No (actual) evidence to show for this of course, but my gut feeling is that is a disinfo site, anyway ... I mean if its (supposedly) number one on the FBIs most disinfo-y site list ... well its got to be a bit dodgy in the first place.
(1) Since the FBI are promoting it in this way (isn't making it obvious that the FBI don't like it, a way of making more people go to it ... so that they get the disinfo the FBI want you to get??

... convoluted or just paranoid??? oh definitely, my child, definitely
(2) Rense himself ... big hair, very very dull interviewer, very dodgy past (see WingTVs stuff on Jeff Rense) and a number of very dodgy columnists (see Webster Tarpley, at least)
(3) throws out a lot of good stuff (and yes some of the "jewish" stuff is in fact good stuff ... you just have to dig around for it amongst the more brilliantly lit supposed anti-semitic stuff) mixed in with the seriously bad ufo crap, and fearmongering bird flu crap.
Anyway other podcasts in no particular order:
Binnall of America - ok ... don't think TB is the best interviewer but he has a few decent guests on now and again. TB also seems to be more interested in the personalities than the actual paranormal phenomena ... which to me is a bit ... odd
Culture of Contact - my second fave podcast after The Paracast. Get past the goofiness, and there's some really really good stuff there, and very human too. Check out the DB episode. Terribly terribly good stuff.
The Edge - Daniel Ott is ok ... a bit caustic sometimes and a bit rambly (??), I think, and this prog does cater for a certain religious audience. But you get some very odd stuff on here from time to time thats worth a listen.
Mysterious Universe - just a sort of news roundup the last time I heard it. Ok if you can't be bothered scouring the internet, but was never blown away by the format.
Black Vault Radio - Strangely cosy podcast

... but there's some good stuff on it now and again. Wish he'd get some new music now and then though
Radio Mysterioso - arrghhh ... love this programme. Never get to hear it though, and there are only a few very ancient podcasts up on the site. Very annoying. Could be great if the podcasts were archived every week.
There are a few others I listen to now and again:
Ghostly Talk
PsiOp Radio
PreCognitive Dissonance
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Red Ice Creations
Kentroversy Tapes
(Vyzygoth's Grassy Knoll ... now defunct :-( )
I'm sure there are others I checkout but I can't for the life of me think what they are at the moment

... oh well ... thats no fun then
p.s. However, The Paracast is still top of the chart on my mp3 player (and no its not a flipping I-pod ... I got mine a couple of years before the podcast craze really got going :-P ... so put that in your pipe and smoke it

... I-pod Schm-I-Pod ... what a load of tat
