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Getting to know the world of ufo's

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Skilled Investigator
I'm relatively new to the subject of ufo's, it only aroused my interest last year. I still have so much to learn about this field and I was hoping that some of the forum members can point me in the right direction as to where I can find more research materials on ufo's.

I'm mostly interested in the scientific aspects of ufo research (based on proper research protocol and real tangible evidence) and I have very little time for wild theories based on very little proof.

My favourite ufologists so far is Stanton Friedman, Kevin Randle, Don Ecker, Jim Mosely & A.J. Gevaerd....oh and that guy that runs ufo watchdog (cant remember his name) And then last but not least Steven Greer, how can anyone resist those manly arms? (jk I know sarcasm does not always come across in writing :P)

Just a note, I really want to avoid buying books if I have to, so I would prefer if you can point me to research I can do for free on the net.
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I'm mostly interested in the scientific aspects of ufo research (based on proper research protocol and real tangible evidence) and I have very little time for wild theories based on very little proof.
To my knowledge there is no scientifically valid material evidence in public hands that is sufficient to prove the existence of alien craft. If you don't have time for the rest, then you won't come to understand why it's reasonable to believe alien visitation is a reality. So apparently you have a choice to make. Either take the time to wade through the other evidence, or just forget the whole UFO thing until we can get a cow with a bomb onboard one.
To my knowledge there is no scientifically valid material evidence in public hands that is sufficient to prove the existence of alien craft. If you don't have time for the rest, then you won't come to understand why it's reasonable to believe alien visitation is a reality. So apparently you have a choice to make. Either take the time to wade through the other evidence, or just forget the whole UFO thing until we can get a cow with a bomb onboard one.

Sorry, just to clarify: People who approach the subject of ufo in a logical, rational and scientific manner like kevin randle. Any suggestions?

I am well aware that there is no definitive scientific proof, but I'm looking for the closest thing to it.
Sorry, just to clarify: People who approach the subject of ufo in a logical, rational and scientific manner like kevin randle. Any suggestions?
I am well aware that there is no definitive scientific proof, but I'm looking for the closest thing to it.

In my opinion the best available evidence comes from the best UFO reports, mostly from the Early Modern Era. For example you might want to check out this article on the F-94 which includes some information about the 1952 Washington DC flap. If you don't like books much, but still find them useful sometimes, and don't want to spend a fortune, but want a good historical overview, go to your used book store and see if you can get a copy of Timothy Good's Beyond Top Secret. You won't regret it.
In my opinion the best available evidence comes from the best UFO reports, mostly from the Early Modern Era. For example you might want to check out this article on the F-94 which includes some information about the 1952 Washington DC flap. If you don't like books much, but still find them useful sometimes, and don't want to spend a fortune, but want a good historical overview, go to your used book store and see if you can get a copy of Timothy Good's Beyond Top Secret. You won't regret it.

Brilliant stuff, great article! Wish I could like your comment more than once. Thank you for introducing me to your website, I'll make an effort to read through as many cases as I can. Any other specific cases you feel would be worthwhile recommending to me? I am already aware about most of the well known cases like roswell, rendelsham, aurora texas etc.

Also I'm extremely interested in some of Russia's U.F.O. cases but I am only able to find very little information on them. Do u perhaps know of a good Russian ufologist I can read up on?

It is extremely unlikely to find any kind of books on ufology here in South Africa (with David Icke being the exception for some f****d up reason) the subject is really frowned upon here. so I would have to import which can be very expensive.

Thank you kindly for your help, its much appreciated
I'm relatively new to the subject of ufo's, it only aroused my interest last year. I still have so much to learn about this field and I was hoping that some of the forum members can point me in the right direction as to where I can find more research materials on ufo's.
1. Go outside.
2. Look up.
Seeing one is 1000 times better than reading about someone else seeing one.
1. Go outside.
2. Look up.
Seeing one is 1000 times better than reading about someone else seeing one.

