The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc
**For example the "lowenmensch" (Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel) or the Venus of Willendorf (Woman of Willendorf)
(Current 7 to 10 Day Report Ending 2/20/2014 - Rounds from Small Arms fire nulled under 6 vital point targets, under 6 non vital point targets, projectile and chemical. Under 12 people written out of existence, observed 2 directly, with cascading implication indirectly implied. Under 2 dozen people, mentally recalibrated, satisfaction in demonstration of judgment for the universe's purposes. A few here and there, under 1000, and a few million passively affected through loss of life and adversity, a measure of peace.
This Pun Aside)
The Universe has its "
Bogey Man", which is the measure of uniformity, in the relics and designs it has left behind explicitedly, some of which or most of which describes its intended result for mankind.
Cave of Chauvet
Resembles a Bunny Rabbit, coincidentally Jewish People; historically Hebrew People (same), are seen this way as crawling "doves" or "rabbits".
What is the theme of the "Cave of Chauvet"? Herbivores: horses, buffalo, possibly some exotic herbivores like zebra are seen there predominantly pictured. AND. Skulls and bones of carnivores are predominately seen in the dirt and buried in the cave. That is the central message, a portion of humanity is cutoff because they are "man eaters", at the end of time. A portion of mankind also ascends, because it is held true according to the plan of ascension.
One reasonable association we are missing? What do Jewish People hold as the law in the Creation and Destruction of the Universe?
1. (October) October 7, 3986 B.C.E. Creation of Physical Universe.
2. (March) March 13, 3015 A.D. Millennium Kingdom
These Months are simply signaled out, intelligently, we can connect them to an expanded interpretation of not just the Mayan Calendar, but several dozen ancient artifacts, systematically, and for a good reason this is apart of the Universe's "
Bogey Man". Its my prediction in the
Cave of Chauvet, that we should find a "special herbivore" killing a "carnivore"(representing divine intervention), this will complete the interpretation, and maybe elusive or perhaps it is misidentified or undiscovered. (going back to March
(3 or Third), I've seen considerable evidence, revising the interpretation below )
The Lion Man
There's Seven Marking on the Arm, rather Seven Indentations. The immediate conclusion is the March 20, 2014 Equinox is about 7 months total from the Cosmic Shift, and this is when the "Tribe of Dan" is cutoff by the Lion of Juda, which is a description of the Second Coming of Christ. Another conclusion is this, since we can connect this to christian eschatology:
7 B.C. to 28 A.D. = 34 Years Christ Birth to Death
34 x 3600 (Sumerian Sar) = 122400
122400 /144,000 (Tribe of Dan) = .
85 Days 12/26/2013 to 3/20/2014 Total
(122400 is also a figure in our doubled 13 Baktun Mayan List)
This appears to be what is happening, the relationship is not strictly in linear time, however it impacts linear time on the March Equinox, the likely advent of Christ's Crucifixion in this context. Indicating, some pure form of Sumerian notation, can align with the Mayan Calendar, for our purposes, we have fundamentally achieved the interpretation. Lets Continue.
Woman of Willendorf
I believe this is the correct way of viewing the artifact. That is the downcast shadows form a Pyramid on the Belly, and a Pyramid below the waist.
Head of Stars on the Women = The Christ 7 B.C. to 28 A.D. = 34 Years
The Two Breasts represent the doubling = 1980 + 34 Years = 2014
Solstice Precessional Alignment began on 1980 and concludes in the Second Coming of Christ, Solstice Precessional Alignment represented the Unification between Heaven and Earth, between the Crown of Stars and the Breasts of the Earth.
The Two Breasts form corners of a square, and the shadow Pyramids on the Belly and Lower Waist form the other corners of a SQUARE for this interpretation = SOLSTICE,EQUINOX,SOLSTICE,EQUINOX.
The Belly is the Solstice, the Lower Waist is the Equinox. When the ANTICHRIST IS BORN, THE ENEMY OF THE CHILD IS SLAIN, in same capacity a shift is being described.
Date of Birth of the Antichrist would have to surround 1980 to complete the Interpretation, we can view this cosmologically
*One Unified Message was provided from the extraterrestrials to the ancients.
(we could shift the interpretation to represent March-Belly when the Tribe of Dan is Slain, and October-Below the Waist, to when the Cosmic Shift is Completed and Mankind is reborn, to align more correctly with the Jewish/Hebrew Calendar).