Right, I do not suggest the breeding neccesarily, I mainly point to the splicing...though it could go either way. This was just the first article I came to that mentioned the dna results I had referred to earlier. (didn't want to waste a lot of time to argue my point, not that interested in arguing )
Though there are reports of harvesting and I'm not so sure what that is all about but some of teh great men in the field believe it to be true . And since Mike brought up the breeding of wolves into domesticated dogs (you must've watched Nova last night) it does beg the question, WHO bred us to make us domesticated? How did we suddenly stand out apart from the other primates. What made us make fire or how did we figure it out. Also there is the question of how our throat and jaw area suddenly changed to allow us to form words instead of grunts/sounds...hence that missing link again. Why can't we find it? Unless we were in fact genetically altered.
Even in reading the bible or looking at some of the old cave drawings we get the impression that dna alteration was taking place. I think it to be a very plausible explanation for how we are who we are today. In the last 100 yrs. alone we have come leaps and bounds. In fact people have become more rapidly intelligent just in the past 20 yrs. or so per the studies being done on babies and how much faster they develop compared to 20 or 30 yrs. again...Do we not still today have claims and reports of abduction and being on surgical type tables? Doesn't this seem to run in family blood lines? SO it isn't that far of a stretch to add 2+2 and get the answer that we are being manipulated. (Not in a bad way either, in my opinion.) I think it proves a pretty compelling and strong case.
Mike said, "The theory being that as we get better and better at gene splicing, we are recognising the same markers for artificial insertions in our own DNA" And I say, " Exactly!!! "
Thing is we have a lot of unanswered questions to who we really are and how we got from point A to point B , unlike our cousins. With the help of science and brilliant open minds it certainly seems we are getting closer to finding those answers, FINALLY.

Even in reading the bible or looking at some of the old cave drawings we get the impression that dna alteration was taking place. I think it to be a very plausible explanation for how we are who we are today. In the last 100 yrs. alone we have come leaps and bounds. In fact people have become more rapidly intelligent just in the past 20 yrs. or so per the studies being done on babies and how much faster they develop compared to 20 or 30 yrs. again...Do we not still today have claims and reports of abduction and being on surgical type tables? Doesn't this seem to run in family blood lines? SO it isn't that far of a stretch to add 2+2 and get the answer that we are being manipulated. (Not in a bad way either, in my opinion.) I think it proves a pretty compelling and strong case.
Mike said, "The theory being that as we get better and better at gene splicing, we are recognising the same markers for artificial insertions in our own DNA" And I say, " Exactly!!! "
Thing is we have a lot of unanswered questions to who we really are and how we got from point A to point B , unlike our cousins. With the help of science and brilliant open minds it certainly seems we are getting closer to finding those answers, FINALLY.