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Get rid of Biedny

How Do You Want The Paracast to Proceed?

  • Less David Biedny

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • No David Biedny

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Leave the Format As It Currently Stands

    Votes: 46 66.7%
  • More Biedny

    Votes: 18 26.1%

  • Total voters

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Rick Deckard said:
DBTrek said:
Kudos for your work with the homeless. I used to have a soft spot in my heart for people who were destitute and living on the street . . .

This is OT, but some towns and cities over here in the UK combat the problem of the homeless begging in the streets by setting up secure donation boxes all over town - if you want to give to the homeless, you put your donation in the box. That money then goes to the council-run soup kitchens and doss-houses who are only too happy to provide a hot meal and a warm place to stay to those that are in genuine need...

I agree with DBTrek on this one, I won't give to the "homeless" either. Most of them CAN work and simply choose not to. If they can stand on the street corner with a sign for hours, they can stand there selling newspapers too. I think that is something that Fort Lauderdale does, employ the homeless to sell papers on street corners.

But I like the UK idea that Rick mentions even better. I might contribute to something like that.

Back to topic... what were we talking about again?
Most of them CAN work and simply choose not to.

Not in New York from what I've seen. And that's not including homeless families, which I don't see a lot of, but have read make up the majority of homeless people in America. What I see are, for the most part, mentally ill people and junkies.
Rick Deckard said:
This is OT, but some towns and cities over here in the UK combat the problem of the homeless begging in the streets by setting up secure donation boxes all over town - if you want to give to the homeless, you put your donation in the box.

In downtown Seattle that would lead to a lot of broken and pilfered money boxes. :D
Scott Story said:
I want Biedny to be gone whenever he does silly accents.

I like them. Especially the Meier ones with the german accent.
They balance well with the serious stuff :-)
David I think you bring a lot of great skepticism to the show.Sometimes I think you can be a little harsh but most of the time I think you are spot on. It's your show and if some people don't like you then they need to suck it up. Keep the show as is. Personally I would love to hear more about your personal experiences, but they are yours and if you feel as though you would be better off keeping quiet then that is cool. Anyway, keep it real and tell it how it is.
I cant believe that you set up this poll for yourself... wow, talk about wanting to be stroked.. yes david we do like you and want you to stay, i really did think that you were above this nonsense but to each his own. why not worry about things that matter, all you need is to influence 1 person to make a drastic change dave, i thought that you knew this.. just keep up the good work and positive things will follow, if you start to concentrate on all the drama shit your brain will start to be useless to us. stay focused brother, yes we do love you! now for the important stuff!! geeeeeeeees.

David cannot leave the Paracast because the show needs both personalities to work. Gene is a peach, but David is an apple, or perhaps he would be better characterized as a kumquat or kiwi fruit?

David's only "fault" on the show is taking the views on one person, e.g., some vicious anonymous critic on the Paracast forum, too seriously and even bringing it up on the Paracast podcast. Don't ever empower other people that way. Some guy doesn't like you? So what? I thought New Yorkers were naturally tough. Every troll that doesn't like you doesn't require a written or verbal retort. Ignore them. Be like the wondrous lotus blossom that floats above the mud that sustains it (oh, brother, am I getting full of mud, eh?).

By the way, doesn't everyone think I'm handsome? I like being told I'm handsome (and making money off it) so let's start a poll. (just being obnoxious on purpose...)
I love the show as it is, I enjoy dB's input, please don't change the format for the few jealous ones out there!
Voted accordingly.
More Biedny. At least 50-50.

How about "David Biedny Reports", where David can break in with pre-recorded specials like LMH?

Well, maybe not... But I'm a major DB fan.

A big GS fan, too.

It's YOUR show, man... quit pandering to the audience. We love you too much for you to take us too seriously.
gilbavel said:
More Biedny. At least 50-50.

How about "David Biedny Reports", where David can break in with pre-recorded specials like LMH?

Well, maybe not... But I'm a major DB fan.

A big GS fan, too.

It's YOUR show, man... quit pandering to the audience. We love you too much for you to take us too seriously.