I beg to differ. I'm not a airplane pilot and thus I would never be able to get close enough to an ufo too clearly see its size, shape and speed. Also, I'm not in the U.S. military and thus I would never be able to handle a downed ufo or see its occupants (an unproven theory but just an example.) So yes, I much rather read about other people seeing ufo's than spend countless hours staring in the skye hoping I would get a chance to spot one
I beg to differ. I'm not a airplane pilot and thus I would never be able to get close enough to an ufo too clearly see its size, shape and speed. Also, I'm not in the U.S. military and thus I would never be able to handle a downed ufo or see its occupants (an unproven theory but just an example.) So yes, I much rather read about other people seeing ufo's than spend countless hours staring in the skye hoping I would get a chance to spot one
I saw one close to the ground and fairly close to me, you might see one too. Reading books is great but even "trusted" reports can turn out to be BS. Plus a book does not come close to an actual experience.
If I saw a downed ET craft I know I would run right up to it and check it out. I would never wait for the military to get there first.
I saw one close to the ground and fairly close to me, you might see one too. Reading books is great but even "trusted" reports can turn out to be BS. Plus a book does not come close to an actual experience.
If I saw a downed ET craft I know I would run right up to it and check it out. I would never wait for the military to get there first.

You are extremely lucky to have had such an unique experience. May I ask what the craft looked like? I completely understand your point, the thing is that U.F.O. sightings/encounters are extremely rare here in South Africa (or at least I never hear about them) and the chances are that I will never see one here no matter how badly I want to. My only option is to read the stories and opinions of others and use rational thought to the best of my ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. Lets just hope I did not jinx myself and I wake up tomorrow morning with an anal probe :p
You started a recent thread about the 1994 school yard landing witnessed by 60 plus kids.. Do you recall the public reaction to that event in your part of the world? You mentioned the subject is frowned upon there, so I'm curious what people made of the whole thing. If the vast majority of people in your area are truely ignorant of the subject, I wonder if that event was staged by the crafts occupants to help change public opinion on the phenom. (I know that's a long shot, but I've been curious these past 20 yrs as to why that object and it's occupant made itself known to 5 dozen children)
In my opinion the best available evidence comes from the best UFO reports, mostly from the Early Modern Era. For example you might want to check out this article on the F-94 which includes some information about the 1952 Washington DC flap. If you don't like books much, but still find them useful sometimes, and don't want to spend a fortune, but want a good historical overview, go to your used book store and see if you can get a copy of Timothy Good's Beyond Top Secret. You won't regret it.

That USAF memo concerning the '52 flap is startling. How anyone can overlook something like that and argue against the reality of ufo's is baffling.
You started a recent thread about the 1994 school yard landing witnessed by 60 plus kids.. Do you recall the public reaction to that event in your part of the world? You mentioned the subject is frowned upon there, so I'm curious what people made of the whole thing. If the vast majority of people in your area are truely ignorant of the subject, I wonder if that event was staged by the crafts occupants to help change public opinion on the phenom. (I know that's a long shot, but I've been curious these past 20 yrs as to why that object and it's occupant made itself known to 5 dozen children)

I was 7 years old in 1994 so I have absolutely no idea what (if any) the public reaction was. I have searched our local various news websites online archives and found very little info on the matter. So my guess is that it wasnt a big deal back then. Also, I have asked hundreds of local people about this and no one has ever heard of this case before.

The vast majority of South Africans are extremely ignorant of ufology as a whole. When people here hear the word "ufo" they automatically think about "little green men from mars" ,hoaxes and people like David "I am jesus Christ " Icke etc. They have no clue of the various pilot sightings at close range, military leaks, physical trace cases etc. None of the disclosure conferences in 2001, 2007 and 2013 got any kind of coverage here.

