The reason I believe that other hosts aren't as critical to thier guests is they know that people are intelligent enough to make up thier own minds. People know whats BS and whats not.
Looking at the world today, it's pretty clear that most people seem to have a very hard time distinguishing between "reality" and BS. Anyone living in the US at the moment is all too painfully aware of this fact, and it's especially true in the realm of the paranormal. I've heard the horrorshow call-ins on C2C, I'm guessing that there are a bunch of people out there lacking thumbs and measurable IQs.
As far as the question I posed to Sparks about the bathroom issue, think about the fact that this was a question that he's never been asked, and one that was designed to test his reaction, both in terms of tone and content. He claims to be abducted for up to 9 hours at a time, and has never mentioned how he empties his bowels. If you don't understand why I'm asking this question, then you will have to try and look beyond the surface details, and explore the underlying mechanisms and processes of information extraction. I'll mention that my primary reason for doing The Paracast with Gene is to get answers to my own questions, and if my interview methods are sometimes not obvious, well, that's by design, not accident. For the most part, this show is a selfish exercise for me, and I'm simply not concerned whether folks always understand what I'm doing or how I'm interacting with Gene or how I'm treating a guest. There are some folks who I enjoy more than others, and for those who have mentioned my attitude towards Jeff Ritzmann, I personally find him to be one of the more fascinating, direct and honest people I've ever met, and I think that his stories reflect actual experiences of his - I personally find him to be completely credible. Like Jeff, I can offer no solid understanding for what he's been through. I do not understand my own paranormal experiences, and I suppose it's accurate to say that this show is my therapy. If you like it, great, welcome along for the ride. If you have problems with it, there are lots of other things you can do with that time that you save by not listening to the show.
OM2007, you seem to feel that the Sparks story is full of "great wonders of the universe", and have a problem understanding my approach and attitude. Thanks for sharing your thoughts regarding the Sparks case, I now have a much better appreciation of your comments on these forums and their contextual meaning.