bet you believe the Moon has an atmosphere and there are Christians living on Clarion which is in the exact opposte orbit as Earth on the other side of the Sun.

You are so damned gullible, Gareth! Why can't you get with the program and be more scientific about this stuff? It's an embarrassment, really.
Lance in a nutshell: "I didn't see it so, it didn't happen! Stop bugging meeeee!"

Remember Lance, your belief in an event's occurance has ZERO impact on it's actual occurance. Your opinion as to what others may have seen has no weight. Decry all you like, it changes nothing and proves even less.

David, the aliens in ID4 definitely used a Windows-type system, which is WHY their system crashed- incompatibility issues. Don't believe me? Watch the hanger bay sequence again (I wouldn't want you to subject yourself to the whole thing, I'm not a cruel man) and you'll notice the alien "deck officer" characteristically double-clicks the icon for Goldblum's ship...

Oh and uh, good episode, BTW.
David, the aliens in ID4 definitely used a Windows-type system, which is WHY their system crashed-

Well, you're probably right. If it had been Linux it would have taken fifteen minutes to boot up.

I concur: Thanks for another good show You guys are on a roll.
Jesus christ Lance. Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Everyday for the past month?

And as far as the Bigelow trying to find out how the propulsion systems work, I agree for the most part that it sounded kinda stupid on the face of it. We dont even have any hardware, let alone photographic or video evidence clear enough to study something.

But what has me excited about the whole project is the fact that Bigelow is a BILLIONAIRE. Thats a B. Whether or not he ever reaches his goal or even gets anywhere near it, the fact that a billionaire is prepared to take on a project like this is an extremely exciting thing.

As they say, its the journey not the destination. If a billionaire attempting to make some headway in the UFO field doesnt float your boat, then I dare say youre not really interested in the phenomenon at all.

I guarantee this is what is exciting Knapp about the idea too. Hes no fool. It was pretty obvious from that interview that hes a smart guy, so of course he knows the idea of reverse engineering something that you dont have; have never seen; and not sure even exists is a pipe dream.

With Bigelow throwing serious money at the issue (which I hope he will do), even if his primary goal isn't achieved it's bound to stick in some interesting places. Governments don't have the vision and conventional industry is governed by short term profit, so humanity needs people with the resources to fund speculative science. And without alchemy when would we have developed chemistry?

I think the reason many researchers such as Stanton Friedman are so wed to the ETH is that it holds out the tantalising prospect that "you can get there from here" (let's not forget Stan's work on Orion). I admit that I have considerable sympathy for that feeling (the way I see it is that all possibilities need to be considered for all cases, but those which are suggestive of extraterrestrial craft are notable for a practical reason. The fairies on the other hand are always with us and can wait :))
I think the reason many researchers such as Stanton Friedman are so wed to the ETH is that it holds out the tantalising prospect that "you can get there from here"

Interesting point. The average world view is nuts & bolts. If I may make a blanket generalization, people can't handle an inter-dimensional or paranormal aspect to reality right now. People who do advocate that are relegated to the religious fringe which 'isn't scientific.' I wonder, though. Despite the crazy nutzoid aspects of religious beliefs, what if they've got the basic idea down, but we can't see it for reacting to all the window dressing we see as nonsense?

I'm not suggesting religions are 'true' (and if anyone accuses me of going to the other side, it will be the first time I've ever been tossed into that category), but I am suggesting a 'baby with the bathwater' issue here. Take out Jesus/Allah as Savior. Take out historical references. Take out ethics (Yup, take it out.) Take out 'the Organized Church' (whatever that means to you.) Take out control. Take out 'supporting a cohesive community.' Take out the God-guy with a beard. Take out mythology. There's still something there about the structure of the Universe that may be useful, may provide a little hint about Capital-R Reality.

Until we can get behind the fluff and extract the essence, the nuts & bolts theory will prevail.
Interesting point. The average world view is nuts & bolts. If I may make a blanket generalization, people can't handle an inter-dimensional or paranormal aspect to reality right now.

Just taking these point actually the 'majority' do not believe in the 'ETH' (Paranormal Beliefs Come (Super)Naturally to Some
) but do have more believe in the 'paranormal' (i.e haunting, an extra dimensional believe if you will). I know this is just one poll but there plenty of other social psychological studies that confirm this. In my limited reading of the matter this appears to be because that more people have experienced (or know someone who has) a 'paranormal' event than a 'nuts and bolt' event.

Of course if you just meant within the 'ufo community' then ignore this post!
I did not read the previous 4 pages of responses.
I did listen to the episode in question.
I did think that the episode could've gone on for about another two hours.
Good one guys.
Excellent show, loved the part about the tractor-trailers!

Knapp sounds like one of the more logical folks Gene and Dave interview, like to hear more from him.
Hi guys, great show, havent chatted for a while been up to my eyeballs in work :(

I can only give my opinion for what it is worth, i think its fair to say that most of us end up chatting in a place like the paracast because we are fully accepting of the fact that we dont have the answers to life's big mysteries.

So i'm somewhat wary of people pushing their weight around and concentrating heavily on the idea that they know better, when in reality, in the grand scheme of things we are but a race of individuals, none of which have ever had a good handle on the inner workings of the existence around us.

For me that makes the subject of 'what we dont know' a fascinating one, in fact i think i would go as far as to say that you could fill a whole universe with the things we dont yet know or understand.:)

This is where i personally find the ETH interesting. I think most people are in the general agreement other life exists in the universe when taking the scale into account, so for the ETH to have any grounding you would be looking for motive & opportunity.

Opportunity is effectively technological capacity, i appreciate that alot of counterintuative thinkers (be it subconsciously or otherwise) like to consider human technology/understanding as a starting pinnacle and quickly conclude that the technological capacity is not available to any being to make such a trip. But when you consider we have only embraced civilization in the last few thousand years, only travelled outside our own atmosphere in the last 50 years or so, when you compare that to the potential of billions of years of tech advancement made by others - i dont think we as a race are in any position to be shouting that odds about what is or isnt possible.

As far as motive goes it could be any number of things, zipping from one part of the galaxy to another could be equivalent to driving 5 miles down the road for an advanced civilization, and if you are talking millions of worlds, you could be talking billions or trillions of active travellers. I could quite imagine that any race with a couple of billion years on its hands may well have stumbled across our neck of the woods at some point. At which point we become just another point of interest on the galactic google star map.

So when i hear someone say, or even manage to get a video of something that they feel seems out of place / not able to describe as a known craft, people can argue till the cows come home over the finer points of what did or did not happen, but logically speaking the concept that it not only could happen, but happen on a regular basis is of no suprise IMO.
"Jesus christ Lance. Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Everyday for the past month?"



Don't feel bad Lance.

I'm of the mind that Roswell was a complete fabrication, which is the equivalent to killing baby harp seals for fun in this field.
Don't feel bad Lance.

I'm of the mind that Roswell was a complete fabrication, which is the equivalent to killing baby harp seals for fun in this field.

Dude c'mon. Clearly something happened.

Can you define what you mean by "fabrication" in this instance?