Yeh not having much stuff like this show here in Australia - and now finding out how many others are in the "field overseas - I realise there are some good ones - and some utter shit. Unfortunately the latter is most of them.
Your show stands on its own. Dont change it, dont mess with it... leave it alone. Just try for one more show a week with you two guys discussing stuff huh??
Ooooo...tough poll question. David Biedny asks some good questions...but he can also be quite annoying. But hey, I can be annoying too...maybe that's just the human condition. I frequently disagree with David's opinions as much as I agree with his observations. I'm sure David's role is a tough part to play...first of all you're dealing with subjects that are by nature rather paradigm bending..."the closer you look, the less you know" (to paraphrase a line from "The Man Who Wasn't There"). Secondly, you have to be polite enough to get guests to open up, while at the same time tough minded enough to ask good questions and make for an interesting interview rather than a poorly funded infomercial.

I think another problematic issue is the little sum-up session at the end of interviews. Yeah, I appreciate hearing David's comments at those points...although I think sometimes his own epistemological parameters are a little shakey, or at least psychologically "interesting" in that he is often willing to discount (or hint of hucksterism, etc.) the accounts of others who have had paranormal experiences or are positing unique explanations for paranormal phenomena that don't fit into models he seems to be considering. Maybe that's unavoidable, I don't know. It seems to me that David himself has had a number of experiences that violate his own requirements of "the way things are," and that can't be accounted for in any description of "reality" that are accepted by the current civilization's conventions of how we know what we know and what constitutes "truth" statements. I would think that would make him a little more empathetic at least, but I don't always see that. Maybe that is simply a cultural difference related to communication styles or something (I am from the South and spent a lot of time on the West Coast).

Anyway, no matter how annoying I find Mr. Biedny sometimes, I'll still listen because I think the discourse, between the hosts and the guests and the hosts themselves, at times are valuable in helping me to mold my own models of "reality." Ultimately, I'm responsible for making up my own mind...as I hope we all are. When I think Biedny is full of himself or simply full of shit, I can always just yell at the cute little speakers at the sides of my PC...lol

Peace, Zane
..I think you're an evil Rat-Bastard and full of $h!t. Don't change a thing.

..But seriously, I like to get all sides of the story and you add that odd perspective we can't get anywhere else. This morning I was listening to another podcast; As someone who probably is in the category that was being talked about by the "expert", I was disgusted at the lack of being called on BS. I kept thinking "Just turn it off and listen to the paracast!"

-Mike <8]
LOL the greatest thread EVERY!!! i put more biedny i mean COME ON!!! there is no other character anywhere like.. and you take no bull shit i love it. Ya do tend to get hot headed sometimes but honestly what to people expect, if ya f^ck with the bull to long eventually you're gonna get the horns haha... ANYWAY go biedney haha...

P.S. Gene you kick just as much ass too, however im not totally sold on buying that seacrane radio (however you spell it) it looks mighty expensive haha :P

p.p.s. Just bringing up the radio cause ever since i started listening to this show in '06 i just thought it to be a funny ad cause you guys, at the time, where just a podcast so i wouldnt be able to hear you guys on it PLUS it had nothing to do with the paranomral... unless i could catch that amazing woman silvia brown on short wave... she is just amazing (lol just bustin ur chops db) :P

umm boy this is my longest post and its pretty much just random bull sh*t im sorry if you wasted your time reading it, or atleast felt you wasted your time reading it :P

take care
LOL you'll have to excuse me but you and db are like hollywood stars in my eyes so allow me to gush for a second and say WHOA!!! gene replied to one of my msgs haha... anyway i'll go check out he CCrane radio now it so awesome that you guys really do interacted with your audience :P
David is an interesting voice in this whole thing.

I very much enjoy and get a lot out of his comments. He doesn't talk too much, but there is a difference between kibditz and kevetch.

Yes, sometime he descends in to "rants" and these can be a little bit childish. But that's okay - when confronted with a frustrating issue it's human nature to rant. My advice would be to be aware of this, and use it wisely. Only go onto a full "RANT" when the situation really requires it. Reel it in about 10%.

There's my feedback.

I vote you stay. You add what's called in the fighter pilot business, a BS filter that is much appreciated. STAY!
I think it would be awesome if Gene flew off the handle once in a while too. You know, call out the guest on something. It could go like 'Bitch, I don't F**king think so, oh no you didn't, not in my house you don't' I can't even imagine in my mind what it would actually sound like. I bet he'd follow it up with a clever little pun though. :D

Gene you should do a little clip of out of character rambling and I'll make it my ringtone.
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