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Give it a try: The Paracast Shop

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
Fourth time is a charm. We hope.

It's still very much a work in progress, but it works and you can order stuff from it.

Comments and suggestions are welcome, but remember that we only have a limited set of tools to modify the design. But we can add more stuff.
We now have merchandise with three different logos for The Paracast. Lots of variety, including shower curtains and floor pillows. Really. Check it out.
So here's the deal. Our former cohost, Randall, did a lot of work to help refine the look, feel and content of The Official Paracast Store at CafePress.

Suddenly, without warning, the shop's URL produced a 404 error, meaning it no longer existed. So www.theparacast.shop and www.theparacast.store both pointed to the original URL at cafepress.com/paracast. Now the store link at CafePress has been unaccountably changed to cafepress.com/shop/paracast.

We've fixed the link.

But now there's a barely useful store with a bare bones layout. Similar merchandise, but none of the options, or the overall design and textual refinements. It looks terrible.

I've asked CafePress to restore our original store, but don't hold out much chance of it happening soon. The development tools don't appear to be as robust.

Advice from you listeners is appreciated.

Yes, you can still buy branded merchandise from The Official Paracast Store. I just wish CafePress left well enough alone.