The only semi-interesting case that happened hear in South Africa I've heard of occurred on the coast of Durban. About 50 people witnessed a large disc shape object travel at tremendous speed and then crashed in the ocean. The witnesses include an entire class of school children and a teacher. The authorities thought it might have been a plane that crashed in the ocean and sent out a big rescue operation. Not a single trace of the craft was discovered nor was there any missing planes or anything like that missing

I am also stumped regarding the incident in Zimbabwe, but in my opinion they did not willingly make themselves known to these kids. From the various accounts, it seems that the craft was in some sort of distress and made a forced landing. Its my guess that the occupants got out to some repairs or something like that. This is by far my favourite case in ufology, I just cant seem to wrap my head around it.
I would say that's more than just "semi-interesting" 50 people witnessing a disk crashing into the ocean. To get an idea of how common such an occurance is, check out Ivan T Sandersons book called "Invisible Residents" in which he lists many such encounters by civillian and military- Captains logs who have recorded such events through the 20th century. The latter part of the 20th century being the most interesting as Sonar was being used to track the objects, sometimes for days at a time. You may come away from this book with the realization that whatever intelligence is behind the flying saucer, they seem to fancy the depths of the oceans-
You are extremely lucky to have had such an unique experience. May I ask what the craft looked like? I completely understand your point, the thing is that U.F.O. sightings/encounters are extremely rare here in South Africa (or at least I never hear about them) and the chances are that I will never see one here no matter how badly I want to. My only option is to read the stories and opinions of others and use rational thought to the best of my ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. Lets just hope I did not jinx myself and I wake up tomorrow morning with an anal probe :p
i have posted a description here somewhere. it was not close enough to see occupants or nuts and bolts type details as it was hovering in a snow storm with snow blowing sideways. i have no time right now to find what i posted but it includes details, maps and stuff.
What about videos? You can find good stuff on YouTube (and I don't mean thirdphaseofmoon ;)) You can find a lot of the history channel and NatGeo series on there like UFO Files and Alien Mysteries etc etc. Also check out, "UFOs out of the Blue" by James Fox which is a very good 2 hour film. The other thing I have been doing is listening to old episodes of the Paracast and checking out the web sites of the people that I liked as guests.

Also, if you are avoiding books because of the cost, I would have a look around because I just got Timothy Good's "Above Top Secret" for 1 pence off Amazon.
What about videos? You can find good stuff on YouTube (and I don't mean thirdphaseofmoon ;)) You can find a lot of the history channel and NatGeo series on there like UFO Files and Alien Mysteries etc etc. Also check out, "UFOs out of the Blue" by James Fox which is a very good 2 hour film. The other thing I have been doing is listening to old episodes of the Paracast and checking out the web sites of the people that I liked as guests.

Also, if you are avoiding books because of the cost, I would have a look around because I just got Timothy Good's "Above Top Secret" for 1 pence off Amazon.

I've already seen the above mentioned videos :) . Out of the blue and I know what I saw by James Fox were the movies that really triggered my interest in ufo's. Since then I've pretty much seen it all, including Sightings, UFO hunters, chasing ufo's and numerous other documentaries from history ch, natgeo and discovery ch. Any other videos/movies u can recommend? And please don't recommend Sirius, I think I've seen enough of steven greer's muscles to last me a lifetime :P
I have a small suggestion for you that you may or may not find great value in. Take a little time and research who are maybe, just for the sake of a number, 10 of the most noteworthy UFO documenters and researchers that have died in the last 50 years. Study their end game. What their views on the UFO matter were before they died. I think you will be VERY surprised by what you find.
It is extremely unlikely to find any kind of books on ufology here in South Africa (with David Icke being the exception for some f****d up reason)
You have my sympathy there.

Just wondering if you have cost reasonable access to electronic books such a Nook and Kindle. They carry a pretty decent selection of e-books on the subject.
I have a small suggestion for you that you may or may not find great value in. Take a little time and research who are maybe, just for the sake of a number, 10 of the most noteworthy UFO documenters and researchers that have died in the last 50 years. Study their end game. What their views on the UFO matter were before they died. I think you will be VERY surprised by what you find.

Umm, that's a very intriguing comment. I'll take that bait and have a look.